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(g) Conduct custom processing operations in a sanitary manner.
(h) Create and keep complete and accurate records of all custom processing transactions that are completed upon slaughter of a food animal or receipt of meat for processing. The service provider shall keep the records for at least 3 years, and shall make the records available to the department for inspection and copying upon request. Each record shall include all of the following:
1. The name and address for each individual for whom the person provides mobile custom slaughter or processing service.
2. The number and type of animals slaughtered for each service recipient.
3. The date of each slaughter.
4. The disposition of each carcass. The report shall indicate whether a carcass was transported to another location for processing and, if so, the location to which it was transported.
5. Any certificates required under s. ATCP 55.07 (7).
6. Other relevant information required by the department.
(2)Marking or labeling meat.
(a) A person providing a custom processing service shall mark or label the resulting meat and poultry products with all the following information:
1. The words “NOT FOR SALE” for meat products or “NOT INSPECTED” for poultry products in block letters at least 3/8” high.
2. The name or commonly recognized trade name of the person providing the custom processing service. If the person performs the service at a meat establishment licensed under s. ATCP 55.03, the person may use the meat establishment number assigned under s. ATCP 55.03 (10) instead of the person’s name. If the person provides the service as a mobile custom processing service, the person may use the registration number assigned under s. ATCP 55.09 (2) (g) instead of the person’s name.
Note: The following examples illustrate possible label formats under par. (a):
XYZ Market   WIS 000   ABC FARMS
(b) A person providing a custom slaughter service shall mark the carcass of each custom slaughtered animal with the information required under par. (a). The person shall mark each side, quarter, detached organ, and other part of the carcass. The person shall mark the carcass immediately after slaughter, before the carcass leaves the slaughter site.
(c) A person providing a custom processing service shall apply the label under par. (a) to all packages and containers of custom processed meat and poultry products when those meat or poultry products are packaged or placed in those containers. The person shall individually label sausages that have a diameter of more than 1 1/2” if those sausages are individually packaged, or if they are shipped or stored in unsealed containers.
(3)Custom slaughter and processing schedule.
(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a meat establishment operator may not engage in custom slaughter or other processing operations at a meat establishment while the operator is simultaneously doing any of the following at that establishment:
1. Slaughtering food animals for sale.
2. Processing the meat of food animals for sale.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to any of the following:
1. A department-inspected custom slaughter, or the custom processing of meat from a department-inspected custom slaughter.
2. Simultaneous operations conducted in separate rooms or areas, if approved by the department. The department may approve simultaneous operations that are adequately separated and controlled to prevent cross-contamination or commingling of meat from the separated operations.
History: CR 01-042: cr. Register March 2002 No. 555, eff. 4-1-02; CR 17-072: am. (title), (1) (intro.), (d), (e) to (g), renum. (1) (h) to (1) (h) (intro.) and am., cr. (1) (h) 1. to 6., am (2) (a), (c), (3) (a) (intro.) Register July 2018 No. 751, eff. 8-1-18.
ATCP 55.09Mobile custom processing.
(1)General. A person engaged in mobile custom processing shall comply with ss. ATCP 55.07 and 55.08 and this section.
(2)Annual registration certificate.
(a) No person may receive any compensation, other than bartered services, for providing mobile custom processing services unless that person holds a current annual registration certificate from the department. No registration certificate is required if the person holds a meat establishment license under s. ATCP 55.03.
(b) A registration certificate under par. (a) expires on June 30 annually.
(c) A person shall apply for a registration certificate under par. (a) on a form provided by the department. No fee is required. The application shall include all the following:
1. The applicant’s correct legal name, and any trade name under which the applicant does business.
2. The applicant’s business address.
3. The applicant’s social security number if the applicant is an individual.
Note: See s. 93.135 (1) (nm), Stats.
4. Other relevant information required by the department.
(d) The department shall grant or deny an application under par. (c) within 30 days after the department receives a complete application.
(e) The department may deny, suspend, or revoke a registration certificate under par. (a) for cause, as provided in s. 93.06 (7), Stats. Cause may include a violation of this chapter.
Note: The procedure for suspending or revoking a registration certificate, or for contesting the denial of a registration certificate, is set forth in ch. ATCP 1.
(f) The department may issue a registration certificate under par. (a) subject to conditions, or may impose conditions on an existing registration certificate, as provided in s. 93.06 (8), Stats.
Note: The procedure for imposing conditions on an existing registration certificate, or for contesting conditions imposed by the department, is set forth in ch. ATCP 1.
(g) The department shall assign, to each person holding a registration certificate under par. (a), a registration number that uniquely identifies that person.
(3)Facilities and sanitation.
(a) Mobile custom processing operations shall be conducted under clean and sanitary conditions.
(b) Vehicles and facilities used in mobile custom processing operations shall be designed and constructed so that clean and sanitary conditions are maintained.
(c) Facilities shall be available, at every mobile custom slaughter and mobile custom processing site, to clean and sanitize equipment and utensils.
(4)Equipment and utensils. Equipment and utensils used in mobile custom processing operations shall be of sanitary design and construction, and shall be kept clean and sanitary. Meat or poultry product contact surfaces of equipment and utensils shall be cleaned and sanitized after each use, and more frequently as necessary, to keep them clean and sanitary.
(5)Personnel. Personnel engaged in mobile custom processing operations shall wear clean and washable outer clothing, and shall wash and rinse their hands sufficiently during the operations to prevent contamination of carcasses and meat or poultry products.
