Suggestions for the improvement of the index or reports of errors and omissions will be appreciated.
Certification, individuals, Ch.
Accy 2
Discipline, grounds for, Ch.
SPS 73
Practice, standards of, Ch.
SPS 72
Architect/engineer services, selecting and contracting, Ch.
Adm 20
Charitable fund drive, payroll deduction, Ch.
Adm 30
Community development block grant program, Ch.
Adm 93
Comprehensive planning and transportation planning grants, Ch.
Adm 48
Contract compliance, Ch.
Adm 50
Contractual services, procurement, Ch.
Adm 10
Housing cost grants, Ch.
Adm 89
Real estate trust accounts, interest, Ch.
Adm 91
Housing assistance program, Ch.
Adm 87
Wis. local housing organization grant program, Ch.
Adm 88
Environmental improvement fund, Ch.
Adm 35
Land information program, Ch.
Adm 47
Low income assistance, Ch.
Adm 45
Fee, non-municipal electric utility, Ch.
Adm 43
Minority business certification program, Ch.
Adm 84
Motor vehicles, operation and parking on state property, Ch.
Adm 1
Nuclear power plants, fee schedule, Ch.
Adm 42
Payroll deductions, charitable purposes, Ch.
Adm 30
Population determination, Ch.
Adm 3
Procurement requisitions, Ch.
Adm 5
Public records, transfer to optical imaging, Ch.
Adm 10
State buildings and facilities, Ch.
Adm 2
State contracts:
Bidders list, registration fee and subscription service, Ch.
Adm 9
Bidding process, Ch.
Adm 8
Bids and proposals, solicitation, Ch.
Adm 7
Exceptions to process, Ch.
Adm 8
Procurement, generally, Ch.
Adm 10
Nondiscrimination, contractor compliance, Adm Ch.
Surplus state property, Ch.
Adm 11
Veterans, disabled veteran-owned business certification program, Ch.
Adm 82
Woman-owned business certification program, Ch.
Adm 83
Children with special needs:
State assistance, facilitation, Ch.
DCF 50
Preadoption training, Ch.
DCF 51
Information search and disclosure, Ch.
DCF 53
State information center, Ch.
DCF 49
Correspondence courses, for-profit schools,
Safety and Professional Services Department — Educational Approval
Eggs, unfair practices, Ch.
Employment, deceptive offers, Ch.
ATCP 116
Insurance, accident and sickness, deceptive practices,
Ins 3.27
Outdoor, along federally funded highways, Ch.
Trans 201
Price comparison advertising, Ch.
ATCP 124
Universities and colleges, for-profit; unfair trade practices, Ch.
SPS 405
Administrative orders and contested cases, Ch.
Agricultural or economic development grants, Ch.
ATCP 163
Animal feed, commercial, Ch.
Animal feeding operations (CAFO), Ch.
NR 243
Animal health: