Passing a stopped school bus: penalties increased -
Act 154Pupil transportation aid increased re pupils residing more than 12 miles from school [Sec. 397] -
Act 19Volunteer school bus driver: school board member allowed to serve as, conditions set -
Act 26Online early learning program sunset delayed [Sec. 473-476] [vetoed] -
Act 19Personal financial literacy credit required for high school graduation -
Act 60Robotics league participation grants: maximum amount increased [Sec. 393] -
Act 19School boards to provide instruction on human relations re Hmong Americans and Asian Americans -
Act 266“Strip search” definition revised re prohibition against strip searching a pupil by a school employee -
Act 198Early literacy professional development: expanding who may offer required training; reading readiness assessments administered in 2024-25 school year required -
Act 192Paraprofessional experience: DPI to issue nonrenewable Tier 1 license to teach under set criteria [vetoed] -
SB608Sexual misconduct against a pupil by school staff member or volunteer: felony penalty and license revocation provision -
Act 200“Strip search” definition revised re prohibition against strip searching a pupil by a school employee -
Act 198Undesignated glucagon: prescriptions and standing orders to public, private, charter, and tribal schools from specified medical personnel; administration by school personnel; civil liability immunity -
Act 193Early literacy instruction and reading readiness assessments and interventions: Office of Literacy and Council on Early Literacy Curricula created in DPI, teacher licensing and professional development training, model policy for promoting third graders to fourth grade, school district and school report cards, parent notification requirements, complaint by parent or guardian to DPI; reports and sunset provisions -
Act 20Early literacy professional development: expanding who may offer required training; reading readiness assessments administered in 2024-25 school year required -
Act 192Annual adjustments for per pupil payments re parental choice programs, SNSP, and independent charter schools and increasing the revenue ceiling for school districts -
Act 11Information technology infrastructure grants: sunsetted program repealed [Sec. 47, 143, 429] -
Act 19Per pupil revenue limit adjustment [Sec. 402-408] [402-404, 408 -- partial veto] -
Act 19Civil liability exemption for administering an opioid antagonist re elementary and secondary schools -
Act 194Public school, independent charter school, and private school participating in a parental choice program that operates or sponsors interscholastic or intramural sports: designating team or sport into one of three categories based on the sex of the participating students [vetoed] -
AB377Pupils who have asthma: schools required to adopt a management plan which includes standing orders for short-acting bronchodilators; advanced practice nurse prescriber, physician assistant, and physician provisions and civil liability immunity -
Act 195School-based mental health consultation pilot program created by 2019 WisAct 117 repealed [Sec. 107, 313] -
Act 19School-based mental health services grants revised [Sec. 389-392] -
Act 19Tier 1 license from DPI for clinically trained mental health professional created; rules provision [Admin.Code PI 34.0375] -
Act 196Undesignated glucagon: prescriptions and standing orders to public, private, charter, and tribal schools from specified medical personnel; administration by school personnel; civil liability immunity -
Act 193School breakfast reimbursement and teaching license requirement: obsolete provisions repealed (remedial legislation suggested by DPI) -
Act 262High cost transportation aid: stop gap payments sunsetted [Sec. 399g] -
Act 19Pupil transportation aid increased re pupils residing more than 12 miles from school [Sec. 397] -
Act 19State aid for high-poverty school districts repealed [Sec. 67, 394-396, 400, 401g, 9334 (1)] [vetoed] -
Act 19Technical education equipment grants from DWD to school districts: conditions revised; adds construction fields -
Act 165Vacancies in certain elective state offices: appointment by Governor replaced with special election; exception provided [vetoed] -
AB476Alerts for missing adult at risk expanded to include persons under age 18 whose situation does not qualify for another alert -
Act 272Elder abuse hotline and grant program [Sec. 120, 421] -
Act 19Financial exploitation of vulnerable adults is suspected: process for financial service provider to create list of persons to be contacted who are authorized by vulnerable adult -
