3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 145
Relating to: honoring Dr. Dennis J. Shields as a cherished and impactful leader of the University of Wisconsin-Platteville and thanking him for his service.
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 144
Relating to: honoring Dr. Rebecca M. Blank.
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 146
Relating to: proclaiming March 2022 as Women's History Month.
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1157
Relating to: grants to school districts to pay student teachers an hourly wage, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1160
Relating to: paid preparation time for teachers. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1154
Relating to: health insurance for school district employees. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1158
Relating to: adding a teacher representative to school boards. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1156
Relating to: creating a teacher pledge loan repayment program administered by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1161
Relating to: establishing minimum salaries for public school teachers. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1159
Relating to: requiring school boards to compensate teachers for time spent on nonclassroom services. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1155
Relating to: longevity bonuses for teachers in school districts. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1127
Relating to: investigation and audit of worker misclassification and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1126
Relating to: construction contractor registration and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1130
Relating to: grants to American Indian tribes and bands in Wisconsin and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1128
Relating to: employee misclassification. (FE)
3/10/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1129
Relating to: worker misclassification and providing a penalty.
3/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1092
Relating to: allocation of deputy district attorneys. (FE)
3/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1079
Relating to: various changes to statutes related to elementary and secondary education in this state, funding for the University of Wisconsin System, and making an appropriation. (FE)
3/7/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1098
Relating to: the establishment of a family and medical leave insurance program; family leave to care for a grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and for the active duty of a family member; the employers that are required to allow an employee to take family or medical leave; creating an individual income tax deduction for certain family or medical leave insurance benefits; allowing a local government to adopt ordinances requiring employers to provide leave benefits; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; granting rule-making authority; making an appropriation; and providing a penalty. (FE)
3/3/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1073
Relating to: prohibiting cat declawing procedures.
2/23/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 141
Relating to: honoring the professional career and public service of Legislative Fiscal Bureau Director Bob Lang.
2/17/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1042
Relating to: state aid to the resident school district of a pupil attending a private school under the Racine or statewide parental choice program. (FE)
2/16/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1018
Relating to: modifying the tax treatment of college savings accounts and the employee college savings account contribution credit. (FE)
2/16/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 1013
Relating to: the additional child and dependent care tax credit, a rebate for individual residents, and a family caregiver tax credit; various changes to statutes related to elementary and secondary education in this state; increasing funding for the University of Wisconsin System, technical college system, special education, general equalization aids, and per pupil aid; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/28/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 122
Relating to: honoring the public service of Thomas Barrett and congratulating him on his continued service to our state and country as the United States Ambassador to Luxembourg.
1/28/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 125
Relating to: proclaiming January 2022 as human trafficking awareness and prevention month.
1/28/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 928
Relating to: registration periods for certain motor vehicles and reuse of registration plates. (FE)
1/28/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 913
Relating to: extending the time during which tax increments may be allocated and expenditures for project costs may be made, extending the maximum life, and increasing the number of allowed amendments to modify the boundaries for Tax Incremental District Number 5 in the city of Middleton. (FE)
1/20/2022: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 115
Relating to: commending the UW-Madison volleyball team, the coaching staff, the athletic department, and the chancellor on winning the 2021 NCAA Division I Women's Volleyball National Championship title.
1/18/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 846
Relating to: legalizing recreational marijuana, granting rule-making authority, making an appropriation, and providing a penalty. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 799
Relating to: grants for planting trees to address urban heat islands, eligible recipients for urban forestry grants, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 784
Relating to: creating the Wisconsin Climate Corps program, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 781
Relating to: green jobs training program grants, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, and making an appropriation.
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 791
Relating to: county conservation staff for climate change resiliency purposes and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 786
Relating to: creating a stretch energy code. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 789
Relating to: consideration of climate change in certain local plans and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 797
Relating to: creating a grant program for farmers who use certain sustainable practices, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 787
Relating to: report on environmental impacts to vulnerable communities and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 798
Relating to: an energy efficiency grant program for school districts, funding for the University of Wisconsin System, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 800
Relating to: required inclusions in the long-range statewide transportation plan. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 801
Relating to: evaluating the social cost of carbon emissions. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 783
Relating to: model academic standards related to climate change; grants to develop climate change curriculum resources; funding for the University of Wisconsin System and special education; and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 792
Relating to: Focus on Energy inclusion of programs promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy measures for low-income households. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 788
Relating to: grants for regional biodigesters, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 795
Relating to: on-bill financing of energy improvements and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 782
Relating to: the Energy Innovation Grant Program and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 785
Relating to: climate change scholarships, funding for special education aid, and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 796
Relating to: requiring bicycle and pedestrian facilities in highway projects and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 790
Relating to: providing grants for food waste reduction pilot projects and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 794
Relating to: funding for certain research positions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and special education aid and making an appropriation. (FE)
1/4/2022: 2021 Assembly Bill 793
Relating to: funding of the Focus on Energy program. (FE)
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 749
Relating to: school-based mental health services grants.
