Emergency rule-making authority; Great Lakes erosion control
24revolving loan program. The department of natural resources may use the
25procedure under s. 227.24 to promulgate emergency rules under s. 23.1991 for the
1period before the date on which permanent rules under s. 23.1991 take effect.
2Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2), emergency rules promulgated under this
3subsection remain in effect until the first day of the 25th month beginning after the
4effective date of the emergency rules, the date on which the permanent rules take
5effect, or the effective date of the repeal of the emergency rules, whichever is earliest.
6Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the department of natural resources is not
7required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as
8emergency rules is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, safety, or
9welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated
10under this subsection.
Emergency rule-making authority; Mississippi River erosion control
12revolving loan program. The department of natural resources may use the
13procedure under s. 227.24 to promulgate emergency rules under s. 23.1993 for the
14period before the date on which permanent rules under s. 23.1993 take effect.
15Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2), emergency rules promulgated under this
16subsection remain in effect until the first day of the 25th month beginning after the
17effective date of the emergency rules, the date on which the permanent rules take
18effect, or the effective date of the repeal of the emergency rules, whichever is earliest.
19Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the department of natural resources is not
20required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as
21emergency rules is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, safety, or
22welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated
23under this subsection.”.
(2) (b) 3. Deer:
Nonresident deer hunting license fee. The treatment of s. 29.563 (2) (b)
53. takes effect on April 1, 2024.”.
(3) (c) 1. Inland waters trout:
$9.75 $14.75.
Inland waters trout stamp fee. The treatment of s. 29.563 (3) (c) 1. takes
11effect on April 1, 2024.”.
176. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
14insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated:
See PDF for table 
(5) (hs)
Resource aids - county forest administration grants. Biennially,
17the amounts in the schedule for county forest administration grants under s. 28.11
(5) (bw)
Resource aids — county sustainable forestry and county forest
2administration grants. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule for county
3sustainable forestry grants under s. 28.11 (5r)
and county forest administration
4grants under s. 28.11 (5m).
179. 28.11 (5m) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) (a) (intro.) The department may make grants, from the
7appropriation under s. 20.370 (5)
(bw) (hs), to counties having lands entered under
8sub. (4) to fund all of the following for one professional forester in the position of
9county forest administrator or assistant county forest administrator:
(5m) (am) The department may make grants, from the appropriation
12under s. 20.370 (5)
(bw) (hs), to counties having lands entered under sub. (4) to fund
13up to 50 percent of the costs of a county's annual dues to a nonprofit organization that
14provides leadership and counsel to that county's forest administrator and that
15functions as an organizational liaison to the department. The total amount that the
16department may award in grants under this paragraph in any fiscal year may not
17exceed $50,000.”.
(15) (b) 1. No more than
40 percent of all state park campsites in the
21state have electric receptacles.”.
182. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
24insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated:
See PDF for table 
(1) (et)
Parks and forests - online sales systems. As a continuing
3appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for costs associated with an online sales
4system for vehicle admission receipts for state parks, forests, and recreation areas
5and an online sales system for state trail passes.”.
(2) (tx)
Natural resources; dam safety projects. From the capital
9improvement fund, a sum sufficient for the department of natural resources to
10provide financial assistance to counties, cities, villages, towns, and public inland
11lake protection and rehabilitation districts for dam safety projects under s. 31.385.
12The state may contract public debt in an amount not to exceed
$25,500,000 13$49,500,000 for this purpose.
The state may contract additional public debt in an
14amount up to $4,000,000 for this purpose. The state may contract additional public
15debt in an amount up to $10,000,000 for this purpose.”.
185. 196.374 (1) (d) of the statutes is renumbered 196.374 (1) (d)
18(intro.) and amended to read:
(1) (d) (intro.) “Energy efficiency program" means a program for
2reducing the usage or increasing the efficiency of the usage of energy by a customer
3or member of an energy utility, municipal utility, or retail electric cooperative.
4“Energy efficiency program" does not include load management.
Energy efficiency
5program” includes a program that deploys electric technologies to meet energy needs
6currently served by other fuels in order to do all of the following:
186. 196.374 (1) (d) 1. and 2. of the statutes are created to read:
(1) (d) 1. Reduce the usage of energy, increase the efficiency of usage
9of energy on a fuel-neutral basis, or reduce adverse environmental impacts,
10including carbon dioxide emissions.
2. Reduce costs for electric public utilities and retail electric cooperatives or
12their customers or members.”.
(1h) Social cost of carbon emissions. (a) In this subsection, “social
16cost of carbon” means a measure of the economic harms and other impacts expressed
17in dollars that result from emitting one ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
(b) In consultation with the department of natural resources, the commission
19shall evaluate and set the social cost of carbon and shall evaluate and adjust as
20necessary that dollar amount every 2 years. The evaluations shall use integrated
21assessment models and consider appropriate discount rates. Any adjustment shall
22be consistent with the international consensus on the social cost of carbon.
