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(a) What is a waste management plan? A waste management plan is a written plan that identifies both the feasibility and the methods used to reduce or separate certain components of solid waste from the waste stream in order to reduce or eliminate toxic emissions from incinerated waste.
(b) When must I submit my waste management plan? You shall submit a waste management plan prior to commencing construction.
(c) What should I include in my waste management plan? A waste management plan shall include consideration of the reduction or separation of waste-stream elements such as paper, cardboard, plastics, glass, batteries or metals; or the use of recyclable materials. The plan shall identify any additional waste management measures and implement those measures you consider practical and feasible, considering the effectiveness of waste management measures already in place, the costs of additional measures, the emissions reductions expected to be achieved, and any other environmental or energy impacts they might have.
(5)Operator training and qualification.
(a) What are the operator training and qualification requirements?
1. No CISWI unit may be operated unless a fully trained and qualified CISWI unit operator is accessible, either at the facility or can be at the facility within one hour. The trained and qualified CISWI unit operator may operate the CISWI unit directly or be the direct supervisor of one or more other plant personnel who operate the unit. If all qualified CISWI unit operators are temporarily not accessible, you shall follow the procedures in par. (g).
2. Operator training and qualification shall be obtained through a state-approved program or by completing the requirements included in subd. 3.
3. Training shall be obtained by completing an incinerator operator training course that includes, at a minimum, the following 3 elements:
a. Training on the following 11 subjects:
1) Environmental concerns, including types of emissions.
2) Basic combustion principles, including products of combustion.
3) Operation of the specific type of incinerator to be used by the operator, including proper startup, waste charging and shutdown procedures.
4) Combustion controls and monitoring.
5) Operation of air pollution control equipment and factors affecting performance, if applicable.
6) Inspection and maintenance of the incinerator and air pollution control devices.
7) Actions to correct malfunctions or conditions that may lead to malfunction.
8) Bottom and fly ash characteristics and handling procedures.
9) Applicable federal, state and local regulations, including occupational safety and health administration workplace standards.
10) Pollution prevention.
11) Waste management practices.
b. An examination designed and administered by the instructor.
c. Written material covering the training course topics that may serve as reference material following completion of the course.
(b) When must the operator training course be completed? The operator training course shall be completed by the later of the following 3 dates:
1. Six months after startup of your CISWI unit.
2. December 3, 2001.
3. The date before an employee assumes responsibility for operating the CISWI unit or assumes responsibility for supervising the operation of the CISWI unit.
(c) How is operator qualification obtained?
1. The operator shall obtain operator qualification by completing a training course that satisfies the criteria under par. (a) 2.
2. Qualification is valid from the date on which the training course is completed and the operator successfully passes the examination required under par. (a) 3. b.
(d) How is operator qualification maintained? To maintain qualification, the operator shall complete an annual review or refresher course covering, at a minimum, the following 5 topics:
1. Update of regulations.
2. Incinerator operation, including startup and shutdown procedures, waste charging and ash handling.
3. Inspection and maintenance.
4. Responses to malfunctions or conditions that may lead to malfunction.
5. Discussion of operating problems encountered by attendees.
(e) How is a lapsed operator qualification renewed? The operator shall renew a lapsed operator qualification by one of the following 2 methods:
1. For a lapse of less than 3 years, the operator shall complete a standard annual refresher course described in par. (d).
2. For a lapse of 3 years or more, the operator shall repeat the initial qualification requirements in par. (c) 1.
(f) What site-specific documentation is required?
1. Documentation shall be available at the facility and readily accessible for all CISWI unit operators that addresses the 10 topics described in this subdivision. You shall maintain this information and the training records required by subd. 3. in a manner that they can be readily accessed and are suitable for inspection upon request. The topics are as follows:
a. Summary of the applicable standards under this section.
b. Procedures for receiving, handling and charging waste.
c. Incinerator startup, shutdown and malfunction procedures.
d. Procedures for maintaining proper combustion air supply levels.
e. Procedures for operating the incinerator and associated air pollution control systems within the standards established under this section.
f. Monitoring procedures for demonstrating compliance with the incinerator operating limits.
g. Reporting and recordkeeping procedures.
h. The waste management plan required under sub. (4).
i. Procedures for handling ash.
j. A list of the wastes burned during the performance test.
2. You shall establish a program for reviewing the information listed in subd. 1. with each incinerator operator according to the following schedule:
a. The initial review of the information listed in subd. 1. shall be conducted by July 30, 2001 or prior to an employee’s assumption of responsibilities for operation of the CISWI unit, whichever date is later.
b. Subsequent annual reviews of the information listed in subd. 1. shall be conducted not later than 12 months following the previous review.
3. You shall also maintain the following information:
a. Records showing the names of CISWI unit operators who have completed review of the information in subd. 1. as required by subd. 2., including the date of the initial review and all subsequent annual reviews.
b. Records showing the names of the CISWI unit operators who have completed the operator training requirements under par. (a), met the criteria for qualification under par. (c) and maintained or renewed their qualification under par. (d) or (e). Records shall include documentation of training, the dates of the initial and refresher training, and the dates of their qualification and all subsequent renewals of such qualifications.
c. For each qualified operator, the phone and pager number, if applicable, at which they can be reached during operating hours.
