NR 500.03 NoteNote: Section 287.01 (3), Stats., defines “major appliance” to mean “a residential or commercial air conditioner, clothes dryer, clothes washer, dishwasher, freezer, microwave oven, oven, refrigerator, furnace, boiler, dehumidifier, water heater or stove”.
NR 500.03(137)(137)“Major phase” means a horizontal portion of the landfill which is designed to be constructed at one time.
NR 500.03(138)(138)“Major soil unit” means any soil layer which is greater than 2 feet thick and is laterally extensive beneath the proposed or existing limits of filling, or which affects the local hydrogeologic flow system.
NR 500.03(140)(140)“Materials recovery facility” has the meaning specified in s. 287.27 (1), Stats.
NR 500.03 NoteNote: The definition of a materials recovery facility, as given in s. 287.27 (1), Stats., provides “In this section, ‘materials recovery facility’ means a facility where the materials specified in sub. (4) (b) or s. 287.07 (3) or (4), not mixed with other solid waste, are processed for reuse or recycling by conversion into a consumer product or a product which is used as a raw material in a commercial or industrial process. ‘Materials recovery facility’ does not include a facility operated by a pulp or paper mill which utilizes fiber or paper that has been separated from waste for use as a raw material in a commercial product.”
NR 500.03(141)(141)“Maximum horizontal acceleration in lithified earth material” means the maximum expected horizontal acceleration depicted on a seismic hazard map, with a 90% or greater probability that the acceleration will not be exceeded in 250 years, or the maximum expected horizontal acceleration based on a site-specific seismic risk assessment.
NR 500.03(142)(142)“Medical facility” means a hospital, clinic or nursing home.
NR 500.03 NoteNote: Medical waste does not mean all of the waste produced in a medical setting. Waste materials from a medical setting which do not meet the definition of “infectious waste” in statutes are considered to be “medical waste” only if the generator mixes them with infectious waste or manages them as though they are infectious waste.
NR 500.03(145)(145)“Medical waste reduction policy” is a policy developed by a medical facility and designed to reduce the amount of medical waste generated within that medical facility, to prevent the mixing of infectious waste with waste which is not infectious and to promote practical alternatives to disposable items in the medical setting.
NR 500.03(147)(147)“Microbiological laboratory waste” means cultures derived from clinical specimens or laboratory equipment which has come in contact with these cultures.
NR 500.03(148)(148)“Monitoring” means all procedures used to systematically inspect and collect data on the performance of a facility relating to leachate and gas production or the effect on the quality of the air, groundwater, surface water, unsaturated zone or soils.
NR 500.03(149)(149)“Monofill cell for residue produced by burning municipal solid waste” means a landfill or a specified area within a landfill for residue disposal which is designed to prevent mixing of residue and wastes which produce acidic leachates and which is designed to prevent leachate from adjacent cells from coming into contact with the residue.
NR 500.03(150)(b)(b) Solid waste from commercial or industrial sources that does not contain hazardous waste and does not contain any process waste which is the direct or indirect result of the manufacturing of a product or the performance of a service such as dry cleaners or paint shops. “Municipal solid waste” does not include waste wood, papermill sludge, sewage sludge, tires or industrial process wastes.
NR 500.03(151)(151)“Municipal solid waste combustor” means any solid waste treatment facility that is used to burn municipal solid waste or products derived from municipal solid waste, alone or in conjunction with other materials.
NR 500.03(152)(152)“Municipal solid waste landfill” means a landfill which receives, or has received in the past, municipal solid waste. A municipal solid waste landfill may also receive other types of nonhazardous waste such as industrial solid waste and demolition waste. A municipal solid waste landfill may be publicly or privately owned.
NR 500.03(152m)(a)(a) “New CCR landfill” means a CCR landfill or lateral expansion of a CCR landfill that first receives CCR after October 19, 2015.
NR 500.03(152m)(b)(b) “New CCR landfill” includes a CCR landfill or lateral expansion of a CCR landfill that commences construction after October 19, 2015, where all of the following occurred:
NR 500.03(152m)(b)1.1. The landfill owner or operator obtained all federal, state, and local approvals or permits to begin physical construction.
