The study committee is directed to review the current occupational licensing system administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services. The committee shall review prior recommendations made by the department regarding any current laws requiring occupational credentials that may be eliminated without clearly harming or endangering the health, safety, or welfare of the public. The committee shall also review whether it is necessary to implement systems of review both to determine the necessity of legislative proposals for new occupational credentials, and to periodically review the appropriateness of maintaining current occupational credential requirements. Lastly, the committee shall review options to expand access to individuals from other states to receive a reciprocal credential to practice in Wisconsin. Following these reviews, the committee shall recommend legislation on current credentials that may be eliminated, on systems for review of new and existing occupational credentials, and on the issuance of reciprocal credentials.
August 2, 2022 10:00 a.m. Room 411 South, State Capitol [ Agenda | Minutes ]