(g) What if all the qualified operators are temporarily not accessible? If all qualified operators are temporarily not accessible (i.e., not at the facility and not able to be at the facility within one hour) you shall meet one of the 2 criteria specified in subds. 1. and 2., depending on the length of time that a qualified operator is not accessible:
1. When all qualified operators are not accessible for more than 8 hours, but less than 2 weeks, the CISWI unit may be operated by other plant personnel familiar with the operation of the CISWI unit who have completed a review of the information specified in par. (f) 1. within the past 12 months. However, you shall record the period when all qualified operators were not accessible and include this deviation in the annual report as specified under sub. (11) (h).
2. When all qualified operators are not accessible for 2 weeks or more, you shall take the following 2 actions:
a. Notify the department of this deviation in writing within 10 days. In the notice, state what caused this deviation, what you are doing to ensure that a qualified operator is accessible, and when you anticipate that a qualified operator will be accessible.
b. Submit a status report to the department every 4 weeks outlining what you are doing to ensure that a qualified operator is accessible, stating when you anticipate that a qualified operator will be accessible and requesting approval from the department to continue operation of the CISWI unit. You shall submit the first status report 4 weeks after you notify the department of the deviation under subd. 2. a. If the department notifies you that your request to continue operation of the CISWI unit is disapproved, the CISWI unit may continue operation for 90 days, then shall cease operation. Operation of the unit may resume if you meet the following 2 requirements:
1) A qualified operator is accessible as required under par. (a) 1.
2) You notify the department that a qualified operator is accessible and that you are resuming operation.
(6)Emission limitations and operating limits.
(a) What emission limitations must I meet and by when? You shall meet the emission limitations specified in Table 1 of this section 60 days after your CISWI unit reaches the charge rate at which it will operate, but no later than 180 days after its initial startup.
(b) What operating limits must I meet and by when?
1. If you use a wet scrubber to comply with the emission limitations, you shall establish operating limits for the following 4 operating parameters (as specified in Table 2 of this section) during the initial performance test:
a. Maximum charge rate, calculated using one of the following 2 different procedures, as appropriate:
1) For continuous and intermittent units, the maximum charge rate is 110% of the average charge rate measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limitations.
2) For batch units, the maximum charge rate is 110% of the daily charge rate measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limitations.
b. Minimum pressure drop across the wet scrubber, calculated as 90% of the average pressure drop across the wet scrubber measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the particulate matter emission limitations; or minimum amperage to the wet scrubber, calculated as 90% of the average amperage to the wet scrubber measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the particulate matter emission limitations.
c. Minimum scrubber liquor flow rate, calculated as 90% of the average liquor flow rate at the inlet to the wet scrubber measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with all applicable emission limitations.
d. Minimum scrubber liquor pH, which is calculated as 90% of the average liquor pH at the inlet to the wet scrubber measured during the most recent performance test demonstrating compliance with the HCl emission limitation.
2. You shall meet the operating limits established during the initial performance test 60 days after your CISWI unit reaches the charge rate at which it will operate, but no later than 180 days after its initial startup.
3. If you use a fabric filter to comply with the emission limitations, you shall operate each fabric filter system such that the bag leak detection system alarm does not sound more than 5% of the operating time during a 6-month period. In calculating this operating time percentage, if inspection of the fabric filter demonstrates that no corrective action is required, no alarm time is counted. If corrective action is required, each alarm shall be counted as a minimum of one hour. If you take longer than one hour to initiate corrective action, the alarm time shall be counted as the actual amount of time taken by you to initiate corrective action.
(c) What if I do not use a wet scrubber or fabric filter to comply with the emission limitations? If you use an air pollution control device other than a wet scrubber or fabric filter, or limit emissions in some other manner, to comply with the emission limitations under par. (a), you shall petition the department for specific operating limits to be established during the initial performance test and continuously monitored thereafter. You may not conduct the initial performance test until after the petition has been approved by the department. Your petition shall include the following 5 items:
1. Identification of the specific parameters you propose to use as additional operating limits.
2. A discussion of the relationship between these parameters and emissions of regulated pollutants, identifying how emissions of regulated pollutants change with changes in these parameters, and how limits on these parameters will serve to limit emissions of regulated pollutants.
3. A discussion of how you will establish the upper or lower values, or both, for these parameters which will establish the operating limits on these parameters.
4. A discussion identifying the methods you will use to measure and the instruments you will use to monitor these parameters, as well as the relative accuracy and precision of these methods and instruments.
5. A discussion identifying the frequency and methods for recalibrating the instruments you will use for monitoring these parameters.
(d) What happens during periods of startup, shutdown and malfunction?
1. The emission limitations and operating limits apply at all times except during CISWI unit startups, shutdowns or malfunctions.
2. Each malfunction may not last longer than 3 hours.
(7)Performance testing.
(a) How do I conduct the initial and annual performance test?
1. All performance tests shall consist of a minimum of 3 test runs conducted under conditions representative of normal operations.
2. You shall document that the waste burned during the performance test is representative of the waste burned under normal operating conditions by maintaining a log of the quantity of waste burned (as required in sub. (11) (a) 2. a.) and the types of waste burned during the performance test.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.