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b. When sampling emissions from other types of installations, the sampling time and sample volume for each run shall be at least 200 minutes and 5.66 dscm (200 dscf).
3. The measurement device of sub. (6) (b) shall be used to determine the average furnace power input (P) during each run.
4. Method 9 and the procedures in s. NR 440.11 shall be used to determine opacity.
5. The emission rate correction factor, integrated sampling procedures of Method 3B shall be used to determine the CO concentration. The sample shall be taken simultaneously with each particulate matter sample.
(d) During the particulate matter run, the maximum open hood area, in hoods with segmented or otherwise moveable sides, under which the process is expected to be operated and remain in compliance with all standards shall be recorded. Any future operation of the hooding system with open areas in excess of the maximum is not permitted.
(e) To comply with sub. (6) (d) or (f), the owner or operator shall use the monitoring devices in sub. (6) (c) or (e) to make the required measurements as determined during the performance test.
History: Cr. Register, January, 1984, No. 337, eff. 2-1-84; am. (2) (intro.), Register, September, 1990, No. 417, eff. 10-1-90; r. and recr. (7), Register, July, 1993, No. 451, eff. 8-1-93; CR 06-109: am. (2) (c), (i), (k), (o), (q), (t) and (v) and (7) (c) 1. and 2. b. Register May 2008 No. 629, eff. 6-1-08.
NR 440.44Steel plants: electric arc furnaces constructed after October 21, 1974, and on or before August 17, 1983.
(1)Applicability and designation of affected facility.
(a) The provisions of this section are applicable to the following affected facilities in steel plants that produce carbon, alloy, or specialty steels: electric arc furnaces and dust-handling systems.
(b) The provisions of this section apply to each affected facility identified under par. (a) that commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction after October 21, 1974 and on or before August 17, 1983.
(2)Definitions. As used in this section, terms not defined in this subsection have the meanings given in s. NR 440.02.
(a) “Bag leak detection system” means a system that is capable of continuously monitoring relative particulate matter (dust) loadings in the exhaust of a baghouse to detect bag leaks and other conditions that result in increases in particulate loadings. A bag leak detection system includes an instrument that operates on triboelectric, electrodynamic, light scattering, light transmittance, or other effect to continuously monitor relative particulate matter loadings.
(am) “Capture system” means the equipment (including ducts, hoods, fans, dampers, etc.) used to capture or transport particulate matter generated by an EAF to the air pollution control device.
(b) “Charge” means the addition of iron and steel scrap or other materials into the top of an electric arc furnace.
(c) “Charging period” means the time period commencing at the moment an EAF starts to open and ending either 3 minutes after the EAF roof is returned to its closed position or 6 minutes after commencement of opening of the roof, whichever is longer.
(d) “Control device” means the air pollution control equipment used to remove particulate matter generated by one or more EAFs from the effluent gas stream.
(e) “Direct shell evacuation control system” or “DEC system” means any system that maintains a negative pressure within the EAF above the slag or metal and ducts these emissions to the control device.
(f) “Dust-handling equipment” means any equipment used to handle particulate matter collected by the control device and located at or near the control device for an EAF subject to this section.
(g) “Electric arc furnace” or “EAF” means any furnace that produces molten steel and heats the charge materials with electric arcs from carbon electrodes. Furnaces that continuously feed direct-reduced iron ore pellets as the primary source of iron are not affected facilities within the scope of this definition.
(h) “Heat time” means the period commencing when scrap is charged to an empty EAF and terminating when the EAF tap is completed.
(i) “Meltdown and refining” means that phase of the steel production cycle when charge material is melted and undesirable elements are removed from the metal.
(j) “Meltdown and refining period” means the time period commencing at the termination of the initial charging period and ending at the initiation of the tapping period, excluding any intermediate charging periods and times when power to the EAF is off.
(k) “Shop” means the building which houses one or more EAFs.
(L) “Shop opacity” means the arithmetic average of 24 or more opacity observations of emissions from the shop taken in accordance with Method 9 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17, for the applicable time periods.
(m) “Tap” means the pouring of molten steel from an EAF.
(n) “Tapping period” means the time period commencing at the moment an EAF begins to pour molten steel and ending either 3 minutes after steel ceases to flow from an EAF, or 6 minutes after steel begins to flow, whichever is longer.