NR 500.03(152m)(b)2.2. The landfill had a continuous on-site, physical construction program that began after October 19, 2015.
NR 500.03(153)(153)“Noncombustible materials” means solid waste which will not support combustion in the ambient atmosphere.
NR 500.03(154)(154)“Noncontainerized storage facility” means a storage facility which is not a containerized storage facility.
NR 500.03(155)(155)“Noninterest bearing accounts” means letters of credit, performance bonds or forfeiture bonds.
NR 500.03(155m)(155m)“Nonrecyclable compostable paper” means compostable paper that is unrecyclable because it has been soiled or is not of a grade that is acceptable to the local recycling program serving the place of generation.
NR 500.03(156)(156)“NRCS” means natural resources conservation service.
NR 500.03(158)(158)“One-time disposal” means the disposal of no more than 10,000 cubic yards of approved types of agricultural or demolition solid waste on a one-time basis over a project life of not more than 6 months. Examples are the disposal of concrete, brick, stone, asphalt, wood, trees, logs, brush and material from demolished buildings.
NR 500.03(160)(160)“Operating record” means the record maintained by the owner or operator of a municipal solid waste facility in accordance with Subtitle D, 40 CFR 258.29.
NR 500.03(161)(161)“Operator” means the person who is responsible for the overall operation of a solid waste facility, or for part of a solid waste facility.
NR 500.03(162)(162)“OSHA” means the occupational safety and health administration.
NR 500.03(163)(163)“Owner” means the person who owns a solid waste facility, or part of a solid waste facility.
NR 500.03(164)(164)“Paint filter liquids test” means the test used for determining whether a waste contains free liquids as defined by Method 9095, Paint Filter Liquids Test, in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” EPA Publication SW-846, third edition, November 1986, as amended by Updates I in July 1992, II in September 1994, IIA in August 1993, IIB in January 1995, III in December 1996 and IIIA in April 1998.
NR 500.03 NoteNote: The test methods are available at no cost at Copies of the test methods are available for inspection at the offices of the department of natural resources, the secretary of state and the legislative reference bureau. Copies may be obtained from the superintendent of documents, U.S. government printing office, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954, (866) 512-1800, Copies may also be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, U.S. department of commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161, (800) 553-6847,
NR 500.03(166)(166)“Parent material” means the slightly altered or unweathered material from which the soil was formed.
NR 500.03(167)(167)“Patient day” means a period of service between the census-taking hours on 2 successive calendar days, including in-patient census and out-patient surgical days.
NR 500.03(168)(168)“Percent recovery” means the volume of soil or rock remaining in a sampling device relative to the total volume of soil or rock penetrated by the sampler.
NR 500.03(169)(169)“Perched groundwater” means any waters of the state, as defined in s. 281.01 (18), Stats., occurring in an isolated, saturated zone located in the unsaturated zone.
NR 500.03(170)(170)“Piezometer” means a well which is used to measure groundwater elevations and water quality beneath the water table. A piezometer is sealed within the aquifer and typically has a well screen of 2 to 5 feet.
NR 500.03(171)(171)“Piezometer nest” means 2 or more piezometers within 10 feet of each other at the ground surface which are screened at different depths.
NR 500.03(172)(172)“Piezometric surface” means a surface that represents the level to which water will rise in a piezometer.
NR 500.03(173)(173)“Place of public gathering” means a structure which is open to the public.
NR 500.03(174)(174)“Plan of operation” means a report submitted for a solid waste facility that describes its location, design, construction, documentation, monitoring, sanitation, operation, maintenance, closing and long-term care.
NR 500.03(176)(176)“Poor foundation conditions” means those areas where features exist which indicate that a natural or human-induced event may result in inadequate foundation support for the structural components of a landfill.
NR 500.03(179)(179)“Private alcohol fuel production system” has the meaning specified in s. 289.44 (1) (c), Stats.
NR 500.03(180)(180)“Private water supply well” is part of a private water supply system as defined in s. NR 812.07 (78).
