Examination of returns, requirements,
Tax 1.11
Expenditure restraint payments, Ch.
Tax 19
Federal income tax, regulations, when binding on persons other than corporations,
Tax 1.06
Federal returns, documents, to be filed with Wisconsin returns,
Tax 2.10
Financial record matching program,
Tax 1.16
Forest tax program,
NR 46
General administration, Ch.
Tax 1
Homestead credit:
Marriage, separation or divorce during claim year,
Tax 14.06
Rent constituting property taxes accrued,
Tax 14.05
Income taxation, Chs.
Tax 2,
Bank requirement for withholding tax deposit reports,
Tax 1.10
Economic development surcharge,
Tax 2.32
Federal income tax regulations, application for persons other than corporations,
Tax 1.06
Federal returns, documents to be filed with Wisconsin returns,
Tax 2.10
Information returns and wage statements,
Tax 2.04
Investment and local impact fund, Ch.
Tax 13
Metalliferous minerals, extraction taxation, Ch.
Tax 13
Multistate operations, determination of income,
Tax 2.39 to
Reproduction of, and filing of reproduction of official form,
Tax 2.09
Returns, reports and gross income, Ch.
Tax 2
Intoxicating liquors taxation, Ch.
Tax 8
Local financial reporting, Ch.
Tax 16
Credit, lottery and gaming, Ch.
Tax 20
Non-profit organizations, Ch.
Tax 63
Procurements, major, Ch.
Tax 62
Occupational license application denial, tax delinquency, Ch.
Power of attorney, taxpayer representation before the department,
Tax 1.13
Professional athletes, non-resident, compensation,
Tax 2.31
Professional sports clubs, interstate,
Tax 2.505
Property tax:
Manufacturing property report forms, examination, confidentiality,
Tax 12.10
Public utilities, full market values,
Tax 6.50
Public utility taxation, Ch.
Tax 6
Real estate transfer fee, Ch.
Tax 15
Tax increment finance district reports,
Tax 12.60
Virtual currency, unclaimed property, Ch.
Tax 10
Waste treatment facilities, tax status,
Tax 6.40
Minority student loan program, Ch.
HEA 11
Technical college instruction certification, Ch.