(3)Standard for particulate matter.
(a) On and after the date on which the performance test required to be conducted by s. NR 440.08 is completed, no owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section may cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from an electric arc furnace any gases which:
1. Exit from a control device and contain particulate matter in excess of 12 mg/dscm (0.0052 gr/dscf).
2. Exit from a control device and exhibit 3% opacity or greater.
3. Exit from a shop and, due solely to operations of any EAFs, exhibit 6% opacity or greater except:
a. Shop opacity less than 20% may occur during charging periods.
b. Shop opacity less than 40% may occur during tapping periods.
c. The shop opacity standards of this subdivision shall apply only during periods when the monitoring parameter limits specified in sub. (5) (b) are being established according to sub. (5) (c) and (g), unless the owner or operator elects to perform daily shop opacity observations in lieu of furnace static pressure monitoring as provided for under sub. (4) (d).
d. Where the capture system is operated such that the roof of the shop is closed during the charge and the tap, and emissions to the atmosphere are prevented until the roof is opened after completion of the charge or tap, the shop opacity standards of this subdivision apply when the roof is opened and continue to apply for the length of time defined by the charging or tapping periods, or both.
(b) On and after the date on which the performance test required to be conducted by s. NR 440.08 is completed, no owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section may cause to be discharged into the atmosphere from dust-handling equipment any gases which exhibit 10% opacity or greater.
(4)Emission monitoring.
(a) A continuous monitoring system for the measurement of the opacity of emissions discharged into the atmosphere from control devices shall be installed, calibrated, maintained and operated by the owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section.
(b) For the purpose of reports under s. NR 440.07 (3), all 6-minute periods during which the average opacity is 3% or greater shall indicate a period of excess emission, and shall be reported to the department semi-annually.
(c) A continuous monitoring system for the measurement of the opacity of emissions discharged into the atmosphere from the control device is not required on any modular, multiple-stack, negative-pressure or positive-pressure fabric filter if observations of the opacity of the visible emissions from the control device are performed by a certified visible emissions observer; or on any single-stack fabric filter if visible emissions from the control device are performed by a certified visible emission observer and the owner installs and continuously operates a bag leak detection system according to par. (e). Visible emission observations shall be conducted at least once per day for at least 3 6-minute periods when the furnace is operating in the melting and refining period. All visible emissions observations shall be conducted in accordance with Method 9. If visible emissions occur from more than one point, the opacity shall be recorded for any point where visible emissions are observed. Where it is possible to determine that a number of visible emission sites relate to only one incident of the visible emission, only one set of 3 6-minute observations will be required. In that case, Method 9 observations shall be made for the site of highest opacity that directly relates to the cause, or location, of visible emissions observed during a single incident. Records shall be maintained of any 6-minute average that is in excess of the emission limit specified in sub. (3) (a).
(d) A furnace static pressure monitoring device is not required on any EAF equipped with a DEC system if observations of shop opacity are performed by a certified visible emission observer as follows: Shop opacity observations shall be conducted at least once per day when the furnace is operating in the meltdown and refining period. Shop opacity shall be determined as the arithmetic average of 24 or more consecutive 15-second opacity observations of emissions from the shop taken in accordance with Method 9. Shop opacity shall be recorded for any points where visible emissions are observed in proximity to an affected EAF. Where it is possible to determine that a number of visible emission sites relate to only one incident of visible emissions, only one observation of shop opacity shall be required. In this case, the shop opacity observations shall be made for the site of highest opacity that directly relates to the cause or location of visible emissions observed during a single incident.
(e) A bag leak detection system shall be installed and continuously operated on all single-stack fabric filters if the owner or operator elects not to install and operate a continuous opacity monitoring system as provided for under par. (c). In addition, the owner or operator shall meet the visible emissions observation requirements in par. (c). The bag leak detection system shall meet the specifications and requirements of subds. 1. to 8.
1. The bag leak detection system shall be certified by the manufacturer to be capable of detecting particulate matter emissions at concentrations of one milligram per actual cubic meter (0.00044 grains per actual cubic foot) or less.
