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22 2. The pupil is a child with a disability, as defined in s. 115.76 (5), whose
23individualized education program under s. 115.787 or services plan, as defined in 34
24CFR 300.37
, includes a statement that it is not appropriate to administer the
25standardized 3rd grade reading test to the pupil.

13. The pupil is a child with a disability, as defined in s. 115.76 (5), who takes
2the standardized 3rd grade reading test and to whom any of the following applies:
3 a. The pupil has received at least 2 years of intensive reading intervention or
4remedial services and the pupil continues to demonstrate a deficiency in reading.
5 b. On at least one occasion, the pupil was not promoted from kindergarten to
61st grade, from 1st grade to 2nd grade, from 2nd grade to 3rd grade, or from 3rd grade
7to 4th grade.
8 4. The pupil demonstrates an acceptable level of reading proficiency on an
9alternative standardized assessment adopted or approved by the department.
10 5. All of the following apply to the pupil:
11 a. The pupil has received at least 2 years of intensive reading intervention or
12remedial services and the pupil continues to demonstrate a deficiency in reading.
13 b. On at least 2 occasions, the pupil was not promoted from kindergarten to 1st
14grade, from 1st grade to 2nd grade, from 2nd grade to 3rd grade, or from 3rd grade
15to 4th grade.
16 6. The pupil's parent or guardian enrolls the pupil in an accredited or licensed
17reading program outside regular school hours.
18 (b) 1. Except as provided in par. (c), a school board may not promote a 3rd grade
19pupil enrolled in the school district, including a pupil enrolled in a charter school
20located in the school district, to the 4th grade unless the pupil scores proficient or
21higher on the standardized 3rd grade reading test administered under s. 121.02 (1)
23 2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., a school board may promote a 3rd grade pupil who
24does not meet the requirement under subd. 1. to the 4th grade if the school board

1determines that good cause exists to exempt the pupil from the requirement and all
2of the following conditions are met:
3 a. The pupil's teacher submits to the principal of the pupil's school
4documentation of the good cause reason that applies to the pupil, along with any
5other evidence that promoting the pupil is appropriate based on the pupil's academic
7 b. The principal of the pupil's school discusses the documentation submitted
8under subd. 2. a. with the pupil's teacher and the pupil's parent or guardian,
9determines that promoting the pupil is appropriate, and submits to the school board
10a written recommendation that the pupil be promoted.
11 c. The pupil's parent or guardian agrees with the recommendation submitted
12under subd. 2. b.
13 d. The school board reviews the recommendation submitted under subd. 2. b.
14and agrees that promoting the pupil is appropriate.
15 (c) 1. The operator of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) may not
16promote a 3rd grade pupil to the 4th grade unless the pupil scores proficient or higher
17on the standardized 3rd grade reading test administered under s. 118.40 (2r) (d) 2.
18or (2x) (d) 2.
19 2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., the operator of a charter school under s. 118.40
20(2r) or (2x) may promote a 3rd grade pupil who does not meet the requirement under
21subd. 1. to the 4th grade if the operator determines that good cause exists to exempt
22the pupil from the requirement and all of the following conditions are met:
23 a. The pupil's teacher submits to the principal of the pupil's school
24documentation of the good cause reason that applies to the pupil, along with any

1other evidence that promoting the pupil is appropriate based on the pupil's academic
3 b. The principal of the pupil's school discusses the documentation submitted
4under subd. 2. a. with the pupil's teacher and the pupil's parent or guardian,
5determines that promoting the pupil is appropriate, and submits to the operator a
6written recommendation that the pupil be promoted.
7 c. The pupil's parent or guardian agrees with the recommendation submitted
8under subd. 2. b.
9 d. The operator reviews the recommendation submitted under subd. 2. b. and
10agrees that promoting the pupil is appropriate.
11 (d) 1. The governing body of a private school participating in the program under
12s. 119.23 may not promote a 3rd grade pupil who is attending the private school
13under s. 119.23 to the 4th grade unless the pupil scores proficient or higher on the
14standardized 3rd grade reading test administered under s. 119.23 (7) (b) 1.
15 2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., the governing body of a private school
16participating in the program under s. 119.23 may promote a 3rd grade pupil who is
17attending the private school under s. 119.23 and who does not meet the requirement
18under subd. 1. to the 4th grade if the governing body determines that good cause
19exists to exempt the pupil from the requirement and all of the following conditions
20are met:
21 a. The pupil's teacher submits to the principal or administrator of the pupil's
22school documentation of the good cause reason that applies to the pupil, along with
23any other evidence that promoting the pupil is appropriate based on the pupil's
24academic performance.

