Income tax reciprocity between Wisconsin and Minnesota: study by respective departments of revenue required; agreement conditions and approval by Governor and JCF -
Act 147Municipal solid waste facilities alternate method for proof of financial responsibility; provisions for payment of closure, long-term care, and corrective action costs by DNR, JCF approval -
Act 107Provider Assistance for Licensing (PAL): WEDC to request JCF to supplement an appropriation [vetoed] -
Se3 SB1Recovery high school grants created; report required; JCF supplemental appropriation -
Act 72State building trust fund transfer to the general fund; hospital emergency department services grants funding [partial veto] -
Act 97Stewardship Program activities or projects: certain local governments required to adopt resolution in support before DNR can submit to JCF for passive review -
Act 12Technical college programs to expand oral health care workforce: funding from JCF supplemental appropriation -
Act 89UI law changes including misconduct and general qualifying requirements; JCF review of UI benefit augmentations; UI definition of misconduct applies to WC [vetoed] -
AB147UW Milwaukee at Washington County branch campus: UW System to submit plan to JCF for joint operation with Moraine Park Technical College [Sec. 9147 (2)] [vetoed] -
Act 19WisconsinEye endowment fund established; sunset provision [Sec. 20, 173] [20 -- partial veto] -
Act 19Legislative Human Resources Office (LHRO) created [Sec. 17-19, 190, 191, 431] [19 -- partial veto] -
Act 19Public funds used by state senators or representatives to distribute substantially identical materials prior to a general election: provisions revised -
Act 105Floorperiods for the 2023-24 session established; budget deadline extended [SJR1] -
JR 1Information technology infrastructure grants: sunsetted program repealed [Sec. 47, 143, 429] -
Act 19Recollection Wisconsin funding [Sec. 69, 388] -
Act 19Early literacy instruction and reading readiness assessments and interventions: Office of Literacy and Council on Early Literacy Curricula created in DPI, teacher licensing and professional development training, model policy for promoting third graders to fourth grade, school district and school report cards, parent notification requirements, complaint by parent or guardian to DPI; reports and sunset provisions -
Act 20Early literacy professional development: expanding who may offer required training; reading readiness assessments administered in 2024-25 school year required -
Act 192Early literacy programs administered by DPI: funding structure [partial veto] -
Act 100National reading program grants: DCF to award to certain nonprofit organizations -
Act 191National reading program grants [Sec. 110] -
Act 19Personal financial literacy credit required for high school graduation -
Act 60Livestock premises registration program: administration funding [Sec. 52] -
Act 19Preemption of local animal regulations re areas zoned exclusively or primarily for agricultural use [vetoed] -
AB957Child care center renovations revolving loan fund and program established [vetoed] -
AB388Child care providers: revolving loan fund [Sec. 61] [partial veto] -
Act 19Income tax deduction for interest on commercial loans [Sec. 325, 341, 9337 (2)] -
Act 19Land Recycling Loan Program eliminated and rule repealed [Admin.Code NR 167] -
Act 6Licensing and regulation by DFI of consumer lenders, payday lenders, money transmitters, sales finance companies, collection agencies, mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers, adjustment service companies, community currency exchanges, and insurance premium finance companies; the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry; ABLE program established in DFI; rules revised [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 74.01, 74.03, 74.04, 74.05, 74.06, 74.07, 74.10, 74.11, 74.12, 74.14, 74.16, 75.01, 75.08] -
Act 267Ethics Commission recommendations regarding campaign finance, lobbying, open records, and closed sessions -
Act 120Laws under DOR’s purview: enforcement and administration changes; electronic vaping device directory created, report required; Division of Alcohol Beverages created in DOR; rule repealed [Admin.Code Tax 8.87] -
Act 73Obsolete statutory references removed re property, sales, and income taxes; the Revised Uniform Claimed Property Act; and lottery games -
Act 138Tax revisions re road-building equipment sales tax exemption, income tax withholding threshold for nonresidents, and qualified opportunity fund certification; lottery games and farm assets changes; income tax exemption for certain commercial loan income; cigarette, tobacco, and vapor product enforcement and shared revenue and municipality sales tax administration positions; common carrier permit for direct wine shipping and local exposition board membership provisions -
Act 146Loyalty pledges: UW System institutions and technical colleges prohibited from using, private right of action provision; requiring all training materials to be publicly available [vetoed] -
AB1065Mount Horeb Veterans Memorial identified on state highway maps -
Act 270Nonprofit organizations promoting the operation of ATVs and UTVs: changes to DNR appropriation for communication equipment and producing maps and digital information -
Act 67Silver Cliff, Town of: payments from state disaster assistance appropriation to rebuild public safety building destroyed by a tornado [Sec. 9131 (1)] -
Act 19UW System branch campus redevelopment grants from WEDC to political subdivisions; first counties to receive grants specified [partial veto] -
Act 250Domestic asset preservation trust provisions created [vetoed] -
SB667Trust administration and regulation changes; Uniform Trust Decanting Act adopted; Uniform Powers of Appointment Act adopted; digital property classified as individual property and disclosure provisions -
Act 127Tier 1 license from DPI for clinically trained mental health professional created; rules provision [Admin.Code PI 34.0375] -
Act 196Counseling Compact ratified -
Act 55Counseling Compact ratified [vetoed] -
Se3 SB1Statutes and rules examinations for certain health care professions prohibited [vetoed] -
Se3 SB1Congenital disorder test fees [Sec. 438m] [partial veto] -
Act 19Newborn infant safety devices: installation in safe haven law locations authorized -
Act 79Ambulance service provider trust fund appropriation created; administrative costs provision -
Act 30