Act 132Indefinitely confined voter status for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically: revisions, proof of ID required, notification of removal, and penalty provisions [vetoed] -
AB494Tribal elder community food box program; funding from tribal gaming receipts [Sec. 53, 145, 385] -
Act 19Victim or witness who is an elder person: expediting proceedings in criminal and delinquency cases and juvenile dispositional hearings; preserving testimony in criminal matters -
Act 231Indefinitely confined voter status for purposes of receiving absentee ballots automatically: revisions, proof of ID required, notification of removal, and penalty provisions [vetoed] -
AB494Laws under DOR’s purview: enforcement and administration changes; electronic vaping device directory created, report required; Division of Alcohol Beverages created in DOR; rule repealed [Admin.Code Tax 8.87] -
Act 73Personal care voting assistants at residential care facilities and retirement homes during public health emergencies; election fraud committed by election officials; absentee ballots and certificates; prohibiting appointment of certain employees as poll workers; recess of municipal board of canvassers; penalty provisions [vetoed] -
AB570Picketing or parading at the residence of a judge with intent to impede administration of justice or influence a judge made a crime -
Act 234Release of prisoner to parole or extended supervision: requirements revised -
Act 230Sex offender registry and notification requirements: counting convictions and findings codified re OAG-02-17 -
Act 254Adjutant General report on sexual assault and sexual harassment reported by Wisconsin National Guard members; DMA report on substantive changes to the federal Uniform Code of Military Justice required -
Act 48Child sex doll prohibitions created; exemption and penalty provisions -
Act 225Direct care positions filled at veterans homes revisions, sunset provision; eligibility for individual to be buried in a state veterans cemetery changed; sexual assault under the Wisconsin Code of Military Justice -
Act 206Domestic abuse services, sexual assault victim services, and child advocacy: grants for DOJ -
Act 241Human Trafficking Council created in DOJ; county sex trafficking task force and law enforcement officer to coordinate prevention and enforcement efforts encouraged under set conditions -
Act 239Possession of virtual child pornography: penalties for visual representations appearing to depict a child engaged in sexually explicit conduct -
Act 224Sex offender registry and notification requirements: counting convictions and findings codified re OAG-02-17 -
Act 254Sexual assault kits: time limit for processing, conditions set -
Act 58“Sexual contact” definition revised re crimes against children and the crime of sexual assault -
Act 61Sexual misconduct against a pupil by school staff member or volunteer: felony penalty and license revocation provision -
Act 200Decommissioned power production plants: phase-out of utility aid payments to counties and municipalities changed -
Act 139Local government fund transfers; "police and fire protection fund" changed to "911 fund"; support and improvement of emergency services and municipal sales and use tax provisions [Sec. 37, 39, 55, 102, 113, 115, 116, 121, 122, 131, 132, 156-162, 165-168, 171, 172, 198-209, 211, 242, 243, 250-254g, 304, 319, 324, 348, 353-356, 359, 360, 420, 425-428, 439-447, 453, 470, 9101 (4), 9119 (6), 9401 (2), 9406 (1), 9419 (2), 9427 (2), 9431 (2), 9436 (1), 9437 (4)] [39, 156, 163, 167, 168 -- partial veto] -
Act 19Nontaxable tribal land: shared revenue payments to counties to compensate for lost property taxes; sunset provision [Sec. 151, 152, 163, 164, 9451 (1)] [152, 154, 9451 (1) -- vetoed] -
Act 19Personal property tax eliminated; state payments to taxing jurisdictions and technical changes; railroad company license fee personal property tax exemption -
Act 12Public utility incentive aids paid to municipalities and counties [Sec. 357, 358] -
Act 19Shared revenue changes: trust fund, supplemental aid for specified purposes, innovation grants for specified services or duties, and DOR and DOA duties -
Act 12Tax revisions re road-building equipment sales tax exemption, income tax withholding threshold for nonresidents, and qualified opportunity fund certification; lottery games and farm assets changes; income tax exemption for certain commercial loan income; cigarette, tobacco, and vapor product enforcement and shared revenue and municipality sales tax administration positions; common carrier permit for direct wine shipping and local exposition board membership provisions -
Act 146