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 752
Relating to: training to address student mental health, funding for the University of Wisconsin System and special education, and making an appropriation. (FE)
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 747
Relating to: coverage of infertility services under health policies and plans and granting rule-making authority.
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 750
Relating to: school mental health and pupil wellness aid, funding for the University of Wisconsin System, and making an appropriation. (FE)
12/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 753
Relating to: adding positions for the veterans outreach and recovery program and making an appropriation. (FE)
12/2/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 101
Relating to: recognizing November as Native American Heritage Month.
11/17/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 718
Relating to: prohibiting certain practices relating to insurance coverage of clinician-administered drugs.
11/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 99
Relating to: proclaiming November 2021 to be Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month.
11/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 712
Relating to: medically accurate information.
11/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 713
Relating to: right to choose an abortion and elimination of certain abortion-related regulations.
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 98
Relating to: proclaiming the month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 700
Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for breastfeeding equipment. (FE)
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 698
Relating to: postpartum home visits.
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 687
Relating to: collective bargaining for employees of school districts, employees of cooperative educational service agencies, employees of technical college districts, and employees of the University of Wisconsin System and making an appropriation. (FE)
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 696
Relating to: dentists' services for pregnant persons under the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 697
Relating to: reimbursement of maternal mental health screenings under the Medical Assistance program and coverage of maternal mental health screenings by health policies and plans. (FE)
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 701
Relating to: eliminating recovery by the state for birth expenses paid through the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 699
Relating to: special enrollment period for pregnancy.
11/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 711
Relating to: student loans for postsecondary education, requirements related to student loan servicers, creating an office of the student loan ombudsman in the Department of Financial Institutions, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 662
Relating to: food security and Wisconsin products grant program; funding for the University of Wisconsin System, technical colleges, and special education aid; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 664
Relating to: grants for meat processing facilities, funding for the University of Wisconsin System, technical colleges, and special education aid, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 666
Relating to: the Something Special from Wisconsin promotional campaign; funding for the University of Wisconsin System, technical colleges, and special education aid; and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 665
Relating to: funding for regional farm support agents, the University of Wisconsin System, technical colleges, and special education aid, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 663
Relating to: farm to fork grants, farm to school grants, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
10/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 638
Relating to: extreme risk protection temporary restraining orders and injunctions and providing a penalty. (FE)
10/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 637
Relating to: background checks requirement before transfers of firearms and providing a penalty. (FE)
9/22/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 571
Relating to: allowing discounts for prompt payment of health care fees.
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 545
Relating to: grants for free and charitable clinics; funding for special education, the University of Wisconsin System, and the technical college system; and making an appropriation.. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 550
Relating to: reimbursements for certain 340B program entities. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 547
Relating to: pharmacist continuing education credits for volunteering at free and charitable clinics.
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 544
Relating to: creating a prescription drug affordability review board and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 548
Relating to: prescription drug importation program. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 556
Relating to: funding for an office of prescription drug affordability, crediting certain amounts to the general program operations account of the office of the commissioner of insurance, and making an appropriation. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 552
Relating to: cost-sharing cap on insulin.
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 554
Relating to: pharmacy services administrative organizations. (FE)
9/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 546
Relating to: Wisconsin drug repository program. (FE)
8/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 512
Relating to: prescription drug cost reporting by manufacturers and providing a penalty.
8/24/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 75
Relating to: designating September 2021 and 2022 as Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
8/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 484
Relating to: adopting gender-neutral terminology and incorporating gender-neutral marriage and parentage rights. (FE)
8/4/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 496
Relating to: requiring the Department of Financial Institutions to implement a section 529A ABLE savings account program and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
7/26/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 477
Relating to: a state minimum wage, allowing the enactment of local minimum wage ordinances, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
7/13/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 467
Relating to: establishing a task force to study the legal and societal barriers to equality for transgender, intersex, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming individuals. (FE)
7/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 464
Relating to: extending voting rights to certain 17-year-old individuals and requiring a referendum.
7/12/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 462
Relating to: voter registration forms and information provided to certain high school students.
7/1/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 438
Relating to: collective bargaining for employees of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
7/1/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 436
Relating to: counting summer school enrollment for purposes of school district revenue limits. (FE)
6/25/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 419
Relating to: regulating and addressing PFAS, providing an exemption from rule-making procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
6/11/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 395
Relating to: legislative and congressional redistricting. (FE)
6/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 381
Relating to: directing school boards to provide instruction on Hmong Americans and Asian Pacific Islander Desi Americans.
6/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 59
Relating to: proclaiming May 2021 as Violence Prevention Month in the state of Wisconsin.
