An Act to renumber 457.25 (1); to amend 46.90 (4) (ab) 4., 48.56 (2), 48.561 (2), 49.45 (30j) (a) 1., 51.03 (6) (a), 55.043 (1m) (a) 4., 146.81 (1) (hg), 146.89 (1) (r) 6., 146.89 (1) (r) 7., 146.997 (1) (d) 11., 252.14 (1) (ar) 7., 252.15 (1) (er), 253.10 (2) (f), 303.08 (1) (f), 440.03 (13) (b) (intro.), 440.15, 446.01 (1v) (m), 450.10 (3) (a) 10., 457.01 (1c), 457.01 (1r), 457.01 (10), 457.02 (5) and (5m), 457.03 (2), 457.033, 457.035 (2), 457.04 (1), 457.04 (2), 457.04 (4), 457.04 (7), 457.09 (4) (b) 1., 457.09 (4) (b) 2., 457.24 (1), 457.26 (2) (intro.) and 905.04 (1) (g); to repeal and recreate 632.89 (1) (dm); to create 14.898, 440.03 (11m) (c) 2v., 440.03 (13) (c) 1. id., 457.01 (5g), 457.01 (5j), 457.01 (12), 457.08 (4m), 457.25 (1g) and subchapter III of chapter 457 [precedes 457.70] of the statutes; Relating to: ratification of the Social Work Licensure Compact. (FE)
Date / House | Action | Journal |
2/26/2025 Sen. | Introduced by Senators Stafsholt, Cabral-Guevara, Carpenter, Dassler-Alfheim, Drake, James, Keyeski, Larson, Pfaff, Spreitzer, Wall, Ratcliff and L. Johnson; cosponsored by Representatives VanderMeer, Tittl, Anderson, Bare, Dittrich, Doyle, Emerson, Franklin, Green, Gundrum, J. Jacobson, Joers, Johnson, Knodl, Melotik, Miresse, Moore Omokunde, Mursau, Novak, O'Connor, Phelps and Roe | |
2/26/2025 Sen. | Read first time and referred to Committee on Health | |
3/3/2025 Sen. | Representatives Fitzgerald and Subeck added as cosponsors |