NR 664.0142 Cost estimate for closure. NR 664.0143 Financial assurance for closure. NR 664.0144 Cost estimate for long-term care. NR 664.0145 Financial assurance for long-term care. NR 664.0146 Use of a mechanism for financial assurance of both closure and long-term care. NR 664.0147 Liability requirements. NR 664.0148 Incapacity of owners or operators, guarantors or financial institutions. NR 664.0151 Wording of the instruments. Subchapter I — Containers
NR 664.0170 Applicability. NR 664.0171 Condition of containers. NR 664.0172 Compatibility of waste with containers. NR 664.0173 Management of containers. NR 664.0176 Special requirements for ignitable or reactive waste. NR 664.0177 Special requirements for incompatible wastes. NR 664.0179 Air emission standards. Subchapter J — Tank Systems
NR 664.0190 Applicability. NR 664.0191 Assessment of existing tank system’s integrity. NR 664.0192 Design and installation of new tank systems or components. NR 664.0193 Containment and detection of releases. NR 664.0194 General operating requirements. NR 664.0196 Response to leaks or spills and disposition of leaking or unfit-for-use tank systems. NR 664.0197 Closure and long-term care. NR 664.0198 Special requirements for ignitable or reactive wastes. NR 664.0199 Special requirements for incompatible wastes. NR 664.0200 Air emission standards. Subchapter K — Surface Impoundments
NR 664.0220 Applicability. NR 664.0221 Design and operating requirements. NR 664.0222 Action leakage rate. NR 664.0223 Response actions. NR 664.0226 Monitoring and inspection. NR 664.0227 Emergency repairs; contingency plans. NR 664.0228 Closure and long-term care. NR 664.0229 Special requirements for ignitable or reactive waste. NR 664.0230 Special requirements for incompatible wastes. NR 664.0231 Special requirements for hazardous wastes F020, F021, F022, F023, F026 and F027. NR 664.0232 Air emission standards. Subchapter L — Waste Piles
NR 664.0250 Applicability. NR 664.0251 Design and operating requirements. NR 664.0252 Action leakage rate. NR 664.0253 Response actions. NR 664.0254 Monitoring and inspection. NR 664.0256 Special requirements for ignitable or reactive waste. NR 664.0257 Special requirements for incompatible wastes. NR 664.0258 Closure and long-term care. NR 664.0259 Special requirements for hazardous wastes F020, F021, F022, F023, F026 and F027. Subchapter M — Land Treatment
NR 664.0270 Applicability. Subchapter N — Landfills
NR 664.0300 Applicability. NR 664.0301 Design and operating requirements. NR 664.0302 Action leakage rate. NR 664.0303 Monitoring and inspection. NR 664.0304 Response actions. NR 664.0309 Surveying and recordkeeping. NR 664.0310 Closure and long-term care. NR 664.0312 Special requirements for ignitable or reactive waste. NR 664.0313 Special requirements for incompatible wastes. NR 664.0314 Special requirements for bulk and containerized liquids. NR 664.0315 Special requirements for containers. NR 664.0316 Disposal of small containers of hazardous waste in overpacked drums (lab packs). NR 664.0317 Special requirements for hazardous wastes F020, F021, F022, F023, F026 and F027. Subchapter O — Incinerators
NR 664.0340 Applicability. NR 664.0341 Waste analysis. NR 664.0342 Principal organic hazardous constituents (POHCs). NR 664.0343 Performance standards. NR 664.0344 Hazardous waste incinerator licenses. NR 664.0345 Operating requirements. NR 664.0347 Monitoring and inspections. Subchapter S — Special Provisions for Cleanup
NR 664.0550 Applicability of corrective action management unit (CAMU) rules. NR 664.0551 Grandfathered corrective action management units (CAMUs). NR 664.0552 Corrective action management units (CAMUs). NR 664.0553 Temporary units (TUs). NR 664.0554 Staging piles. NR 664.0555 Disposal of CAMU-eligible wastes in licensed or permitted hazardous waste landfills. Subchapter W — Drip Pads
NR 664.0570 Applicability. NR 664.0571 Assessment of existing drip pad integrity. NR 664.0572 Design and installation of new drip pads.
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 600-699; Environmental Protection – Hazardous Waste Management