Early literacy professional development: expanding who may offer required training; reading readiness assessments administered in 2024-25 school year required -
Act 192Early literacy programs administered by DPI: funding structure [partial veto] -
Act 100High schools required to collect statistics on certain crimes and violations of municipal disorderly conduct occurring on school property or school transportation; DPI duties -
Act 12Lakeland STAR Academy: DPI grant; sunset provision [Sec. 65, 66, 9134 (1), 9434 (1)] [vetoed] -
Act 19Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center: funding from DPI to the Milwaukee Jewish Federation in support of -
Act 248Paraprofessional experience: DPI to issue nonrenewable Tier 1 license to teach under set criteria [vetoed] -
SB608Recollection Wisconsin funding [Sec. 69, 388] -
Act 19Recovery high school grants created; report required; JCF supplemental appropriation -
Act 72Recovery high schools: DPI grants [Sec. 68] -
Act 19Robotics league participation grants: maximum amount increased [Sec. 393] -
Act 19School boards allowed to employ a school district administrator not licensed by DPI [vetoed] -
SB335School breakfast reimbursement and teaching license requirement: obsolete provisions repealed (remedial legislation suggested by DPI) -
Act 262School-based mental health services grants revised [Sec. 389-392] -
Act 19Teacher preparatory program must require one to four semesters of student teaching; DPI report modified and teacher apprenticeship program established [vetoed] -
SB917Tier 1 license from DPI for clinically trained mental health professional created; rules provision [Admin.Code PI 34.0375] -
Act 196Forest land and timber management added to BCPL [Sec. 153] -
Act 19Design professional services: prohibiting enforcement of indemnification provision in a contract with the state or a political subdivision -
Act 211Pay progression caps for deputy and assistant DAs, and assistant SPDs [Sec. 9101 (1)] -
Act 19Judicial security profiles exempt from disclosure under the public records law -
Act 236Public records law: extends nondisclosure requirement re personally identifiable information of confidential law enforcement informants -
Act 223Redacting certain records: law enforcement and corrections agencies may charge a fee; exceptions and forfeiture provisions -
Act 253Counterfeit and unsafe lighters: sale of prohibited -
Act 271Premier resort area tax may be used to pay public safety expenses -
Act 134Public safety interoperable communication system upgrades grant program [Sec. 129] -
Act 19Statewide public safety interoperable communication system: funding to develop and operate [Sec. 128] -
Act 19Statewide public safety interoperable communication system upgrades: grant program for local units of government -
Act 221Broadband expansion grant program changes re unserved areas, speed standards, criteria for evaluation applications, low-cost option, and challenge to awarding a grant -
Act 77Gas pipeline safety violations: maximum penalties increased -
Act 242PFAS group of substances: requirements created and programs established to address issues related to; reports and studies; rule revisions [Admin.Code NR 811.12, PSC 184.06] [vetoed] -
SB312Electric vehicle charging stations: person supplying electricity exempt from public utility regulation; prohibitions on local governments and state agencies from owning, operating, managing, or leasing; excise tax on electric vehicle charging, residence exception; local government cannot require private developer to install -
Act 121Gas pipeline safety violations: maximum penalties increased -
Act 242Public utility incentive aids paid to municipalities and counties [Sec. 357, 358] -
Act 19Regulation of utility services based on type or source of energy: state agencies and political subdivisions prohibition created [vetoed] -
SB49Warning lights on public utility, telecommunications carrier, or cooperative vehicles modified -
Act 155Advisory referendum on the question of requiring able-bodied, childless adults to look for work in order to receive taxpayer-funded welfare benefits [SJR4] -
JR 3Guaranteed income program: political subdivisions may not expend moneys on [vetoed] -
AB146Competitive bidding: threshold for public works projects increased and school boards and MPS required to use; exceptions provided [vetoed] -
SB688Competitive bidding: threshold for public works projects increased and school boards and MPS required to use; exceptions provided [vetoed] -
SB688Value-based purchasing arrangements under MA: DHS may enter into with a drug manufacturer -
Act 184Echo Lake dam: grant to City of Burlington for restoration [Sec. 75] [vetoed] -
Act 19The Prairie School and Wind Point Lighthouse in Racine County: DOT to erect and maintain directional signs [vetoed] -
AB603Statewide public safety interoperable communication system upgrades: grant program for local units of government -
Act 221Freight rail preservation program report required [Sec. 9144 (1)] [vetoed] -
Act 19Traffic violations committed in a railroad maintenance or construction area: penalties created -
Act 159Personal property tax eliminated; state payments to taxing jurisdictions and technical changes; railroad company license fee personal property tax exemption -
Act 12Real estate practice law changes re disclosures, discipline, licenses, and criminal penalties; real property wholesaler disclosure requirements -
Act 208Deicer applicators certification program established [vetoed] -
SB52Discriminatory restriction contained in a deed or other instrument affecting real property is void and unenforceable; register of deeds provision -
Act 210Fill on bed of the Great Lakes and river waterfront property: establishing lawful public or private use of; claim provision -
Act 247Notarial acts performed for remotely located individuals: limited financial power of attorney for a real estate transaction allowed -
Act 129County sale of tax-deeded land: process changes -
Act 207Real estate practice law changes re disclosures, discipline, licenses, and criminal penalties; real property wholesaler disclosure requirements -
Act 208Sale of certain memberships to a real estate broker: sales and use tax exemption created -
Act 141Health care provider credentials: DSPS reciprocity standards and posting review results on its website [vetoed] -
Se3 SB1Income tax reciprocity between Wisconsin and Minnesota: study by respective departments of revenue required; agreement conditions and approval by Governor and JCF -
Act 147Minnesota-Wisconsin tuition reciprocity agreement funding re waiver of nonresident tuition -
Act 103Minnesota-Wisconsin tuition reciprocity agreements re UW System and public vocational school -
Act 104Reciprocal credentials process created, limitation provisions [vetoed] -
Se3 SB1