NR 500.03(181)(181)“Processing facility” means a solid waste facility at which solid waste is baled, shredded, pulverized, composted, classified, separated, combusted or otherwise treated or altered by some means to facilitate further transfer, processing, utilization or disposal. Processing facilities do not include operations conducted by scrap metal, paper, fiber or plastic processors which are excluded from the definition of “solid waste facilities” in this section.
NR 500.03(182)(182)“Proof of financial responsibility” means a bond, letter of credit, deposit, escrow account, trust account, net worth method, or other financial commitment made payable to or for the benefit of the department and approved by the department, ensuring that sufficient funds will be available to comply with the closure and long-term care requirements of chs. NR 500 to 538 and the approved plan of operation.
NR 500.03(183)(183)“Public water supply well” is part of a public water supply system as defined in s. NR 811.02 (56).
NR 500.03(185)(185)“Putrescible waste” means solid waste which contains organic matter capable of being decomposed by microorganisms and of such a character and proportion as to be capable of supporting a disease vector population or attracting or providing food for birds. It does not include high-volume industrial waste.
NR 500.03(189)(189)“Recharge zone” means an area in which there are downward components of hydraulic head in the aquifer.
NR 500.03(189m)(189m)“Recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices” means engineering maintenance or operation activities based on established codes, widely accepted standards, published technical reports, or a practice widely recommended throughout the industry. Such practices generally detail approved ways to perform specific engineering, inspection, or mechanical integrity activities.
NR 500.03(194)(194)“Registered professional engineer” means a professional engineer registered or licensed with the Wisconsin department of safety and professional services.
NR 500.03(195)(195)“Registered professional geologist” means a professional geologist registered or licensed with the Wisconsin department of safety and professional services.
NR 500.03 NoteNote: Section NR 700.03 (49) defines “remedial action options report” to mean “a report which identifies and evaluates various remedial options with the goal of selecting an option in compliance with the requirements of s. NR 722.11.”
NR 500.03(197)(197)“Representative sample” means any sample of a universe or whole, such as groundwater or soils, which reliably exhibits the average properties of the universe or whole.
NR 500.03 NoteNote: See EPA Publication SW-846, Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, Chapter 9 ( dated September 1986 for a discussion and examples of representative samples.
NR 500.03(198)(198)“Residue produced by burning municipal solid waste” means the residue produced in a municipal solid waste combustor designed and operated for controlled burning of solid wastes primarily to achieve volume and weight reduction or to change waste characteristics. This includes facilities such as boilers which also capture energy in the form of steam, electricity, heat, gas, oil or char from the burning of waste. Residue produced by burning municipal solid waste includes, but is not limited to, slag, ash, fly ash, reacted and unreacted scrubber lime, and soot. Residue produced by burning municipal solid waste does not include bypass waste which is rejected prior to burning.
NR 500.03(199)(199)“Rock” means lithified earth material as defined in sub. (130).
NR 500.03(200)(200)“RQD” means the rock quality designation calculated from a rock core collected from a boring.
NR 500.03 NoteNote: RQD is the ratio of the length of a rock core, adding only the intact pieces of core recovered greater than 10 centimeters long, to the total length cored. RQD ranges from 0 to 100 percent and should only be applied to cores greater than 5.4 centimeters in diameter.
NR 500.03(201)(201)“Run-off” means any rainwater, leachate or other liquid that drains over land, from any part of a solid waste facility.
NR 500.03(202)(202)“Run-on” means any rainwater, leachate, or other liquid that drains over land onto any part of a solid waste facility.
NR 500.03(203)(a)(a) “Salvageable material” means junk cars, machinery or equipment, scrap metal, or other junk or scrap materials that are of further usefulness mainly as a raw material for reprocessing, or as imperfect stock from which replacement or spare parts can be extracted.
NR 500.03(203)(b)(b) “Salvageable material” does not include electronic devices as defined under sub. (71g).
NR 500.03(204)(204)“Sampling period” means the month in which a sample is collected.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.