Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill creates a State of Wisconsin Nuclear Power Summit Board to organize, promote, and host a Wisconsin nuclear power summit in the city of Madison to advance nuclear power and fusion energy technology and development and to showcase Wisconsin’s leadership and innovation in the nuclear industry. The bill specifies that the board must hold the summit no later than one month after instruction commences at the new college of engineering building at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and shall ensure that summit participants have access to the new building. The bill creates an appropriation for the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation and requires WEDC to expend any moneys appropriated at the direction of and in support of the board’s efforts. Under the bill, the board is exempt from state requirements for public notice of proposed contracts, competitive bidding, and contractual service procurement procedures.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
1Section 1. 15.77 of the statutes is created to read: AB132,2,5215.77 Nuclear power summit board. (1) There is created a nuclear power 3summit board. The board consists of the voting members described in sub. (2) and 4the nonvoting members appointed under sub. (3) who shall serve for the duration of 5the board’s existence. AB132,2,66(2) The board shall include as voting members all of the following: AB132,2,87(a) Two senators, one appointed by the majority leader of the senate and one 8appointed by the minority leader of the senate. AB132,2,109(b) Two representatives to the assembly, one appointed by the speaker of the 10assembly and one appointed by the minority leader of the assembly. AB132,2,1211(c) The chief executive officer of the Wisconsin Economic Development 12Corporation or the chief executive officer’s designee. AB132,2,1313(d) One member appointed by the governor. AB132,2,1614(3) In addition to the voting members specified in sub. (2), the board shall 15include as nonvoting members all of the following appointed by the chief executive 16officer of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation: AB132,2,1817(a) One member who is a representative of the Nuclear Energy Institute, or its 18successor. AB132,2,2019(b) One member who is a representative of the Fusion Industry Association, or 20its successor. AB132,2,2221(c) One member who is a faculty member of the department of nuclear 22engineering and engineering physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. AB132,3,2
1(d) Any other members appointed by the chief executive officer in the chief 2executive officer’s discretion. AB132,3,43(4) At its first meeting, the board shall elect a chairperson as the board’s only 4officer. AB132,3,65(5) The board shall meet at least one time in 2025 and at least 3 times each 6year thereafter. AB132,27Section 2. 15.77 of the statutes, as created by 2025 Wisconsin Act .... (this 8act), is repealed. AB132,39Section 3. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, 10insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated: AB132,417Section 4. 20.192 (1) (e) of the statutes is created to read: AB132,3,201820.192 (1) (e) Nuclear power summit board; support. As a continuing 19appropriation, the amounts in the schedule to support the nuclear power summit 20board’s work under s. 238.157. AB132,521Section 5. 20.192 (1) (e) of the statutes, as created by 2025 Wisconsin Act .... 22(this act), is repealed. AB132,623Section 6. 238.157 of the statutes is created to read: AB132,4,2
1238.157 Organizing and hosting a Wisconsin nuclear power summit. 2(1) In this section, “board” means the nuclear power summit board. AB132,4,143(2) The board shall organize, promote, and host a Wisconsin nuclear power 4summit in the city of Madison to provide participants with education and 5information sharing opportunities designed to advance nuclear power and fusion 6energy technology and development and to showcase Wisconsin’s leadership and 7innovation in the nuclear industry. The board shall hold the summit no later than 8one month after instruction commences at the college of engineering building at the 9University of Wisconsin-Madison enumerated under 2023 Wisconsin Act 19, section 109104 (1) (i) 3. ed. and 4g. a., as created by 2023 Wisconsin Act 102, sections 4 and 6, 11and shall ensure that summit participants have access to the building. The board 12may establish registration fees for the summit that vary based on admittance level 13and may allow attendees who are residents of this state to attend the summit 14without paying registration fees. AB132,4,1815(3) From the appropriation under s. 20.192 (1) (e), the corporation shall 16expend moneys at the direction of the board and in support of the board’s work 17under this section and may expend moneys to provide administrative support to the 18board. AB132,4,1919(4) Sections 16.705 and 16.75 (1) to (5) do not apply to the board. AB132,4,2320(5) The board’s meetings shall be open and all records of such meetings and of 21all proceedings of the board shall be open to inspection in accordance with subchs. 22II and V of ch. 19. The corporation shall advise and assist the board in complying 23with the board’s obligations under subchs. II and V of ch. 19. AB132,5,424(6) The board shall complete its duties and cease to exist no later than 180
1days after the completion of the summit described under sub. (2). Upon its 2termination, the board shall disburse any remaining property to the department of 3nuclear engineering and engineering physics at the University of Wisconsin-4Madison for the benefit of the nuclear engineering program. AB132,75Section 7. 238.157 of the statutes, as created by 2025 Wisconsin Act .... (this 6act), is repealed. AB132,87Section 8. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after 8publication, or on the 2nd day after publication of 2025 biennial budget act, 9whichever is later, except as follows: AB132,5,1110(1) The repeal of ss. 15.77, 20.192 (1) (e), and 238.157 takes effect on July 1, 112030.