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(a) If approved by the department of safety and professional services, transfer tanks may be used to receive the discharge from the toilet, shower, laundry, bath, or sink facility of a recreational vehicle.
(b) The operator shall ensure that sewage and domestic wastewater from a holding tank or transfer tank of a privately owned or operator-provided recreational vehicle is emptied as often as necessary so as not to create a nuisance. The operator shall ensure that sewage and domestic wastewater is disposed of in accordance with ch. NR 113 or into a sanitary dump station.
(c) Transfer tanks and holding tanks shall be maintained in good condition and be leakproof.
Note: The department of safety and professional services plumbing product approvals for RV transfer containers often require that transfer tank remain unburied. Consult with the department of safety and professional services concerning specific product approvals.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.15 Register June 2016 No. 726; correction in (2) (a) (intro.), (c) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726; correction in (3) (c) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.16Toilet facilities.
(1)Toilet buildings.
(a) Design standards. A toilet building shall comply with chs. SPS 361 to 365 as enforced by the department of safety and professional services. In addition, the toilet building shall have impervious floors and doors equipped with self-closing devices. Toilet buildings shall be fly-tight, vermin-proof, and maintained in clean and good repair.
(b) Toilet rooms; sex designation. Separate toilet rooms shall be provided for each sex and shall be available at all times while the campground is occupied by dependent camping units.
(c) Hand wash sinks. If a hand wash sink or portable hand wash sink is provided for hand washing, the hand wash sink shall be provided with an adequate supply of soap, water supply that meets the requirements under s. ATCP 79.14, single-use toweling or hand drying device, and a waste receptacle.
(2)Walkways. Walkways to toilet buildings shall be provided and shall allow safe access under all weather conditions.
(a) General.
1. Each toilet stall or compartment shall be equipped with a privacy lock.
2. Each toilet stall or compartment shall be provided with an adequate supply of toilet paper.
3. Toilet seats and riser shall be smooth, nonabsorbent and easily cleanable.
4. Each toilet and each toilet compartment or stall shall be maintained and in good repair and working condition.
(b) Construction and type. Vault privies and other toilet units shall comply with chs. SPS 362 and 391 as enforced by the department of safety and professional services.
(c) Location.
1. A toilet for each sex shall be located within 400 walking distance feet from each dependent campsite unless an alternative is approved by the department under s. ATCP 79.02 (2).
2. A vault privy may not be located within 15 feet of a campsite or a building used for human occupancy.
3. A distance between 15 and 75 feet may be approved by the department for other approved privy or toilet types.
(d) Minimum number of toilets; dependent campsites.
1. Except as provided under subd. 2., an operator with dependent campsites shall provide the number of toilets specified in Table ATCP 79.16. If a campground has more than 100 dependent campsites, one additional toilet for each sex shall be provided for every additional 75 campsites or fraction thereof except that urinals may be substituted for up to 50% of the calculated number of toilets required for males.
2. For each dependent group campsite, the operator shall provide one toilet for each sex for every 30 campers or fraction thereof. Urinals may be substituted for up to 50% of the number of toilets required for males.
3. Campgrounds with plans and specifications approved by the department before September 1, 1992 shall have the number of toilets required by the rules in effect when the plans and specifications were approved. If the operator increases or modifies any campground attribute, the operator shall meet the plan review requirements as provided under s. ATCP 79.04.
(e) Minimum number of toilets; independent campsites.
1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the operator shall provide a backup toilet for each sex for every100 independent campsites or fraction thereof. The toilets shall be available at all times that the campground is occupied.
2. Backup toilets are not required where campsites are designed for and limited exclusively to use by independent camping units, and the camping units are connected to the campground’s POWTS or a municipal waste treatment system.
(f) Unisex toilets. The operator may use unisex toilets if the total number of required toilets for both male and female is the same or higher than specified in Table ATCP 79.16.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.16 Register June 2016 No. 726; correction in (1) (c), (3) (c) 1., (d) 1., 3., (f), Table made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726; correction in (1) (a), Table ATCP 79.16 (title) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.17Shower building.
(1)If a building housing showers is provided at a campground, the building shall comply with chs. SPS 361 to 365 as enforced by the department of safety and professional services.
(2)Shower room floors shall be slip-resistant or be provided with nonabsorbent, easily cleanable matting. The mats shall be maintained clean and in good condition.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.17 Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.18Petting zoos.
(1)If the campground includes a petting zoo, the operator shall provide a hand washing or a hand sanitizing station near the exit to encourage hand washing by patrons after handling animals.
(2)The operator shall post a sign at the hand washing or hand sanitizing station required under sub. (1), with the following wording “For the health of our guests, hand washing or hand sanitizing is encouraged for all who have been in the petting zoo area”.
(3)A petting zoo may not be located within 100 feet of a campsite as specified in s. ATCP 79.11 (4) (b).
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.18 Register June 2016 No. 726; correction in (3) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.19Fish and game cleaning station.
(1)If the campground includes a fish and game cleaning station, the operator shall maintain the cleaning station in a sanitary manner. The area used for fish cleaning shall be designed to be smooth, easily cleanable and nonabsorbent.
(2)If the fish and game cleaning station has plumbing, the plumbing shall comply with the requirements in chs. SPS 382 to 384 as enforced by the department of safety and professional services.
(3)A fish and game cleaning station may not be within 75 feet of a campsite. This subsection first applies to a fish and game cleaning station that is new or replaced after February 1, 2016.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.19 Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.20Garbage and refuse.
(a) The operator shall provide a sufficient number of garbage, refuse, and recyclables containers for use by campers. The containers shall be durable, cleanable, insect-resistant, rodent-resistant, leakproof, nonabsorbent, and of sufficient capacity to hold all of the accumulated garbage, refuse, and recyclables. The containers shall be covered, unless the containers are emptied on a daily basis. Collection points may be located throughout the campground for centralized garbage, refuse and recyclable pickup. A campground operator may request a variance under s. ATCP 79.02 (2) to receive approval for an alternate method of garbage and refuse pick up.
1. The operator shall prevent garbage, refuse, and recyclable containers from developing a buildup of soil or attracting insects and rodents.
2. The operator may not store garbage or refuse outside in plastic bags, wet-strength paper bags, or baled units after collection.
(2)Burning of refuse. If the operator burns garbage or refuse, the operator shall comply with s. NR 429.04 and chs. NR 415 and 445 as enforced by the department of natural resources. Areas around burning facilities shall be clean and orderly.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.20 Register June 2016 No. 726; correction in (1) (a) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726; correction in (1) (a) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.21Insect and rodent control. The operator shall provide effective measures to minimize the presence of rodents, flies, cockroaches, bed bugs, and other insects in operator-provided camping units and other buildings located in the campground.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.21 Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.22Fire prevention.
(1)General. A campground shall be kept free of litter, rubbish and other flammable materials.
(2)Fire extinguisher. At least one ABC rated fire extinguisher shall be available in a campground office or other building that is accessible to campers. The fire extinguisher shall be readily accessible and maintained in operable condition.
(a) Except as specified in par. (b), a campfire shall be contained in a campfire ring and located a minimum of 5 feet away from all camping units, building structures, and motor vehicles.
(b) A campsite existing before February 1, 2016, is exempt from the requirements in par. (a).
(4)Grills. An operator-provided grill shall be maintained in good repair.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.22 Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.23Play equipment.
(1)Play or recreational equipment shall be installed according to manufacturer’s instructions and maintained in good repair.
(2)Play equipment shall be free of open “S” hooks, protruding bolt ends, and sharp points or edges.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.23 Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.24General campground administration.
(a) Every campground shall be operated, equipped, and maintained with strict regard for the public health and safety and in conformity with the rules of this chapter.
(b) The campground operator shall maintain the campground, its structures, and its facilities in a clean and safe condition at all times.
(2)Campground register. The operator shall maintain a written or electronic campground register that contains the name of each principal campsite occupant, this person’s contact information, the person’s arrival and departure dates, and the number of campers in the person’s party. The campground register shall be available to any authorized employee or agent of the department who, in carrying out his or her duties, asks to inspect the register. The operator shall keep the campground register for at least one year after the principal campsite occupant’s date of departure from a campsite.
(3)Emergency telephone. The operator shall display a durable sign posted in public view with the following wording “EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS.” The sign shall provide directions to the nearest location where a telephone is available for emergency use.
(4)Records. The operator shall maintain a copy of all of the following records on the premises of the campground:
(a) The campground plans and specifications approved by the department or its agent.
(b) The most current version of ch. ATCP 79.
(c) Department approvals under s. ATCP 79.02 (2).
(d) The most current bacteriological analysis for total coliform report from water testing for each water system serving the campground.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; renum. from DHS 178.24 Register June 2016 No. 726; correction in (4) (b), (c) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.25Mobile or manufactured homes in a campground. Whenever 3 or more mobile or manufactured homes are located in a campground, the operator shall either obtain a license as a manufactured home community from the department of safety and professional services as specified in s. SPS 326.08 (1) or develop and implement an action plan in accordance with s. ATCP 79.07 (4) to remove all but 2 mobile or manufactured homes from the campground.
History: CR 15-001: cr. Register October 2015 No. 718, eff. 2-1-16; correction made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register October 2015 No. 718; renum. from DHS 178.25 Register June 2016 No. 726; correction made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register June 2016 No. 726.
ATCP 79.26Special event campgrounds.
(1)License required.
(a) Before a person may operate a special event campground, the person shall have a license issued by the department or its agent. The department or its agent may issue a license for a special event campground only in conjunction with a special event, such as a fair, rally, carnival, music festival, sporting event, community festival, or other similar event.
(b) No camping may occur until a license is granted by the department or its agent.
(2)License duration and renewal. A license issued under this section may not exceed 14 days in duration.
(3)Application. The application for a license for a special event campground shall be made to the department or its agent at least 30 days before the special event. The application for a license shall be made on an application form provided by the department or its agent and shall include all of the following:
(a) The location of the event.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.