2021-23 Joint Finance Adopted Budget Motions
The Joint Committee on Finance is a statutory, 16-member standing committee of the Wisconsin Legislature. The Committee’s primary responsibility is to serve as the principal legislative committee charged with the review of all state appropriations and revenues. The map indicates the home of each of the Committee’s members.
Informational Paper #78, entitled Joint Committee on Finance, is a detailed summary prepared by the Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Bureau which describes the Committee’s responsibilities.
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau prepares a variety of papers to assist the Joint Committee on Finance during its deliberations on the state’s budget, other legislation that the Committee addresses and requests under s. 13.10 and s. 16.505/.515 (passive review) of the statutes.
The Committee also regularly receives a number of reports from the various agencies.
Joe Malkasian
(608) 264-8314 - joe.malkasian@legis.wisconsin.gov