Chapter ATCP 70
Subchapter I — Scope and Definitions
Subchapter II — General Requirements
ATCP 70.04 Federal and record keeping requirements. ATCP 70.06 Food processing plants; licensing; fees. ATCP 70.08 Construction and maintenance. ATCP 70.10 Personnel standards. ATCP 70.12 Equipment and utensils. ATCP 70.14 Cleaning and sanitizing equipment and utensils. ATCP 70.16 Cleaning and sanitizing equipment and utensils; exemptions. ATCP 70.18 Obtaining approval of alternative cleaning and sanitizing frequency. ATCP 70.22 Food ingredients. ATCP 70.24 Food handling and storage. ATCP 70.26 Food packaging and labeling. ATCP 70.28 Sanitizers and sanitizing methods. ATCP 70.30 Ready-to-eat foods; reporting pathogens and toxins. Subchapter III — Canning Operations; Supplementary Requirements
ATCP 70.36 Low-acid foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers. ATCP 70.38 Acidified foods. ATCP 70.40 Facilities and equipment; cleaning. ATCP 70.42 Handling raw agricultural commodities and by-products. Subchapter IV — Fish Processing Plants; Marine Shellfish Plants; Supplementary Requirements
ATCP 70.44 Fish processing. ATCP 70.46 Labeling and sale of smoked fish. ATCP 70.50 Marine molluscan shellfish processing. Subchapter V — Bottling Establishments; Supplementary Requirements
ATCP 70.52 Bottling establishments; general. ATCP 70.54 Returnable and single-service bottles. ATCP 70.56 Bottled water product sampling; record keeping; reports. ATCP 70.58 Labeling bottled products. Subchapter VI — Juice and Juice HACCP
ATCP 70.60 Juice and Juice HACCP. Subchapter VII — Effect of Rules on Local Ordinances
ATCP 70.62 Effect of rules on local ordinances. Subchapter VIII — Variances
Ch. ATCP 70 NoteNote: Chapter Ag 40 as it existed on October 31, 1989, was repealed and a new chapter Ag 40 was created effective November 1, 1989; Chapter Ag 40 was renumbered ch. ATCP 70 under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 1., Stats., Register, April, 1993, No. 448; Chapter ATCP 70 as it existed on January 31, 2020, was repealed and a new chapter ATCP 70 was created effective February 1, 2020. ATCP 70.01 HistoryHistory: CR 17-073: cr. Register January 2020 No. 769, eff. 2-1-20. ATCP 70.02ATCP 70.02 Definitions. As used in this chapter: ATCP 70.02(2)(2) “Approved sanitizing solution” means a substance or compound approved by the department for the sanitizing of equipment or utensils under s. ATCP 70.28 (5). ATCP 70.02(3)(3) “Bakery” means any place where bread, cookies, crackers, pasta, or pies, or any other food product for which flour or ground meal is the principal ingredient, are baked, cooked, or dried, or prepared or mixed for baking, cooking, or drying, for sale as food. ATCP 70.02(4)(4) “Bottle” means the immediate package or container in which bottled drinking water, soda water beverage, or alcohol beverage is sold or distributed for consumption. “Bottle” includes a bottle cap or other seal for a bottle. ATCP 70.02(5)(5) “Bottled drinking water” means all water packaged in bottles or similar containers and sold or distributed for drinking purposes. “Bottled drinking water” includes distilled water, artesian water, spring water, and mineral water, whether carbonated or uncarbonated. ATCP 70.02(6)(6) “Bottling establishment” means any place where drinking water, soda water beverage, or alcohol beverage is manufactured or bottled for sale. “Bottling establishment” does not include a retail establishment either engaged in the preparation and sale of beverages, under a license issued under s. 125.26 or 125.51, Stats., or licensed under s. 97.30 or s. 97.605, Stats. ATCP 70.02(7)(7) “C-I-P system” means equipment which is designed, constructed, and installed to be cleaned in place by the internal circulation of cleaning and sanitizing solutions onto product contact surfaces. “C-I-P System” includes separate equipment used to store or deliver cleaning and sanitizing solutions to the food contact surfaces. ATCP 70.02(8)(8) “Canning” means the preservation and packaging in hermetically sealed containers of low-acid or acidified foods. ATCP 70.02(9)(9) “Cold-process smoked fish” or “cold-process smoke flavored fish” means fish which is treated with smoke or smoke flavoring to give it a smoked flavor, but which is not fully cooked or heat treated to coagulate protein in fish loin muscle. “Cold-process smoked fish” or “cold-process smoke flavored fish” may not be heated above 90° F during processing because the safety of the treatment is partially dependent on the survival of harmless microorganisms indigenous to the fish.
Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (ATCP)
Chs. ATCP 55-89; Food, Lodging, and Recreation Safety