(6)Water supply. Potable water shall be available for all mobile custom processing operations. There shall be enough water for thorough cleaning of all carcasses, equipment, and utensils. Water shall be available during all slaughtering, other processing, and cleanup operations.
(7)Carcass transported to meat establishment for custom processing.
(a) A person performing a mobile custom slaughter service shall return the resulting meat to the service recipient at the slaughter site, except that the service provider may transport a carcass to a meat establishment licensed under s. ATCP 55.03 for custom processing. The custom processor shall return the resulting meat to the service recipient.
Note: See s. ATCP 55.07 (9).
(b) Carcasses transported under par. (a) shall be transported according to s. ATCP 55.11. Inedible slaughter products, if transported on the same vehicle with meat, shall be transported in tightly covered waterproof containers or in separate waterproof compartments to prevent spillage of inedible products and contamination of meat.
(8)Mobile custom slaughter; monthly report. A person holding a registration certificate under sub. (2) or a license under s. ATCP 55.03 shall file a report with the department for each month in which that person performs any mobile custom slaughter. The person shall file the report by the 10th day of the following month on a form provided by the department. The report shall include all the following information:
(a) The name and address of each individual for whom the person provided mobile custom slaughter services.
(b) The number and type of animals slaughtered for each service recipient, including indication of whether cattle are less than 30 months of age or 30 months of age or greater, and if the specified risk materials were removed.
(c) The date of each slaughter.
(d) The disposition of each carcass. The report shall indicate whether a carcass was transported to another location for processing and, if so, the location to which it was transported.
(9)Records. A person providing mobile custom processing shall keep complete and accurate records of all processing transactions as under s. ATCP 55.08 (1) (h). The service provider shall keep the records for at least 3 years, and shall make the records available to the department for inspection and copying upon request.
History: CR 01-042: cr. Register March 2002 No. 555, eff. 4-1-02; CR 07-116: am. (1) Register November 2008 No. 635, eff. 12-1-08; CR 17-072: am. (title), (1), (2) (a), (3) (a), (b), (4) to (6), (8) (b), cr. (9) Register July 2018 No. 751, eff. 8-1-18; correction in (5) made under s. 35.17, Stats., Register July 2018 No. 751.
ATCP 55.10Meat labels and formulas.
(1)General. Meat or poultry products sold in this state shall be labeled according to this chapter and ch. ATCP 90. No person may sell any misbranded meat or poultry products, or make any false, deceptive, or misleading representation in connection with the sale of meat or poultry products.
Note: See ss. 97.03, 100.18 and 100.183, Stats. Chapter ATCP 90 (fair packaging and labeling) contains general requirements for the packaging and labeling of food and other consumer commodities.
(2)Meat labels; general. No person may sell any meat or poultry product unless that meat or poultry product is clearly labeled with all the following:
(a) The name of the meat or poultry product.
(b) The net weight of the meat or poultry product.
(c) The name and address of the person who last processed the meat or poultry product, or the name and address of the legally responsible distributor for whom the meat or poultry product was last processed.
(d) An inspection legend if required under sub. (3) or 9 CFR 317.2 or 9 CFR 381.96.
(e) An ingredient statement if the product contains 2 or more ingredients. The ingredient statement shall contain the word “INGREDIENTS:” followed by a listing of ingredients in order of decreasing predominance by weight.
(f) Safe handling instructions if required under 9 CFR 317.2 (l) or 9 CFR 381.125.
(g) One of the following statements if the meat or poultry product is being sold at retail and is perishable:
1. “Perishable.”
2. “Keep refrigerated.”
3. “Keep under refrigeration.”
4. “Keep frozen.”
(3)Inspection legend.
(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a license holder under s. ATCP 55.03 who processes meat or poultry products from meat inspected and passed by the department shall label those meat or poultry product with a state inspection legend. The legend shall be clearly visible to prospective purchasers on all packages and containers of products.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to meat or poultry products processed at a retail establishment and sold only to individual consumers at that establishment.
(c) Except as provided in par. (d), the state inspection legend under par. (a) shall consist of an outline map of Wisconsin enclosing the words “WIS. DEPT. AGR. INSPECTED” and the meat establishment number assigned under s. ATCP 55.03 (10).
Note: Federal law prohibits the sale, in other states, of state-inspected meat that is required to bear the Wisconsin inspection under par. (c). The following is an illustration of the Wisconsin inspection legend described in par. (c):
(d) The inspection legend under par. (a) shall consist of an equilateral or isosceles triangle enclosing the words “WIS. DEPT. AGR. INSPECTED” and the meat establishment number assigned under s. ATCP 55.03 (10) if all the following apply:
1. The meat or poultry product contains meat from farm-raised deer, captive game animals, or captive game birds.
2. Meat from domesticated food animals and ratites constitutes less than 3% of the product by weight.
3. Fat from domesticated food animals and ratites constitutes less than 30% of the product by weight.
Note: Federal law does not prohibit the sale, in other states, of state-inspected meat from farm-raised deer, captive game animals, captive game birds, alpacas, bison, llamas, or rabbits (meat required to bear a triangular inspection legend under par. (d)). The following is an illustration of the state inspection legend described in par. (d):
(e) If space is limited, the word “INSPECTED” in the state inspection legend under par. (c) or (d) may be abbreviated as “INSP’D.”
(4)Standards of identity. Labeling of meat and poultry products shall comply with applicable standards of identity in 9 CFR 319 and 9 CFR 381 Subpart P. No person may misrepresent the identity of any meat or poultry product.
(5)Formula approval.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.