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(sp) Dam inspections under s. 31.19, Stats.
(st) Plan approvals for dams under s. 31.33, Stats., and approvals of emergency action plans, inspection plans, operation and maintenance plans, dam failure analysis plans, or stability analysis plans under ch. NR 333.
(sx) Review and approval of hydrologic and hydraulic studies for floodplain mapping under s. NR 116.07.
(t) Approval of construction plans and specifications under s. 281.41, Stats., for municipal and industrial pretreatment wastewater facilities, public water systems, and CAFO reviewable structures.
(u) Decisions related to evaluations of existing reviewable facilities and systems for concentrated animal feeding operations under ch. NR 243.
Note: This subsection does not include the concentrated animal feeding operations permit actions identified as integrated analysis actions pursuant to s. NR 150.20(2) (a) 3w.
(ug) Approvals of land application or nutrient management plans or modifications to the plans.
(ur) Approvals of land application sites.
(v) Issuance of natural heritage inventory permits, approvals, or licenses under ch. NR 29 except for permits issued under s. 29.604 (6m), Stats.
(w) Issuance of an order or any action relating to the forest croplands or managed forest land programs under subch. I or VI of ch. 77, Stats.
(2)Integrated analysis actions.
(a) The following actions do not require a separate environmental analysis process under this chapter because they are integrated analysis actions:
1. Property planning under ch. NR 44.
2. County forest planning under s. 28.11 (5), Stats.
2g. Approval of a withdrawal of county forest land under s. 28.11 (11), Stats.
2r. Cooperative state trail planning.
3. Areawide water quality management planning or priority watershed planning under ch. NR 121.
3c. Development of total maximum daily loads as defined in s. NR 151.002 (46m).
3g. Issuance, reissuance, revocation and reissuance, or modification of a WPDES permit that authorizes a new source discharge that is subject to antidegradation review under ch. NR 207.
3n. Approval of a variance from a water quality standard under ch. 283, Stats.
3r. An approval of a municipal wastewater facilities plan under s. NR 110.08, and approvals of municipal wastewater projects receiving federal grants or state financial assistance under ss. 281.58 and 281.59, Stats.
3w. Issuance, reissuance, revocation and reissuance, or modification of an individual WPDES permit for a concentrated animal feeding operation under ch. NR 243 that is a new source.
4. Issuance of a major source construction permit under ch. NR 405 or 408 or an initial operation permit under ss. 285.60 and 285.62, Stats., for air emission sources.
6. An incidental take permit under ch. NR 27 and s. 29.604 (6m), Stats.
7. A solid waste feasibility approval or a commercial PCB waste storage or treatment facility feasibility approval under ss. 289.25 and 289.53, Stats., and chs. NR 157, 182, and 512.
7e. Funding decisions made pursuant to ch. 292, Stats., and chs. NR 700 to 754.
7m. Issuance of regulatory approvals, liability clarification letters, exemptions, and technical assistance under ch. 292, Stats., and chs. NR 700 to 754.
7s. Except for facilities specified in s. 291.27, Stats., the approval of a feasibility and plan of operation report and issuance of a license for either a new or existing hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility or class 3 modification of an existing hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility under ch. NR 670 and s. 291.25, Stats.
8. Issuance of an individual wetland permit or general permit under s. 281.36, Stats.
9. Approval of a bulkhead line ordinance for modification of an existing shoreline under s. 30.11, Stats.
10. Issuance of findings of public interest under s. 30.11 (5), Stats., for a proposed lease of the bed of a lake or lease of rights to fill in a bed of a lake or a navigable stream.
11. Issuance of an individual permit, general permit, certification, or contract under subchapter II of ch. 30, Stats.
12. Issuance of an individual permit or general permit under s. 30.19, Stats., including permits to construct or alter waterways.
13. Issuance of an individual permit or general permit to change the course of or enclose a navigable stream under s. 30.195 or 30.196, Stats.
14. Issuance of an individual permit, general permit, or contract under s. 30.20, Stats., to remove material from the bed of a navigable waterway under ch. NR 345, or for non-metallic mining and reclamation in and near navigable waters under ch. NR 340.
15. Issuance of a barge fleeting permit under ch. NR 327.
16. Issuance of a permit, order, or approval for water levels or flows, or for the regulation of a dam in navigable or nonnavigable waters under ch. 31, Stats., and ch. NR 333.
17. An approval of a drainage board action affecting navigable waters under s. 88.31, Stats., for permits under s. 88.31 or ch. 30 or 31, Stats.
