Madison Office:
Room 109 North State Capitol PO Box 8952 Madison, WI 53708
(608) 237-9123 (888) 534-0023
(608) 282-3623
Email: Rep.Andraca@legis.wisconsin.govVoting Address:
Born Springfield, Massachusetts, April 10, 1970; married; 2 children.
B.A. in Political Science and Public Relations, Syracuse University, 1992; M.A. Political Management, George Washington University, 1996; completed teacher licensure program at Alverno College, 2018.
Substitute teacher. Former summer school math teacher, Bruce Guadalupe Community School; substitute teacher, Whitefish Bay School District; communications director and lobbyist, Environmental Law and Policy Center of the Midwest; vice president, FleishmanHillard International Communications; executive assistant, Solar Energy Industries Association.
Former member: Cumberland Elementary School PTO (president); Advocates for Education of Whitefish Bay (board member); Girl Scout Leader troops 1586 and 1305; Urban Ecology Center (fundraiser chair).
Recipient: Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Legislator of the Year; Metropolitan Milwaukee Association Chamber of Commerce Champion of Commerce; Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters Conservation Champion; Associate Builders and Contractors of Wisconsin Building Wisconsin Award.