1b. The principal or administrator of the pupil's school discusses the
2documentation submitted under subd. 2. a. with the pupil's teacher and the pupil's
3parent or guardian, determines that promoting the pupil is appropriate, and submits
4to the governing body a written recommendation that the pupil be promoted.
5 c. The pupil's parent or guardian agrees with the recommendation submitted
6under subd. 2. b.
7 d. The governing body reviews the recommendation submitted under subd. 2.
8b. and agrees that promoting the pupil is appropriate.
9 (e) 1. The governing body of a private school participating in the program under
10s. 118.60 may not promote a 3rd grade pupil who is attending the private school
11under s. 118.60 to the 4th grade unless the pupil scores proficient or higher on the
12standardized 3rd grade reading test administered under s. 118.60 (7) (b) 1.
13 2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., the governing body of a private school
14participating in the program under s. 118.60 may promote a 3rd grade pupil who is
15attending the private school under s. 118.60 and who does not meet the requirement
16under subd. 1. to the 4th grade if the governing body determines that good cause
17exists to exempt the pupil from the requirement and all of the following conditions
18are met:
19 a. The pupil's teacher submits to the principal or administrator of the pupil's
20school documentation of the good cause reason that applies to the pupil, along with
21any other evidence that promoting the pupil is appropriate based on the pupil's
22academic performance.
23 b. The principal or administrator of the pupil's school discusses the
24documentation submitted under subd. 2. a. with the pupil's teacher and the pupil's

1parent or guardian, determines that promoting the pupil is appropriate, and submits
2to the governing body a written recommendation that the pupil be promoted.
3 c. The pupil's parent or guardian agrees with the recommendation submitted
4under subd. 2. b.
5 d. The governing body reviews the recommendation submitted under subd. 2.
6b. and agrees that promoting the pupil is appropriate.
7Section 17. 118.40 (2r) (b) 2. m. of the statutes is created to read:
8 118.40 (2r) (b) 2. m. A requirement that the charter school governing board
9develop or adopt a program to identify and address pupils with dyslexia, as defined
10in s. 118.016 (1b) (b).
11Section 18 . 118.40 (2r) (d) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
12 118.40 (2r) (d) 3. Ensure that the parents of pupils enrolled in charter schools
13under this subsection who are in grades kindergarten to 3 are not allowed to excuse
14those pupils from taking standardized tests.
15Section 19. 118.40 (2x) (b) 2. m. of the statutes is created to read:
16 118.40 (2x) (b) 2. m. A requirement that the charter school governing board
17develop or adopt a program to identify and address pupils with dyslexia, as defined
18in s. 118.016 (1b) (b).
19Section 20 . 118.40 (2x) (d) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
20 118.40 (2x) (d) 3. Ensure that the parents of pupils enrolled in charter schools
21under this subsection who are in grades kindergarten to 3 are not allowed to excuse
22those pupils from taking standardized tests.
23Section 21. 118.44 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
24 118.44 (3) Contract. The school board of an eligible school district may enter
25into a 5-year contract with the department on behalf of one or more schools in the

1school district that are eligible under sub. (2) (b). No achievement gap reduction
2contract entered into under this section may include a waiver of any requirement of
3or rule promulgated under the authority of this section. Beginning on the effective
4date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], the department may not enter into any
5new contracts.
6Section 22. 118.44 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 118.44 (5) (a) Except as provided in par. pars. (b) and (c), a contract under this
8section may be renewed for one or more terms of 5 school years. No achievement gap
9reduction contract renewed under this section may include a waiver of any
10requirement of or rule promulgated under the authority of this section.
11Section 23. 118.44 (5) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
12 118.44 (5) (c) Beginning on the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts
13date], the department may not renew a contract under this section.
14Section 24. 118.44 (6) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
15Section 25. 118.44 (6) (bm) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 118.44 (6) (bm) (intro.) From In the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years, from
17the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cu), for each low-income pupil enrolled in a
18participating grade, the department shall pay to a school district that has entered
19into a contract with the department under this section an amount determined
20annually by the department as follows:
21Section 26. 118.44 (6) (bm) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
22 118.44 (6) (bm) 3. Divide the amount appropriated , as defined in s. 118.44 (6)
23(a), 2019 stats.,
by the sum of low-income pupils under subd. 2.
24Section 27. 118.44 (6) (br) and (bw) of the statutes are created to read:

1118.44 (6) (br) Subject to par. (bw), beginning in the 2023-24 school year, from
2the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cu), the department shall pay to a school
3district that has entered into a contract with the department under this section an
4amount for each low-income pupil enrolled in a participating grade that is equal to
5the per pupil amount the department paid in the 2022-23 school year.
6 (bw) If, after subtracting the amount allocated under sub. (7) (a), the
7appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cu) in any fiscal year is insufficient to pay the full
8amount under par. (br), the department shall prorate the payments among the school
9districts entitled to receive the payments.
10Section 28. 118.60 (2) (a) 10. of the statutes is created to read:
11 118.60 (2) (a) 10. The private school develops or adopts a program to identify
12and address pupils with dyslexia, as defined in s. 118.016 (1b) (b).
13Section 29 . 118.60 (7) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 118.60 (7) (e) Each private school participating in the program under this
15section shall administer the examinations required under s. 118.30 (1t) or
16examinations permitted under s. 118.301 (3) to pupils attending the school under the
17program. The private school may administer additional standardized tests to such
18pupils. The private school may not allow parents of such pupils in any grade from
19kindergarten to 3 to excuse those pupils from taking a standardized test.
20Section 30. 119.23 (2) (a) 10. of the statutes is created to read:
21 119.23 (2) (a) 10. The private school develops or adopts a program to identify
22and address pupils with dyslexia, as defined in s. 118.016 (1b) (b).
23Section 31 . 119.23 (7) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
24 119.23 (7) (e) Each private school participating in the program under this
25section shall administer the examinations required under s. 118.30 (1s) or

1examinations permitted under s. 118.301 (3) to pupils attending the school under the
2program. The private school may administer additional standardized tests to such
3pupils. The private school may not allow parents of such pupils in any grade from
4kindergarten to 3 to excuse those pupils from taking a standardized test.
5Section 32 . 121.02 (1t) of the statutes is created to read:
6 121.02 (1t) A school board may not allow the parent of a pupil who is in any
7grade from kindergarten to 3 to excuse the pupil from taking a standardized test.
8Section 33 . Nonstatutory provisions.
9 (1) Grants to increase licensure of reading teachers.
10 (a) In this subsection, “eligible teacher” means a school district employee who
11holds a license, permit, or certificate to teach issued by the department of public
12instruction and who does not hold a reading teacher license, permit, or certificate.
13 (b) A school board may apply to the department of public instruction for a grant
14for the school district to provide support and financial assistance to its eligible
15teachers for the purpose of obtaining a license, permit, or certificate as a reading
17 (c) In the 2023-24 school year, from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cu),
18the department of public instruction may award grants under this subsection to
19school districts in amounts determined by the department.
20 (d) In awarding grants under this subsection, the department of public
21instruction shall give priority to applications submitted by school districts that have
22high numbers of pupils whose scores on the most recent standardized 3rd grade
23reading test were lower than proficient, as determined by the department.
24 (e) A school board that receives a grant under this subsection shall use the
25grant moneys to pay costs associated with eligible teachers obtaining licenses,

1permits, or certificates as reading teachers and shall pay to an eligible teacher who
2successfully obtains a reading teacher license, permit, or certificate a bonus payment
3of $1,000. The school board shall, no later than September 1, 2024, report to the
4department of public instruction the number of eligible teachers who obtained a
5reading teacher license, permit, or certificate using grant moneys under this
6subsection and an accounting of how grant moneys were spent.
7 (2) Sunset of achievement gap reduction program; report. No later than 30
8days after the effective date of this subsection, the department of public instruction
9shall report to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172
10(3) an accounting of the moneys appropriated to the department under s. 20.255 (2)
11(cu) in the 2021-22 and 2022-23 fiscal years, including the amounts currently
12encumbered and unencumbered, an explanation of how the moneys have been and
13will be spent, and an estimate of the amount that will remain unencumbered at the
14end of the 2022-23 fiscal year.
15Section 34. Initial applicability.
16 (1) Independent charter schools. The treatment of s. 118.40 (2r) (b) 2. m. and
17(2x) (b) 2. m. first applies to a contract that is entered into, renewed, or modified on
18the effective date of this subsection.
19 (2) Private schools participating in a parental choice program. The treatment
20of ss. 118.60 (2) (a) 10. and 119.23 (2) (a) 10. first applies to an application to attend
21a private school under s. 118.60 or 119.23 in the 2023-24 school year.
22Section 35. Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication,
23except as follows:

1(1) Reading readiness assessments; parental notification. The renumbering
2and amendment of s. 118.016 (1r) and the creation of s. 118.016 (1r) (title), (b), and
3(c) take effect on July 1, 2023.
4 (2) Promotion of pupils. The treatment of s. 118.33 (7) takes effect on
5September 1, 2023.
6 (3) Grants to increase licensure of reading teachers. The treatment of s.
720.255 (2) (cu) (by Section 2 ) takes effect on July 1, 2024.
8 (4) Sunset of achievement gap reduction program. The treatment of s. 118.44
9(6) (a) and (bm) 3. takes effect on July 1, 2023.
10 (End)