18m. Issuance of a report under s. 13.097, Stats., that includes the required department findings under s. 13.097 (4), Stats., and conclusions under s. 13.097 (6), Stats., regarding whether legislation that proposes to convey lake bed or amend a prior conveyance of lake bed area is consistent with protecting and enhancing a public trust purpose.
19m. Review of existing or proposed uses for an existing lakebed grant, existing lease of the bed of a lake, or existing lease of rights to fill in a bed of a lake or a navigable stream to ensure the existing or proposed uses are consistent with the purposes and uses for which the grant or lease was issued.
20. Issuance of an aquatic plant management permit under s. NR 107.05 that meets the criteria under s. NR 107.04 (3).
21. Approvals of aquatic plant management plans under s. NR 109.09 and surface water management plan recommendations under s. NR 193.53.
22. Promulgation of permanent administrative rules under ch. 227, Stats.
(b) The department may determine under s. NR 150.35 that an action not listed in par. (a) does not require a separate environmental analysis process under this chapter because it meets the definition of an integrated analysis action.
(3)Prior compliance actions.
(a) The following actions do not require additional environmental analysis under this chapter because one or more environmental analysis documents exist for prior actions that are similar to the proposed action in kind, scale, and environmental setting:
1. Department facility development planned under ch. NR 44.
2. Natural resource management, timber management, or environmental restoration planned under ch. NR 44.
3. A research action that involves species introductions or substantive manipulation of resources that was planned under ch. NR 44.
6. Approval of an extension of a wastewater collection system and other plan approvals under s. 281.41, Stats., that are covered under an area wide water quality management plan under s. 283.83, Stats., and ch. NR 121.
7. Issuance, reissuance, revocation and reissuance, or modification of an individual WPDES permit under s. 283.31, Stats., for a facility that is covered under an area wide water quality management plan under s. 283.83, Stats., and ch. NR 121.
8. Issuance or reissuance of an individual or general storm water permit under s. 283.33, Stats., and ch. NR 216.
9. Reissuance or modification of any general permit.
10. The approval of a feasibility and plan of operation report and issuance of a license for a class 1 or class 2 modification of an existing hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility under s. 291.25, Stats., and ch. NR 670.
(b) The department may determine under s. NR 150.35 that there is prior compliance for a specific action not listed in par. (a).
(4)EIS actions and projects.
(a) EIS actions. The department shall comply with the EIS procedures in s. NR 150.30 for all actions not included under sub. (1m), (2), or (3).
(b) EIS projects. The department may follow the EIS procedures in s. NR 150.30 for projects of such magnitude and complexity that one or more of the following apply:
1. The project involves multiple department actions.
2. The project may be in conflict with local, state or federal environmental policies.
3. The project may set precedent for reducing or limiting environmental protection.
4. The project may result in deleterious effects over large geographic areas.
5. The project may result in long-term deleterious effects that are prohibitively difficult or expensive to reverse.
6. The project may result in deleterious effects on especially important, critical, or sensitive environmental resources.
7. The project involves broad public controversy.
8. The project may result in substantial risk to human life, health, or safety.
History: CR 13-022: cr. Register March 2014 No. 699, eff. 4-1-14; correction in numbering in (1) and (1m) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1., Stats., (1) (title) added under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 2., Stats., corrections in (1m) (i) and (3) (a) 6. to 8., (4) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register March 2014 No. 699; EmR1517: emerg. am. (1), (1m) (a), (b), cr. (1m), (ge), (gm), (gs), am. (1m) (j), cr. (1m) (jg), (jr), am. (1m) (k), cr. (1m) (m) to (w), am. (2) (a) (intro.), cr. (2) (a) 2r., 3c., 3g., 3n., am. (2) (a) 4., renum. (2) (a) 5. to (a) 2g., am. (2) (a) 7., cr. (2) (a) 7e., 7m., 7s., am. (2) (a) 8., 10. to 14., 16., renum. (2) (a) 18. to (a) 3r. and am., cr. (2) (a) 18m., renum. (2) (a) 19. to (a) 3w., cr. (2) (a) 19m. to 22., am. (3) (a) (intro.), r. (3) (a) 4., 5., am. (3) (a) 6., 7., cr. (3) (a) 9., 10., am. (4) (b) (intro.), eff. 6-10-15; CR 15-037: am. (1), (1m) (a), (b), (d), cr. (1m), (ge), (gm), (gs), am. (1m) (j), cr. (1m) (jg), (jr), am. (1m) (k), cr. (1m) (m) to (w), am. (2) (a) (intro.), cr. (2) (a) 2r., 3c., 3g., 3n., am. (2) (a) 4., renum. (2) (a) 5. to (a) 2g., am. (2) (a) 7., cr. (2) (a) 7e., 7m., 7s., am. (2) (a) 8., 14., 16., renum. (2) (a) 18. to (a) 3r. and am., cr. (2) (a) 18m., renum. (2) (a) 19. to (a) 3w., cr. (2) (a) 19m. to 22., am. (2) (b), (3) (a) (intro.), 1., r. (3) (a) 4., 5., am. (3) (a) 6. to 8., cr. (3) (a) 9., 10., am. (4) (b) (intro.) Register December 2015 No. 720, eff. 1-1-16; correction in (1m) (w) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register December 2015 No. 720; CR 19-078: am. (2) (a) 21. Register May 2020 No. 773, eff. 6-1-20.
NR 150.30EIS action analysis.
(1)Preparation of an environmental impact statement.
(a) Draft and Final EIS. The department shall prepare a draft EIS and a final EIS.
(am) Notification. As required by s. 23.40 (2), Stats., the department shall notify an applicant when the department determines that it will follow the detailed environmental analysis for EIS procedures for a proposed project.
(b) Purpose. The purpose of an EIS is to inform decision-makers and the public of the anticipated effects on the quality of the human environment of a proposed action or project and alternatives to the proposed action or project. The EIS is an informational tool that does not compel a particular decision by the agency or prevent the agency from concluding that other values outweigh the environmental consequences of a proposed action or project.
(c) Intent. The EIS shall address the entire proposed project including all related department actions. An EIS shall consider the proposed action or project, alternatives and anticipated environmental effects in a dispassionate manner, and may not advocate a particular position about a proposed action or project. The EIS shall provide a level of detail commensurate with the complexity of the action or project being evaluated.
(d) Authorship. The department is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the EIS. However, any part of an EIS may be prepared by an applicant, the department, a consultant to the applicant or department, or another state, federal, tribal or local agency. In preparing an EIS, the department may rely on an EIR provided by an applicant pursuant to par. (g), documents prepared or relied upon by other agencies, or any other source of relevant information. The department shall disclose its information sources in compliance with sub. (2) (i).
(e) Format. While there is no specific format required for an EIS, the department shall use a format that substantially follows the guidelines issued by the U.S. council on environmental quality under 42 USC 4331, as required by s. 1.11 (2) (c), Stats. An EIS shall be written in plain language and should use appropriate graphics to aid decisionmakers and the public.
Note: 42 USC 4331 was enacted as P.L. 91- 190 and is known as “the national environmental policy act.”
(f) Issue identification.
1. The department shall consult with other agencies as provided under s. 1.11 (2) (d), Stats.
2. The department may use a public scoping process. The process may consist of comment periods, meetings, hearings, workshops, surveys, questionnaires, interagency committees, or other appropriate methods or activities, and may be integrated with other public participation requirements.
(g) Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Pursuant to s. 23.11 (5), Stats., the department may require an applicant for certain proposed projects to submit an EIR. The department may request any applicant to submit an EIR. The purpose of an EIR is to help the department develop the EIS by having the applicant provide a detailed, comprehensive description of the proposed project, reasonable alternatives to the proposed project, the present environmental conditions in the area potentially affected by the proposed project, and anticipated environmental effects of the proposed project and alternatives. Predictive models, bioassays, and other analysis that can be subject to reasonable scientific verification may be required. The instructions to the applicant may also require that certain laboratory tests be performed by a laboratory certified, registered, or approved under ch. NR 149.
(h) Cooperation with other agencies. In developing an EIS, the department may cooperate with other state, federal, tribal or local agencies in accordance with s. NR 150.40 (2).
(i) Consultant services. The department may enter into contracts for environmental consultant services under s. 23.41 (3), Stats., to assist the department in the preparation of an environmental impact statement or to provide pre-application services as provided under s. 23.40 (5), Stats.
(j) Conflicting procedures. The department may follow procedures for environmental review and analysis other than those contained in this chapter if the procedural requirements of this chapter conflict with statutory review procedures or with procedures and rules of another agency that is the lead agency for the environmental analysis. If other procedures for environmental review and analysis are followed, the department shall comply with this chapter to the maximum extent feasible.
(2)EIS content. An EIS shall emphasize environmental issues relevant to the evaluation of the action and provide a level of detail commensurate with the complexity of the action. As required by s. 1.11 (2) (c), Stats., the EIS shall include all of the following:
(a) A description of the proposed project that includes all the following:
1. Project location.
2. Type of facilities.
3. Time schedules.
4. Maps and diagrams.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.