2. The bag leak detection system sensor shall provide output of relative particulate matter loadings and the owner or operator shall continuously record the output from the bag leak detection system using electronic or other means such as a strip chart recorder or a data logger.
3. The bag leak detection system shall be equipped with an alarm system that will sound when an increase in relative particulate loading is detected over the alarm set point established according to subd. 4., and the alarm shall be located such that it can be heard by the appropriate plant personnel.
4. For each bag leak detection system required by this paragraph, the owner or operator shall develop and submit to the department, for approval, a site-specific monitoring plan that addresses the items identified in subd. 4. a. to e. For each bag leak detection system that operates based on the triboelectric effect, the monitoring plan shall be consistent with the recommendations contained in the EPA guidance document “Fabric Filter Bag Leak Detection Guidance” (EPA-454/R-98-015). The owner or operator shall operate and maintain the bag leak detection system according to the site-specific monitoring plan at all times. The plan shall describe all of the following:
a. Installation of the bag leak detection system.
b. Initial and periodic adjustment of the bag leak detection system including how the alarm set-point will be established.
c. Operation of the bag leak detection system including quality assurance procedures.
d. How the bag leak detection system will be maintained including a routine maintenance schedule and spare parts inventory list.
e. How the bag leak detection system output will be recorded and stored.
5. The initial adjustment of the system shall, at a minimum, consist of establishing the baseline output by adjusting the sensitivity (range) and the averaging period of the device, and establishing the alarm set points and the alarm delay time, if applicable.
6. Following initial adjustment, the owner or operator may not adjust the averaging period, alarm set point, or alarm delay time without approval from the department except as provided for in subd. 6. a. and b.
a. Once per quarter, the owner or operator may adjust the sensitivity of the bag leak detection system to account for seasonal effects including temperature and humidity according to the procedures identified in the site-specific monitoring plan required under subd. 4.
b. If opacities greater than zero percent are observed over 4 consecutive 15-second observations during the daily opacity observations required under par. (c) and the alarm on the bag leak detection system does not sound, the owner or operator shall lower the alarm set point on the bag leak detection system to a point where the alarm would have sounded during the period when the opacity observations were made.
7. For negative pressure, induced air baghouses, and positive pressure baghouses that are discharged to the atmosphere through a stack, the bag leak detection sensor shall be installed downstream of the baghouse and upstream of any wet scrubber.
8. Where multiple detectors are required, the system’s instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors.
(f) For each bag leak detection system installed according to par. (e), the owner or operator shall initiate procedures to determine the cause of all alarms within one hour of an alarm. Except as provided for in par. (g), the cause of the alarm shall be alleviated within 3 hours of the time the alarm occurred by taking whatever corrective actions are necessary. Corrective actions may include the following:
1. Inspecting the baghouse for air leaks, torn or broken bags or filter media, or any other condition that may cause an increase in particulate emissions.
2. Sealing off defective bags or filter media.
3. Replacing defective bags or filter media or otherwise repairing the control device.
4. Sealing off a defective baghouse compartment.
5. Cleaning the bag leak detection system probe or otherwise repairing the bag leak detection system.
6. Shutting down the process producing the particulate emissions.
(g) In approving the site-specific monitoring plan required in par. (e) 4., the department may allow owners or operators more than 3 hours to alleviate specific conditions that cause an alarm if the owner or operator identifies the condition that could lead to an alarm in the monitoring plan, adequately explains why it is not feasible to alleviate the condition within 3 hours of the time the alarm occurred, and demonstrates that the requested additional time will ensure alleviation of the condition as expeditiously as practicable.
(5)Monitoring of operations.
(a) The owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section shall maintain records daily of the following information:
1. Time and duration of each charge;
2. Time and duration of each tap;
3. All flow rate data obtained under par. (b), or equivalent obtained under 40 CFR 60.274 (d); and
4. All pressure data obtained under par. (f).
(b) Except as provided under 40 CFR 60.274 (d), the owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section shall check and record on a once-per-shift basis the furnace static pressure (if a DEC system is in use, and a furnace static pressure gauge is installed according to par. (f)) and either: check and record the control system fan motor amperes and damper positions on a once-per-shift basis; install, calibrate and maintain a monitoring device that continuously records the volumetric flow rate through each separately ducted hood; or install, calibrate and maintain a monitoring device that continuously records the volumetric flow rate at the control device inlet and check and record damper positions on a once-per-shift basis. The monitoring devices may be installed in any appropriate location in the exhaust duct such that reproducible flow rate monitoring will result. Flow rate monitoring devices shall have an accuracy of + 10% over their normal operating range and shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The department may require the owner or operator to demonstrate the accuracy of the monitoring devices relative to Methods 1 and 2 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1).
(c) When the owner or operator of an affected facility is required to demonstrate compliance with the standard under sub. (3) (a) 3., and at any other time, the department may require that either: the control system fan motor amperes and all damper positions, the volumetric flow rate through each separately ducted hood, or the volumetric flow rate at the control device inlet and all damper positions shall be determined during all periods in which the hood is operated for the purpose of capturing emissions from the affected facility subject to par. (b). The owner or operator may petition the department for reestablishment of these parameters whenever the owner or operator can demonstrate to the department’s satisfaction that the EAF operating conditions upon which the parameters were previously established are no longer applicable. The values of these parameters as determined during the most recent demonstration of compliance shall be maintained at the appropriate level for each applicable period. Operation at other than baseline values may be subject to the requirements of sub. (7) (a).
Note: Under 40 CFR 60.274 (d), the owner or operator may petition the administrator to approve any alternative method that will provide a continuous record of operation of each emission capture system.
(e) The owner or operator shall perform monthly operational status inspections of the equipment that is important to the performance of the total capture system (i.e., pressure sensors, dampers and damper switches). This inspection shall include observations of the physical appearance of the equipment (e.g., presence of hole in ductwork or hoods, flow constrictions caused by dents or accumulated dust in ductwork, and fan erosion). Any deficiencies shall be noted and proper maintenance performed.
(f) Except as provided for under sub. (4) (d), where emissions during any phase of the heat time are controlled by use of a DEC system, the owner or operator shall install, calibrate and maintain a monitoring device that continuously records the pressure in the free space inside the EAF. The pressure shall be recorded as 15-minute integrated averages. The monitoring device may be installed in any appropriate location in the EAF or DEC system duct prior to the introduction of ambient air such that reproducible results will be obtained. The pressure monitoring device shall have an accuracy of ± 5 mm of water gauge over its normal operating range and shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
(g) Except as provided for under sub. (4) (d), when the owner or operator of an EAF is required to demonstrate compliance with the standard under sub. (3) (a) 3. and at any other time the department may require, the pressure in the free space inside the furnace shall be determined during the meltdown and refining periods using the monitoring device under par. (f). The owner or operator may petition the department for reestablishment of the 15-minute integrated average pressure whenever the owner or operator can demonstrate to the department’s satisfaction that the EAF operating conditions upon which the pressures were previously established are no longer applicable. The pressure determined during the most recent demonstration of compliance shall be maintained at all times the EAF is operating in a meltdown and refining period. Operation at higher pressures may be considered by the department to be unacceptable operation and maintenance of the affected facility.
(h) Where the capture system is designed and operated such that all emissions are captured and ducted to a control device, the owner or operator will not be subject to the requirements of this subsection.
(i) During any performance test required under s. NR 440.08 and for any report thereof required under sub. (7) (c) or to determine compliance with sub. (3) (a) 3., the owner or operator shall monitor the following information for all heats covered by the test:
1. Charge weights and materials, and tap weights and materials;
2. Heat times, including start and stop times, and a log of process operation, including periods of no operation during testing and the pressure inside the furnace where direct-shell evacuation systems are used;
3. Control device operation log; and
4. Continuous monitor data or Method 9 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17, data.
(6)Test methods and procedures.
(a) During performance tests required in s. NR 440.08, the owner or operator may not add gaseous diluent to the effluent gas after the fabric in any pressurized fabric collector, unless the amount of dilution is separately determined and considered in the determination of emissions.
(b) When emissions from any EAF are combined with emissions from facilities not subject to the provisions of this section but controlled by a common capture system and control device, the owner or operator shall use either or both of the following procedures during a performance test:
Note: See also sub. (7) (b).
1. Determine compliance using the combined emissions.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.