6/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 60
Relating to: honoring the career and accomplishments of Barry Alvarez.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 352
Relating to: notice of certain campaign finance contributions made to a judge or justice.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 360
Relating to: discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, education, insurance coverage, national guard, jury duty, and adoption and in the receipt of mental health or vocational rehabilitation services.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 354
Relating to: the standard for the disqualification of a judge or justice.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 350
Relating to: judicial disqualification based on campaign financial support.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 351
Relating to: disqualification of a judge or justice.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 349
Relating to: authority of the Wisconsin Supreme Court to review a decision of a justice to deny a motion to disqualify the justice.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 366
Relating to: snowmobile noise and the operation of snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and utility terrain vehicles near highways.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 363
Relating to: faculty tenure and probationary appointments at University of Wisconsin System institutions and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 355
Relating to: prohibiting destruction of records and evidence.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 353
Relating to: equally divided determinations of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on matters of judicial discipline or permanent disability.
5/27/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 362
Relating to: shared governance at University of Wisconsin System institutions.
5/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 346
Relating to: a fishing license for a child with a disability. (FE)
5/14/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 55
Relating to: proclaiming June 4, 2021, as Gun Violence Awareness Day in Wisconsin.
5/14/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 328
Relating to: unemployment insurance contribution rates. (FE)
5/13/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 52
Relating to: expressing support for the federal Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.
5/13/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 53
Relating to: equality of rights on the basis of sex, gender identity, race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religion, national origin, marital status, family status, age, ancestry, or any other immutable characteristic and creating a private cause of action for violations of those rights by state actors (first consideration).
5/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 50
Relating to: proclaiming March 31, 2021, as Cesar Chavez Day in the state of Wisconsin.
5/7/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 312
Relating to: prohibiting conversion therapy.
5/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 45
Relating to: recognizing June 2021 as LGBTQ Pride Month.
5/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 296
Relating to: funding for free and charitable clinics and defining telehealth. (FE)
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 43
Relating to: dedicating the second week of April to Black maternal health, formally known as Black Maternal Health Week, to acknowledge racial disparities among Black mothers and infants.
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 39
Relating to: proclaiming May 14, 15, and 16, 2021, Syttende Mai Weekend.
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 40
Relating to: proclaiming April as Hmong Heritage Month in Wisconsin.
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 44
Relating to: honoring Vice President Kamala Harris for her years as a public servant.
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 38
Relating to: condemning violence against the Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) community.
4/20/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 41
Relating to: recognizing April 2021 as Deaf History Month in Wisconsin.
4/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 268
Relating to: providing a temporary tax exemption for unemployment compensation. (FE)
4/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 269
Relating to: waiver of fees for admission to state parks on Earth Day. (FE)
4/16/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 36
Relating to: proclaiming April 28, 2021, as Workers' Memorial Day in Wisconsin.
4/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 35
Relating to: proclaiming April as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month in Wisconsin.
4/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 255
Relating to: the regulation and licensure of genetic counselors, creating a genetic counselors affiliated credentialing board, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty. (FE)
4/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 256
Relating to: requiring coverage of the dispensing of an extended supply of contraceptives.
4/8/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 33
Relating to: proclaiming May 2021 as Jewish American Heritage Month.
3/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 25
Relating to: proclaiming March 31, 2021, as Wisconsin's Transgender Day of Visibility.
3/31/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 29
Relating to: proclaiming March 2021 to be Kidney Month in Wisconsin.
3/25/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 22
Relating to: proclaiming the month of March as Snowplow Driver Awareness Month.
3/25/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 206
Relating to: the unemployment insurance waiting period. (FE)
3/23/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 185
Relating to: prosecuting or adjudicating delinquent a person under the age of 18 for committing an act of prostitution.
3/5/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 137
Relating to: prohibiting no-knock search warrants and limiting the execution of a search warrant to the hours between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.
3/3/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 11
Relating to: proclaiming March 2021 as Women's History Month.
3/1/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 10
Relating to: proclaiming February 2021 as Black History Month.
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 8
Relating to: proclaiming that racism and racial inequity constitute a health crisis in Wisconsin.
2/18/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 106
Relating to: eliminating certain abortion prohibitions.
2/10/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 55
Relating to: incorporating the Holocaust and other genocides into the state model social studies standards and requiring instruction on the Holocaust and other genocides. (FE)
1/29/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 22
Relating to: member meetings, bylaws, and emergency powers of a cooperative.
1/26/2021: 2021 Assembly Joint Resolution 2
Relating to: honoring the life and commemorating the career and accomplishments of Hank Aaron.
1/21/2021: 2021 Assembly Bill 7
Relating to: pharmacy benefit managers, prescription drug benefits, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
3/8/2022: 2021 SA1-AB914
2/22/2022: 2021 SA1-AB936
11/8/2021: 2021 SSA1-SB622
Relating to: congressional redistricting.
6/30/2021: 2021 SA2-AB191
2/18/2021: JR1 2021 SA4-SSA1-SB1
2/18/2021: JR1 2021 SA3-SSA1-SB1