Born Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 9, 1969; single; 2 children.
Graduate Preble High School (Green Bay), 1987; B.A. in
English Literature, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1991.
Full-time legislator; Livestrong Instructor, YMCA Fox Cities. Former communications director for Girl
Scouts of the Northwestern Great Lakes; senior design project manager; sales manager for a paper corporation.
Member: Children’s Caucus: Fox Cities Greenways; LBGTQ+ Caucus; Trails Caucus
(cochair); Democratic Party of Wisconsin (second vice chair); Leaders for Climate
Accountability; Outagamie County Aging Advisory Committee; Wisconsin Bike Fed;
Wisconsin Women’s Business Initiative Corporation Ambassador.
Elected to Assembly 2020. Leadership positions: Minority Caucus Sergeant
at Arms 2023.