Chapter ATCP 93
ATCP 93.020 Scope and application. Subchapter I — Administration and Enforcement
ATCP 93.110 Jurisdiction over enforcement. ATCP 93.115 Enforcement and inspections. ATCP 93.120 Revocation and expiration of approval. ATCP 93.130 Specific approval of materials, equipment, concepts, technology and devices. ATCP 93.140 Tank registration. ATCP 93.145 Tank permits. ATCP 93.150 Change of ownership. ATCP 93.1605 Fees relating to storage tanks for liquids that are flammable, combustible or federally regulated hazardous substances. ATCP 93.165 Alternate forms. ATCP 93.170 Petition for variance. ATCP 93.175 Prohibited practices. ATCP 93.190 Appeals and hearings on enforcement decisions. Subchapter II — Adopted Standards and General Requirements
ATCP 93.200 Adoption of standards. ATCP 93.210 Application of standards. ATCP 93.220 Secondary references. ATCP 93.225 Alternate standards. ATCP 93.230 General requirements. ATCP 93.240 Certifications and enforcement. ATCP 93.250 Tank construction and marking. ATCP 93.260 Setbacks from already-installed potable water supply sources. Subchapter III — Specific Tank Storage
ATCP 93.300 Tanks storing used oil. ATCP 93.305 Public used oil collection centers. ATCP 93.310 Heating fuel storage. ATCP 93.315 Heating oil tanks that are removed from service. ATCP 93.320 Fuel storage for stationary combustion engines and gas turbines. ATCP 93.330 Converted tanks for the storage of flammable and combustible liquids. ATCP 93.335 Manufacture of organic coatings. ATCP 93.340 Bulk plants and terminals. ATCP 93.350 Hazardous substances. ATCP 93.360 Storage of Class IA flammable liquids. ATCP 93.370 Emergency shutoff for transfers. Subchapter IV — General AST Storage
ATCP 93.400 General requirements. ATCP 93.410 Spill and overfill prevention. ATCP 93.420 Secondary containment. ATCP 93.425 Tank lining of aboveground storage tanks. ATCP 93.430 Vehicle collision protection. ATCP 93.440 Aboveground tank inspection. ATCP 93.445 Seldom-used and temporarily out of service tank systems. ATCP 93.450 Change in service to store a non-regulated or a regulated substance. ATCP 93.460 Closure of aboveground tanks. ATCP 93.465 Tank-system site assessment. ATCP 93.470 Responding to a leak, spill, overfill, or release. Subchapter V — General UST Storage and Underground Piping
ATCP 93.500 General requirements. ATCP 93.503 Product inventory verification at retail facilities. ATCP 93.505 Spill and overfill prevention. ATCP 93.510 Leak detection requirements. ATCP 93.515 Leak detection methods. ATCP 93.517 Airport hydrant system requirements. ATCP 93.520 Corrosion protection. ATCP 93.530 Tank lining of underground storage tanks. ATCP 93.535 Periodic inspection and repair of lined tanks. ATCP 93.545 Seldom-used and temporarily out of service tank systems. ATCP 93.550 Change in service to store a non-regulated or a regulated substance. ATCP 93.560 Tank system closure. ATCP 93.565 Abandoned tank system closure. ATCP 93.570 Conditions indicating a release. ATCP 93.575 Tank-system integrity assessment. ATCP 93.580 Tank-system site assessment. ATCP 93.585 Responding to a leak, spill, overfill or release.
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (ATCP)
Chs. ATCP 90-139; Trade and Consumer Protection