(a) In
2015 Wisconsin Act 55, section
9104 (1) (d), under department of military
6affairs, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
7increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(b) In
2015 Wisconsin Act 55, section
9104 (1) (d) 1. b., under projects financed
9by existing general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
10identified as “Hangar addition — West Bend” is increased from $390,000 to $442,000
11and the appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
1(c) In
2015 Wisconsin Act 55, section
9104 (1) (d) 1m. a., as created by
2Wisconsin Act 9, under projects financed by general fund supported borrowing, the
3amount authorized for the project identified as “Aircraft hangar addition and
4renovation — West Bend” is decreased from $52,000 to $0 and the appropriate totals
5are adjusted accordingly.
(d) In
2015 Wisconsin Act 55, section
9104 (1) (d) 2. b., as amended by
7Wisconsin Act 9, under projects financed by federal funds, the amount authorized for
8the project identified as “Hangar addition — West Bend” is increased from
9$8,350,000 to $9,503,000 and the appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
(25n) 2017-19
Authorized State Building Program changes.
(e) In
2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section
9104 (1) (c) 1. em., as created by
12Wisconsin Act 185, and as amended by
2021 Wisconsin Acts 58 and
252, under
13projects financed by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for
14the project identified as “Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities — statewide” is
15decreased from $70,791,000 to $0 and the appropriate totals are adjusted
(f) In
2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section
9104 (1) (c), under department of
18corrections, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
19increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
1(g) In
2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section
9104 (1) (c), under department of
2corrections, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
3increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(h) In
2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section
9104 (1) (g), under state fair park, the
5following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are increased by the
6amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(i) In
2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section
9104 (1) (i) 1. b., as amended by
8Wisconsin Act 58, under projects financed by general fund supported borrowing, the
9amount authorized for the project identified as “Wisconsin Veterans Home at King
10— central services kitchen upgrade” is decreased from $4,086,200 to $0 and the
11appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
(j) In
2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section
9104 (1) (i) 2. a., as amended by
13Wisconsin Act 58, under projects financed by program revenue supported borrowing,
14the amount authorized for the project identified as “Wisconsin Veterans Home at
15King — central services kitchen upgrade” is increased from $7,588,800 to
16$19,385,000 and the appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
1(k) In
2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section
9104 (1) (i) 3., under projects financed by
2existing program revenue supported borrowing, the following new subdivision
3paragraph is created and the appropriate totals are increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(l) In
2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section
9104 (1) (i), under department of military
5affairs, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
6increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(m) In
2017 Wisconsin Act 59, section
9104 (1) (i), under department of military
8affairs, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
9increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(26n) 2019-21
Authorized State Building Program changes.
(n) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (f) 1. c., under projects financed
12by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
13identified as “Wausau Service Center — service center addition — Wausau” is
14decreased from $382,400 to $0 and the appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
1(o) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (f), under department of natural
2resources, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
3increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(p) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (f) 4. a., under projects financed
5by existing segregated fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the
6project identified as “Wausau Service Center — service center addition — Wausau”
7is increased from $331,300 to $331,400 and the appropriate totals are adjusted
(q) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (f), under department of natural
10resources, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
11increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(r) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (i) 1. a., under projects financed
13by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
14identified as “Wisconsin History Museum — Madison” is decreased from $70,000,000
15to $0 and the appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
1(s) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (i), under state historical society,
2the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are increased by
3the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(t) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (i), under state historical society,
5the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are increased by
6the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(u) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (i) 2. a., under projects financed
8by gifts, grants, and other receipts, the amount authorized for the project identified
9as “Wisconsin History Museum — Madison” is increased from $30,000,000 to
10$48,146,000 and the appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
(v) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (j) 1. c., under projects financed
12by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
13identified as “Wisconsin Veterans Home at Union Grove — Southern Wisconsin
14Veterans Memorial Cemetery Administration Building expansion and fire
15protection” is decreased from $2,176,000 to $0 and the appropriate totals are
16adjusted accordingly.
1(w) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (j) 3., under projects financed by
2program revenue, the following new subdivision paragraph is created and the
3appropriate totals are increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(x) In
2019 Wisconsin Act 9, section
9104 (1) (j), under department of veterans
5affairs, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
6increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(27n) 2021-23
Authorized State Building Program changes.
(y) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c) 1. a., under projects financed
9by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
10identified as “Winnebago Mental Health Institute — patient admissions area —
11Oshkosh” is decreased from $16,795,000 to $0 and the appropriate totals are
12adjusted accordingly.
(z) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c) 1. b., under projects financed
14by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
1identified as “Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center — skilled care unit remodel —
2Mauston” is decreased from $12,612,000 to $0 and the appropriate totals are
3adjusted accordingly.
(aa) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c) 1. d., under projects financed
5by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
6identified as “Mendota Mental Health Institute — utility improvements — Madison”
7is decreased from $14,920,000 to $0 and the appropriate totals are adjusted
(ab) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c), under department of health
10services, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
11increased by the amounts shown:
See PDF for table 
(ac) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c), under department of health
13services, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
14increased by the amounts shown:
See PDF for table 
(ad) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (d) 1. d., under projects financed
2by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
3identified as “New motor vehicle storage buildings — Marinette and Waupaca” is
4amended to read “New motor vehicle storage buildings — Clintonville and Waupaca”
5and is decreased from $720,900 to $0 and the appropriate totals are adjusted
(ae) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (d), under department of
8military affairs, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals
9are increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(af) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (d), under department of military
11affairs, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
12increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(ag) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (d) 2. c., under projects financed
2by federal funds, the amount authorized for the project identified as “New motor
3vehicle storage buildings — Marinette and Waupaca” is amended to read “New motor
4vehicle storage buildings — Clintonville and Waupaca” and is increased from
5$1,840,100 to $2,002,000 and the appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
Design work on a new Type 1 juvenile correctional facility. In the
72023-25 fiscal biennium, the building commission shall allocate $4,000,000 in
8segregated revenue for project planning, development, design, site selection, and
9land and property acquisition for a new, 72,000 gross square foot Type 1 juvenile
10correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (19).
Design work on a Wisconsin National Guard Challenge Academy at
12Fort McCoy. In the 2023-25 fiscal biennium, the building commission shall allocate
13$700,000 in segregated revenue to develop preliminary plans and specifications for
14the construction of a 71,000 gross square foot Wisconsin National Guard Challenge
15Academy located at Fort McCoy.
University of Wisconsin System Facilities. In the 2023-25 fiscal
17biennium, the building commission shall allocate segregated revenue as follows to
18develop preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of University of
19Wisconsin System facilities:
(ah) $1,000,000 for renovations related to health sciences programs and to
21complete renovations in the Northwest Quadrant at UW–Milwaukee.
1(ai) $500,000 for renovations at Winther Hall, replacement of the Heide Hall
2roofing and exterior windows, and construction of new entrances/vertical circulation
3towers for both of those facilities at UW–Whitewater.
(aj) $500,000 for demolition of a portion of the Vocational Rehabilitation
5building and for the construction of an addition and comprehensive renovation of an
6academic facility at UW–Stout.
Marquette University School of Dentistry upgrades.
8Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (32c) (b), the building commission may not award a grant
9to Marquette University for construction and equipment upgrades to its School of
10Dentistry, as enumerated in sub. (1) (q), under s. 13.48 (32c), unless the department
11of administration has reviewed and approved plans for the project. Notwithstanding
12ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of administration may not supervise
13any services or work or let any contract for the project. Section 16.87 does not apply
14to the project.
Bronzeville Center for the Arts Destination Museum.
16Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (47) (b), the building commission may not award a grant
17to Bronzeville Center for the Arts, Inc., for the construction of an Arts Destination
18Museum, as enumerated in sub. (1) (q), under s. 13.48 (47), unless the department
19of administration has reviewed and approved plans for the project. Notwithstanding
20ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of administration may not supervise
21any services or work or let any contract for the project. Section 16.87 does not apply
22to the project.
Children's hospital and health system dental clinic expansion.
24Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (37m) (b), the building commission may not award a grant
25to Children's Hospital and Health System, Inc., for expansion of its dental clinic, as
1enumerated in sub. (1) (q), under s. 13.48 (37m), unless the department of
2administration has reviewed and approved plans for the project. Notwithstanding
3ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of administration may not supervise
4any services or work or let any contract for the project. Section 16.87 does not apply
5to the project.
Iron District MKE, LLC; new soccer stadium and related facilities.
7Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (41m) (b), the building commission may not authorize a
8grant to Iron District MKE, LLC, for the construction in a blighted area in
9Milwaukee County of a new soccer stadium and related facilities, including a hotel
10and a concerts and events venue, as enumerated in sub. (1) (r), under s. 13.48 (41m),
11unless the department of administration has reviewed and approved plans for the
12project. Notwithstanding ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of
13administration may not supervise any services or work or let any contract for the
14project. Section 16.87 does not apply to the project.
Woodman's Sports and Convention Center. Notwithstanding s. 13.48
16(41o) (b), the building commission may not award a grant to the city of Janesville for
17the construction of the Woodman's Sports and Convention Center, as enumerated in
18sub. (1) (q), under s. 13.48 (41o), unless the department of administration has
19reviewed and approved plans for the project. Notwithstanding ss. 16.85 (1) and
2016.855 (1m), the department of administration may not supervise any services or
21work or let any contract for the project. Section 16.87 does not apply to the project.
National Railroad Museum, Inc.; Lenfestey Center expansion.
23Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (33w) (b), the building commission may not authorize a
24grant to National Railroad Museum, Inc., for the expansion of the museum's
25Lenfestey Center, as enumerated in sub. (1) (r), under s. 13.48 (33w), unless the
1department of administration has reviewed and approved plans for the project.
2Notwithstanding ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of administration
3may not supervise any services or work or let any contract for the project. Section
416.87 does not apply to the project.
Peninsula Players Theatre Foundation, Inc.; dormitory upgrades.
6Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (41s) (b), the building commission may not award a grant
7to the Peninsula Players Theatre Foundation, Inc., for upgrades to the dormitories
8of the Peninsula Players Theatre, as enumerated in sub. (1) (s), under s. 13.48 (41s),
9unless the department of administration has reviewed and approved plans for the
10project. Notwithstanding ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of
11administration may not supervise any services or work or let any contract for the
12project. Section 16.87 does not apply to the project.
Versiti Blood Research Institute expansion. Notwithstanding s. 13.48
14(48) (b), the building commission may not award a grant to the Versiti Blood Research
15Institute Foundation, Inc., for expansion of the Versiti Blood Research Institute, as
16enumerated in sub. (1) (t), under s. 13.48 (48), unless the department of
17administration has reviewed and approved plans for the project. Notwithstanding
18ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of administration may not supervise
19any services or work or let any contract for the project. Section 16.87 does not apply
20to the project.
Additional transfer to the capital improvement fund. The amount
23transferred under sub. (1) from the general fund to the capital improvement fund is
24increased by the total of the dollar amounts designated as “segregated revenue” in
1Section 9104 (22n) to (30n) that are not duplicative of dollar amounts designated as
2“segregated revenue” under
Section 9104 (1) to (15).”.