3/9/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 1034
Relating to: medical marijuana, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
2/18/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 1011
Relating to: a parental opt-out from face covering requirements in school buildings and on school grounds and requiring school boards to offer pupils a full-time, in-person option. (FE)
1/24/2022: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 98
Relating to: recognizing the 2021 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire women's volleyball team for their hard work and dedication, resulting in an outstanding season and a Division III National Title.
1/21/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 886
Relating to: emergency power to regulate businesses.
1/13/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 861
Relating to: third-party food delivery services and providing a penalty.
1/6/2022: 2021 Senate Bill 826
Relating to: emergency medical transportation services under Medical Assistance program and making an appropriation. (FE)
12/17/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 753
Relating to: prohibiting certain practices relating to insurance coverage of clinician-administered drugs.
12/17/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 790
Relating to: penalties for possession of marijuana, employer liability for not drug testing employees and prospective employees, and providing a penalty. (FE)
11/19/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 710
Relating to: information disclosure by online marketplaces related to high-volume sellers and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
11/2/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 662
Relating to: natural immunity to COVID-19 in lieu of proof of vaccination or test.
11/1/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 73
Relating to: honoring the 13 U.S. service members who lost their lives on August 26, 2021.
10/20/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 631
Relating to: creating a sales tax exemption for materials used to construct workforce housing developments or to conduct workforce housing rehabilitation projects. (FE)
10/18/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 69
Relating to: recognizing Employment Choice First as a means to preserve the dignity, self-esteem, and pride of individuals with disabilities in Wisconsin.
10/18/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 68
Relating to: recognizing the victory of Team USA and captain Steve Stricker at the 2020 Ryder Cup.
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 619
Relating to: right to carry a weapon in this state. (FE)
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 613
Relating to: report on reducing the number of hunting, fishing, and trapping approvals required by the Department of Natural Resources. (FE)
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 609
Relating to: stocking pheasants for hunting. (FE)
10/14/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 614
Relating to: Department of Natural Resources habitat work plan. (FE)
10/8/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 602
Relating to: the University of Wisconsin Missing-in-Action Recovery and Identification Project and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/8/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 600
Relating to: decriminalizing fentanyl testing strips. (FE)
10/4/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 593
Relating to: sex-selective, disability-selective, and other selective abortions and providing a penalty.
10/4/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 591
Relating to: informed consent regarding a certain abortion-inducing drug regimen and reporting requirements for induced abortions.
10/4/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 592
Relating to: congenital condition educational resources. (FE)
9/2/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 555
Relating to: required subjects in a human growth and development instructional program.
8/26/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 532
Relating to: the regulation and licensure of naturopathic doctors, creating a naturopathic medicine examining board, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
8/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 502
Relating to: minimum age to be eligible for a license to carry a concealed weapon.
7/21/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 454
Relating to: reading readiness assessments and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
6/10/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 392
Relating to: certification of expanded function dental auxiliaries, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
5/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 368
Relating to: passenger restrictions on all-terrain vehicles.
5/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 364
Relating to: snowmobile noise and the operation of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and utility terrain vehicles near highways.
5/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 381
Relating to: petroleum products, storage of dangerous substances, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
5/21/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 354
Relating to: participation in federal unemployment benefit programs and work search requirements for unemployment insurance. (FE)
4/21/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 314
Relating to: restrictions on enforcing federal laws regulating firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition, the use of public resources to confiscate firearms, and providing a penalty.
3/25/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 247
Relating to: short-term health coverage duration.
3/24/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 243
Relating to: reducing the eligibility threshold to claim the veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit. (FE)
3/10/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 189
Relating to: eliminating the personal property tax and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/9/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 184
Relating to: regulation of physician assistants, creating a Physician Assistant Affiliated Credentialing Board, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
3/9/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 183
Relating to: legislative oversight of federal COVID-19 funds.
3/3/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 167
Relating to: examination of building plans for public buildings, public structures, and places of employment, and examination of plumbing plans. (FE)
3/3/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 170
Relating to: paddlewheel raffles. (FE)
2/24/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 158
Relating to: requiring the Department of Financial Institutions to study and report on establishing a section 529A ABLE savings account program. (FE)
2/18/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 125
Relating to: creating an individual income tax subtraction for tuition paid for apprenticeship programs. (FE)
2/18/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 10
Relating to: reaffirming Wisconsin's commitment to the strengthening and deepening of the sister ties between the State of Wisconsin and Taiwan; supporting Taiwan's signing of a Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) with the United States; and continued support for increasing Taiwan's international profile.
2/11/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 8
Relating to: Convention of the States for one or more Constitutional amendments restraining abuses of power by the federal government.
2/11/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 86
Relating to: grant to a hospital for expanding psychiatric bed capacity. (FE)
2/11/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 92
Relating to: guardian training requirements.
2/5/2021: 2021 Senate Joint Resolution 7
Relating to: honoring the life and public service of Senator Davis A. Donnelly.
2/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 84
Relating to: the private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation grant program and a septage characterization study. (FE)
2/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 81
Relating to: labeling food as a type of dairy product or as a dairy ingredient and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 83
Relating to: labeling a food product as a type of milk and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
2/5/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 62
Relating to: merit pay raises for state public defenders.
1/28/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 30
Relating to: permitting pharmacists to prescribe certain contraceptives, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/28/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 17
Relating to: increased penalties for crimes against elder persons; restraining orders for elder persons; freezing assets of a defendant charged with financial exploitation of an elder person; sexual assault of an elder person; physical abuse of an elder person; and providing a penalty.
1/28/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 18
Relating to: expediting criminal proceedings when a victim or witness is an elder person and preserving the testimony of a crime victim or witness who is an elder person.
1/28/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 19
Relating to: financial exploitation of vulnerable adults.
1/28/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 20
Relating to: financial exploitation of vulnerable adults with securities accounts, violations of the Wisconsin Uniform Securities Law, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
1/28/2021: 2021 Senate Bill 22
Relating to: the retail sale of intoxicating liquor by the glass for consumption away from the licensed premises.
1/12/2022: 2021 AA2-AB720
1/5/2022: 2021 AA1-AB720
10/21/2021: 2021 AA1-AB208
10/11/2021: 2021 AA2-ASA1-AB156
10/11/2021: 2021 ASA1-AB485
Relating to: modifying an administrative rule to eliminate prior authorization for enteral products administered through a tube. (FE)
10/7/2021: 2021 AA1-ASA1-AB156
8/16/2021: 2021 AA1-AB209
6/4/2021: 2021 ASA1-AB371
Relating to: the broadband expansion grant program. (FE)
5/10/2021: 2021 ASA1-AB156
Relating to: state workforce housing income and franchise tax credit.