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lakes LAKES
See Water
land subdivision plats abutting state trunk highways and connecting streets LAND SUBDIVISION PLATS ABUTTING STATE TRUNK HIGHWAYS AND CONNECTING STREETS
Generally, Ch. Trans 233
land surveyor LAND SURVEYOR
landfills LANDFILLS
Closure plans, Ch. NR 514
Construction and demolition waste, Ch. NR 503
Construction documentation, Ch. NR 516
Cover requirements, NR 506.05 to 506.06
Environmental monitoring, Ch. NR 507
Feasibility reports, Ch. NR 512
Industrial liquid waste, by-product solids and sludges, Ch. NR 214
Initial site reports, Ch. NR 509
Leachate recirculation, NR 504.095, 506.135, 507.215
Location, performance and design criteria, Ch. NR 504
Monitoring, remedial actions and in-field conditions reports, Ch. NR 508
Operational criteria, Ch. NR 506
Plan of operation, Ch. NR 514
Prohibited items, NR 506.095
Site reports, initial, Ch. NR 510
Solid waste, spreading, Ch. NR 518
Waste separation and recycling collection facilities, Ch. NR 540
landlord and tenant LANDLORD AND TENANT
landscape architect LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT
laundries LAUNDRIES
law enforcement standards LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS
By-laws of board, Ch. LES 9
Certifications, Ch. LES 4
Decertifications, Ch. LES 6
Definitions and objectives, Ch. LES 1
Grants, Ch. LES 5
Recruitment qualifications, Ch. LES 2
Training standards, Ch. LES 3
libraries, public LIBRARIES, PUBLIC
Generally, Ch. PI 6
life insurance LIFE INSURANCE
lighting LIGHTING
See Electric
liming materials LIMING MATERIALS
Definitions, ATCP 41.01
Index zones, ATCP 41.02
Marl, ATCP 41.04
Paper mill refuse lime, ATCP 41.04
Sale by ton weight equivalent, ATCP 41.05
Sale of liming materials, ATCP 41.03
limited liability companies LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES
liquefied natural gas LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS
Generally, Subch. VI of ch. SPS 340
liquefied petroleum gas LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS
Generally, Subch. V of ch. SPS 340
liquor tax LIQUOR TAX
livestock dealers and markets LIVESTOCK DEALERS AND MARKETS
See also Agriculture
Markets, dealers and truckers, Ch. ATCP 12
Premises registration, Ch. ATCP 17
Slaughterhouses, Ch. ATCP 55
Vehicle requirements, ATCP 12.045
loans LOANS
Commercial, DFI-SL 13.06
Consumer, DFI-SL 13.05
Credit unions, member business loans, Ch. DFI-CU 72
Discrimination prohibited, DFI-SL 8.03
Fairness in lending, Ch. DFI-SL 8
Maximum loan to value ratios, DFI-SL 13.03
Mortgage, DFI-SL 13.03
Policies by association, written, DFI-SL 13.02
Single borrower, limits, DFI-SL 13.01
Student financial assistance, higher education, Chs. HEA 4 to 12
local health departments LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS
Blood lead test results, reporting, Ch. DHS 181
Public health professionals, qualifications:
Environmental health directors, DHS 139.07
General, DHS 139.04
Health officers, DHS 139.05, 140.07
Nurses, DHS 139.08
Nursing program, directors, DHS 139.09
Sanitarians, DHS 139.06
Services, required
Designation of level, DHS 140.08