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20 8. Disability.
21 (b) An insurer offering an individual health benefit plan or a self-insured
22health plan may not require any individual, as a condition of enrollment or continued
23enrollment under the plan, to pay, on the basis of any health status-related factor
24under par. (a) with respect to the individual or a dependent of the individual, a
25premium or contribution or a deductible, copayment, or coinsurance amount that is

1greater than the premium or contribution or deductible, copayment, or coinsurance
2amount respectively for a similarly situated individual enrolled under the plan.
3 (c) Nothing in this subsection prevents an insurer offering an individual health
4benefit plan or a self-insured health plan from establishing premium discounts or
5rebates or modifying otherwise applicable cost sharing in return for adherence to
6programs of health promotion and disease prevention.
7(4) Premium rate variation. A health benefit plan offered on the individual or
8small employer market or a self-insured health plan may vary premium rates for a
9specific plan based only on the following considerations:
10 (a) Whether the policy or plan covers an individual or a family.
11 (b) Rating area in the state, as established by the commissioner.
12 (c) Age, except that the rate may not vary by more than 3 to 1 for adults over
13the age groups and the age bands shall be consistent with recommendations of the
14National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
15 (d) Tobacco use, except that the rate may not vary by more than 1.5 to 1.
16(5) Statewide risk pool. An insurer offering a health benefit plan may not
17segregate enrollees into risk pools other than a single statewide risk pool for the
18individual market and a single statewide risk pool for the small employer market or
19a single statewide risk pool that combines the individual and small employer
21(6) Annual and lifetime limits. An individual or group health benefit plan or
22a self-insured health plan may not establish any of the following:
23 (a) Lifetime limits on the dollar value of benefits for an enrollee or a dependent
24of an enrollee under the plan.

1(b) Annual limits on the dollar value of benefits for an enrollee or a dependent
2of an enrollee under the plan.
3(7) Cost sharing maximum. A health benefit plan offered on the individual or
4small employer market may not require an enrollee under the plan to pay more in
5cost sharing than the maximum amount calculated under 42 USC 18022 (c),
6including the annual indexing of the limits.
7(8) Medical loss ratio. (a) In this subsection, “medical loss ratio” means the
8proportion, expressed as a percentage, of premium revenues spent by a health
9benefit plan on clinical services and quality improvement.
10 (b) A health benefit plan on the individual or small employer market shall have
11a medical loss ratio of at least 80 percent.
12 (c) A group health benefit plan other than one described under par. (b) shall
13have a medical loss ratio of at least 85 percent.
14(9) Actuarial values of plan tiers. Any health benefit plan offered on the
15individual or small employer market shall provide a level of coverage that is designed
16to provide benefits that are actuarially equivalent to at least 60 percent of the full
17actuarial value of the benefits provided under the plan.
18Section 2936. 632.746 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 632.746 (1) and
19amended to read:
20 632.746 (1) Subject to subs. (2) and (3), an An insurer that offers a group health
21benefit plan may, with respect to a participant or beneficiary under the plan, not
22impose a preexisting condition exclusion only if the exclusion relates to a condition,
23whether physical or mental, regardless of the cause of the condition, for which
24medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received within

1the 6-month period ending on the participant's or beneficiary's enrollment date
2under the plan
on a participant or beneficiary under the plan.
3Section 2937. 632.746 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
4Section 2938. 632.746 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 632.746 (2) (a) An insurer offering a group health benefit plan may not treat
6impose a preexisting condition exclusion based on genetic information as a
7preexisting condition under sub. (1) without a diagnosis of a condition related to the
9Section 2939. 632.746 (2) (c), (d) and (e) of the statutes are repealed.
10Section 2940. 632.746 (3) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
11Section 2941 . 632.746 (3) (d) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 632.746 (3) (d).
12Section 2942 . 632.746 (3) (d) 2. and 3. of the statutes are repealed.
13Section 2943 . 632.746 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
14Section 2944. 632.746 (8) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 632.746 (8) (a) (intro.) A health maintenance organization that offers a group
16health benefit plan and that does not impose any preexisting condition exclusion
17under sub. (1)
with respect to a particular coverage option may impose an affiliation
18period for that coverage option, but only if all of the following apply:
19Section 2945 . 632.748 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 632.748 (2) An insurer offering a group health benefit plan may not require any
21individual, as a condition of enrollment or continued enrollment under the plan, to
22pay, on the basis of any health status-related factor with respect to the individual
23or a dependent of the individual, a premium or contribution or a deductible,
24copayment, or coinsurance amount
that is greater than the premium or contribution