(c) No later than December 31, 2023, and no later than December 31 every
24odd-numbered year thereafter, the commission shall submit to the appropriate
1standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) a report that describes the
2commission's evaluation under par. (b) and, if the commission adjusts the previously
3set dollar amount under par. (b), specifies the social cost of carbon as adjusted by the
(d) The commission shall consider the social cost of carbon in determining
6whether to issue certificates under ss. 196.49 and 196.491 (3).
Social cost of carbon. The treatment of s. 196.025 (1h) (d) first applies to
9applications for certificates that are received on December 31, 2023.”.
(1) (d) 3. The retiring of any existing electric generating facility fueled
13by nonrenewable combustible energy resources.
(1) (f) “Environmental control cost" means capital cost, including
16capitalized cost relating to regulatory assets, incurred or expected to be incurred by
17an energy utility in undertaking an environmental control activity and, with respect
18to an environmental control activity described in par. (d) 2.
or 3., includes the
19unrecovered value of property that is retired, including any demolition or similar cost
20that exceeds the salvage value of the property. “Environmental control cost" does not
21include any monetary penalty, fine, or forfeiture assessed against an energy utility
22by a government agency or court under a federal or state environmental statute, rule,
23or regulation.”.
(7) It is not unreasonable or unjustly discriminatory for a public utility
3to implement low-income assistance programs if approved in a rate case in which the
4commission reviewed the program eligibility criteria and program credits or rebates
5and if that cost is incorporated in the public utility's published schedules or tariffs.”.
8196.376 Residential and commercial energy improvements. The
9commission may authorize a public utility to finance energy improvements at a
10specific residential or commercial location and recover the cost of those
11improvements over time through a surcharge periodically placed on the public utility
12customer's account for that location. The commission shall promulgate rules to
13establish the requirements for the utility financing programs authorized under this
14section. Those requirements shall include at least all of the following:
15(1) The surcharge shall be assigned to a location, not to an individual customer.
16(2) Energy improvements are eligible for financing only if the improvements
17are estimated to save an amount that exceeds the surcharge.
18(3) The financing offered to a customer under this section may not increase the
19customer's risk or debt.”.
(4) (at)
Farm to fork program. Biennially, the amounts in the schedule
3for the farm to fork program under s. 93.62.
(4) (au)
Value-added agricultural practices. Biennially, the amounts in
6the schedule for the value-added agricultural practices program under s. 93.65.
893.62 Farm to fork program. (1) Definition. In this section, “farm to fork
9program” means a program to connect entities that are not school districts and that
10have cafeterias to nearby farms to provide locally produced fresh fruits and
11vegetables, dairy products, and other nutritious, locally produced foods in meals and
12snacks; to help the public develop healthy eating habits; to provide nutritional and
13agricultural education; and to improve farmers' incomes and direct access to
15(2) Grants. (a) The department may award grants from the appropriation
16under s. 20.115 (4) (f) to businesses, universities, hospitals, and other entities that
17are not school districts and that have cafeterias for the creation and expansion of
1farm to fork programs. The department shall give preference to proposals that are
2innovative or that provide models that other entities can adopt.
(b) In awarding grants under this section, the department shall promote
4agricultural development and farm profitability by supporting the development and
5adoption of practices and agribusiness opportunities that involve the production of
6value-added agricultural products, as defined under s. 93.65 (1).
(c) The department may award grants under this subsection for projects that
8do any of the following:
1. Create, expand, diversify, or promote production, processing, marketing, and
10distribution of food produced in this state for sale to entities in this state other than
11school districts.
2. Create, expand, or renovate facilities, including purchases of equipment for
13the facilities, that would ensure the use of food produced in this state in locations in
14this state other than schools.
3. Provide, expand, or promote training for food service personnel, farmers, and
4. Provide, expand, or promote nutritional and agricultural education.
(d) The department shall consult with interested persons to establish grant
19priorities for each fiscal year.
20(3) Reports. At least annually, the department shall report to the legislature
21under s. 13.172 (2) and to the secretary on the needs and opportunities for farm to
22fork programs.
23(4) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to administer this section.
193.65 Value-added agricultural practices. (1) Definition. In this section,
2“value-added agricultural product” means a farm product that satisfies any of the
(a) The product has undergone a change in physical state.
(b) The product is produced in a manner that enhances its value.
(c) The product is physically segregated in a manner that enhances its value.
(d) The product is a source of farm-based or ranch-based renewable energy.
(e) The product is aggregated and marketed as a locally produced farm product.
9(2) Value-added products. The department may provide education and
10technical assistance related to promoting and implementing agricultural practices
11that produce value-added agricultural products, including by doing all of the
Assistance for organic farming practices. Providing education and technical
14assistance related to organic farming practices, including business and market
15development assistance; collaborating with organic producers, industry
16participants, and local organizations that coordinate organic farming; and
17stimulating interest and investment in organic production. The department may
18award grants from the appropriation under s. 20.115 (4) (f) to organic producers,
19industry participants, and local organizations that coordinate organic farming. The
20department may award a grant to an organic producer, industry participant, or local
21organization under this paragraph for any of the following purposes:
1. Providing education and technical assistance related to implementing
23organic farming practices.