NR 150.30(2)(a)5.5. Other information that the department deems necessary.
NR 150.30(2)(b)(b) A description of the purpose of the proposed project.
NR 150.30(2)(c)(c) A list of known state, federal, tribal, and local approvals required for the proposed project.
NR 150.30(2)(d)(d) A summary of the process used to identify major issues and the issues identified for detailed analysis.
NR 150.30(2)(e)(e) A list of reasonable alternatives to the proposed project, particularly those that might avoid all or some of the adverse environmental effects of the project, including a description of proposed preventive and mitigating measures and an explanation of the criteria used to discard certain alternatives from additional study.
NR 150.30(2)(f)(f) A description of the human environment that will likely be affected by the proposed project and alternatives to the proposed project.
NR 150.30(2)(g)(g) An evaluation of the probable positive and negative direct, secondary and cumulative effects of the proposed project, and alternatives to the proposed project, on the human environment, including all the following:
NR 150.30(2)(g)1.1. Effects on scarce resources such as: archeological, historic or cultural resources, scenic and recreational resources, prime farm lands, threatened or endangered species, and ecologically critical areas.
NR 150.30(2)(g)2.2. A summary of the adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided.
NR 150.30(2)(g)3.3. Consistency with plans or policies of local, state, federal, or tribal governments.
NR 150.30(2)(g)4.4. The relationship between short-term uses of the environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity, and any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources.
NR 150.30(2)(g)5.5. The potential to establish a precedent for future actions or to foreclose future options.
NR 150.30(2)(g)6.6. The degree of risk or uncertainty in predicting environmental effects or effectively controlling potential deleterious environmental impacts, including those relating to public health or safety.
NR 150.30(2)(g)7.7. The degree of controversy over the effects on the quality of the human environment.
NR 150.30(2)(h)(h) Identification of information that is incomplete or unavailable and a description of the relevance of such information.
NR 150.30(2)(i)(i) Sources of information or verbiage.
NR 150.30(3)(3)Draft EIS — public review.
NR 150.30(3)(a)(a) Document publication. The department shall publicly announce that the draft EIS is available for public comment and shall make the draft EIS available in a manner determined by the department and as required under s. 1.11 (2) (d), Stats., and s. NR 150.50. Copies of the draft EIS shall be provided to any individual or group requesting a copy. A charge may be assessed to cover reproduction and handling costs for requests for copies of documents. The announcement also may be distributed to the following entities:
NR 150.30(3)(a)1.1. All local and regional units of government which have jurisdiction over the area that may be affected by the proposed project or reasonable alternatives to the proposed project.
NR 150.30(3)(a)2.2. Information outlets accessible in the local, regional, or statewide areas affected by the proposed project.
NR 150.30(3)(a)3.3. Groups, clubs, committees, or individuals that have demonstrated an interest in and requested receipt of this type of information.
NR 150.30(3)(a)4.4. All participants in the scoping process not listed in subds. 1 to 3.
NR 150.30(3)(b)(b) Public announcement content. The public announcement shall include: a brief description of the proposed project, a brief description of the administrative procedures to be followed under this chapter, the date by which public comments on the draft EIS are to be submitted to the department, the name and address of a contact within the department who will receive comments and respond to questions, and the locations where copies of the draft EIS are available for review.
NR 150.30(3)(c)(c) Public comment period.
NR 150.30(3)(c)1.1. Unless otherwise provided by law, the department shall provide a minimum of 30 days after the date the draft EIS is publicly announced to receive comments from other agencies and the public.
NR 150.30(3)(c)2.2. Unless otherwise provided by law, the department may grant reasonable requests from any person to extend the comment period for the draft EIS.
NR 150.30(3)(c)3.3. The public comment period may be extended for a minimum of 7 days after the date the hearing is held pursuant to par. (d).
NR 150.30(3)(d)(d) Hearing. Pursuant to s. 1.11 (2) (d), Stats., a public hearing shall be held on the draft EIS and proposed action. Holding a public hearing as required by another statute fulfills the hearing requirement. Any hearing held pursuant to this paragraph shall be publicly announced and noticed in a manner consistent with s. 1.11 (2) (d), Stats.
NR 150.30 NoteNote: Pursuant to s. 1.11 (2) (d), Stats., “notice of the hearing shall be given by publishing a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, at least 15 days prior to the hearing in a newspaper covering the affected area. If the proposal has statewide significance, notice shall be published in the official state newspaper.”