1or deductible, copayment, or coinsurance amount respectively for a similarly
2situated individual enrolled under the plan.
3Section 2946. 632.7495 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 632.7495 (4) (b) The coverage has a term of not more than 12 3 months.
5Section 2947. 632.7495 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 632.7495 (4) (c) The coverage term aggregated with all consecutive periods of
7the insurer's coverage of the insured by individual health benefit plan coverage not
8required to be renewed under this subsection does not exceed 18 6 months. For
9purposes of this paragraph, coverage periods are consecutive if there are no more
10than 63 days between the coverage periods.
11Section 2948 . 632.7496 of the statutes is created to read:
12632.7496 Coverage requirements for short-term plans. (1) Definition.
13In this section, “short-term, limited duration plan” means an individual health
14benefit plan described in s. 632.7495 (4) that an insurer is not required to renew.
15(2) Guaranteed issue. Every short-term, limited duration plan shall accept
16every individual in this state who applies for coverage whether or not any individual
17has a preexisting condition.
18(3) Prohibiting discrimination based on health status. (a) A short-term,
19limited duration plan may not establish rules for the eligibility of any individual to
20enroll, or for the continued eligibility of any individual to remain enrolled, under the
21plan based on any of the following health status-related factors in relation to the
22individual or a dependent of the individual:
23 1. Health status.
24 2. Medical condition, including both physical and mental illnesses.
25 3. Claims experience.

14. Receipt of health care.
2 5. Medical history.
3 6. Genetic information.
4 7. Evidence of insurability, including conditions arising out of acts of domestic
6 8. Disability.
7 (b) A short-term, limited duration plan may not require any individual, as a
8condition of enrollment or continued enrollment under the plan, to pay, on the basis
9of any health status-related factor under par. (a) with respect to the individual or a
10dependent of the individual, a premium or contribution or a deductible, copayment,
11or coinsurance amount that is greater than the premium or contribution or
12deductible, copayment, or coinsurance amount respectively for a similarly situated
13individual enrolled under the plan.
14(4) Premium rate variation. A short-term, limited duration plan may vary
15premium rates for a specific plan based only on the following considerations:
16 (a) Whether the policy or plan covers an individual or a family.
17 (b) Rating area in the state, as established by the commissioner.
18 (c) Age, except that the rate may not vary by more than 3 to 1 for adults over
19the age groups and the age bands shall be consistent with recommendations of the
20National Association of Insurance Commissioners.
21 (d) Tobacco use, except that the rate may not vary by more than 1.5 to 1.
22(5) Annual and lifetime limits. A short-term, limited duration plan may not
23establish any of the following:
24 (a) Lifetime limits on the dollar value of benefits for an enrollee or a dependent
25of an enrollee under the plan.

1(b) Limits on the dollar value of benefits for an enrollee or a dependent of an
2enrollee under the plan for the initial or cumulative duration of the plan.
3Section 2949. 632.76 (2) (a) and (ac) 1. and 2. of the statutes are amended to
5 632.76 (2) (a) No claim for loss incurred or disability commencing after 2 years
6from the date of issue of the policy may be reduced or denied on the ground that a
7disease or physical condition existed prior to the effective date of coverage, unless the
8condition was excluded from coverage by name or specific description by a provision
9effective on the date of loss. This paragraph does not apply to a group health benefit
10plan, as defined in s. 632.745 (9), which is subject to s. 632.746 , a disability insurance
11policy, as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), or a self-insured health plan, as defined in s.
12632.85 (1) (c)
13 (ac) 1. Notwithstanding par. (a), no No claim or loss incurred or disability
14commencing after 12 months from the date of issue of under an individual disability
15insurance policy, as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), may be reduced or denied on the
16ground that a disease or physical condition existed prior to the effective date of
17coverage, unless the condition was excluded from coverage by name or specific
18description by a provision effective on the date of the loss
19 2. Except as provided in subd. 3., an An individual disability insurance policy,
20as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), other than a short-term policy subject to s. 632.7495
21(4) and (5), may not define a preexisting condition more restrictively than a condition
22that was present before the date of enrollment for the coverage, whether physical or
23mental, regardless of the cause of the condition, for which and regardless of whether
24medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received within
2512 months before the effective date of coverage

1Section 2950. 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. (intro.) Except as the commissioner provides by rule under
3s. 632.7495 (5), all of the following apply to an individual disability insurance policy
4that is a short-term, limited duration policy subject to s. 632.7495 (4) and (5):
5Section 2951. 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
6 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. b. The policy shall reduce the length of time during which a
7may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion may be imposed by the
8aggregate of the insured's consecutive periods of coverage under the insurer's
9individual disability insurance policies that are short-term policies subject to s.
10632.7495 (4) and (5). For purposes of this subd. 3. b., coverage periods are consecutive
11if there are no more than 63 days between the coverage periods
12Section 2952. 632.795 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 632.795 (4) (a) An insurer subject to sub. (2) shall provide coverage under the
14same policy form and for the same premium as it originally offered in the most recent
15enrollment period, subject only to the medical underwriting used in that enrollment
16period. Unless otherwise prescribed by rule, the insurer may apply deductibles,
17preexisting condition limitations, waiting periods , or other limits only to the extent
18that they would have been applicable had coverage been extended at the time of the
19most recent enrollment period and with credit for the satisfaction or partial
20satisfaction of similar provisions under the liquidated insurer's policy or plan. The
21insurer may exclude coverage of claims that are payable by a solvent insurer under
22insolvency coverage required by the commissioner or by the insurance regulator of
23another jurisdiction. Coverage shall be effective on the date that the liquidated
24insurer's coverage terminates.
25Section 2953. 632.796 of the statutes is created to read:

1632.796 Drug cost report. (1) Definition. In this section, “disability
2insurance policy” has the meaning given in s. 632.895 (1) (a).
3(2) Report required. Annually, at the time the insurer files its rate request
4with the commissioner, each insurer that offers a disability insurance policy that
5covers prescription drugs shall submit to the commissioner a report that identifies
6the 25 prescription drugs that are the highest cost to the insurer and the 25
7prescription drugs that have the highest cost increases over the 12 months before the
8submission of the report.
9Section 2954 . 632.86 of the statutes is repealed.
10Section 2955 . 632.861 of the statutes is created to read:
11632.861 Prescription drug charges. (1) Definitions. In this section:
12 (a) “Disability insurance policy” has the meaning given in s. 632.895 (1) (a).
13 (b) “Enrollee” means an individual who is covered under a disability insurance
14policy or a self-insured health plan.
15 (c) “Pharmacy benefit manager” has the meaning given in s. 632.865 (1) (c).
16 (d) “Prescription drug” has the meaning given in s. 450.01 (20).
17 (e) “Prescription drug benefit” has the meaning given in s. 632.865 (1) (e).
18 (f) “Self-insured health plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.85 (1) (c).
19(2) Allowing disclosures. (a) A disability insurance policy or self-insured
20health plan that provides a prescription drug benefit may not restrict, directly or
21indirectly, any pharmacy that dispenses a prescription drug to an enrollee in the
22policy or plan from informing, or penalize such pharmacy for informing, an enrollee
23of any differential between the out-of-pocket cost to the enrollee under the policy or
24plan with respect to acquisition of the drug and the amount an individual would pay

1for acquisition of the drug without using any health plan or health insurance
3 (b) A disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan that provides a
4prescription drug benefit shall ensure that any pharmacy benefit manager that
5provides services under a contract with the policy or plan does not, with respect to
6such policy or plan, restrict, directly or indirectly, any pharmacy that dispenses a
7prescription drug to an enrollee in the policy or plan from informing, or penalize such
8pharmacy for informing, an enrollee of any differential between the out-of-pocket
9cost to the enrollee under the policy or plan with respect to acquisition of the drug
10and the amount an individual would pay for acquisition of the drug without using
11any health plan or health insurance coverage.
12(3) Cost-sharing limitation. A disability insurance policy or self-insured
13health plan that provides a prescription drug benefit or a pharmacy benefit manager
14that provides services under a contract with a policy or plan may not require an
15enrollee to pay at the point of sale for a covered prescription drug an amount that is
16greater than the lowest of all of the following amounts:
17 (a) The cost-sharing amount for the prescription drug for the enrollee under
18the policy or plan.
19 (b) The amount a person would pay for the prescription drug if the enrollee
20purchased the prescription drug at the dispensing pharmacy without using any
21health plan or health insurance coverage.
22(4) Drug substitution. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a disability insurance
23policy that offers a prescription drug benefit, a self-insured health plan that offers
24a prescription drug benefit, or a pharmacy benefit manager acting on behalf of a
25disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan shall provide to an enrollee

1advanced written notice of a formulary change that removes a prescription drug from
2the formulary of the policy or plan or that reassigns a prescription drug to a benefit
3tier for the policy or plan that has a higher deductible, copayment, or coinsurance.
4The advanced written notice of a formulary change under this paragraph shall be
5provided no fewer than 30 days before the expected date of the removal or
6reassignment and shall include information on the procedure for the enrollee to
7request an exception to the formulary change. The policy, plan, or pharmacy benefit
8manager is required to provide the advanced written notice under this paragraph
9only to those enrollees in the policy or plan who are using the drug at the time the
10notification must be sent according to available claims history.
11 (b) 1. A disability insurance policy, self-insured health plan, or pharmacy
12benefit manager is not required to provide advanced written notice under par. (a) if
13the prescription drug that is to be removed or reassigned is any of the following:
14 a. No longer approved by the federal food and drug administration.
15 b. The subject of a notice, guidance, warning, announcement, or other
16statement from the federal food and drug administration relating to concerns about
17the safety of the prescription drug.
18 c. Approved by the federal food and drug administration for use without a
20 2. A disability insurance policy, self-insured health plan, or pharmacy benefit
21manager is not required to provide advanced written notice under par. (a) if, for the
22prescription drug that is being removed from the formulary or reassigned to a benefit
23tier that has a higher deductible, copayment, or coinsurance, the policy, plan, or
24pharmacy benefit manager adds to the formulary a generic prescription drug that
25is approved by the federal food and drug administration for use as an alternative to

1the prescription drug or a prescription drug in the same pharmacologic class or with
2the same mechanism of action at any of the following benefit tiers: