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1(b) Limits on the dollar value of benefits for an enrollee or a dependent of an
2enrollee under the plan for the initial or cumulative duration of the plan.
3Section 2949. 632.76 (2) (a) and (ac) 1. and 2. of the statutes are amended to
5 632.76 (2) (a) No claim for loss incurred or disability commencing after 2 years
6from the date of issue of the policy may be reduced or denied on the ground that a
7disease or physical condition existed prior to the effective date of coverage, unless the
8condition was excluded from coverage by name or specific description by a provision
9effective on the date of loss. This paragraph does not apply to a group health benefit
10plan, as defined in s. 632.745 (9), which is subject to s. 632.746 , a disability insurance
11policy, as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), or a self-insured health plan, as defined in s.
12632.85 (1) (c)
13 (ac) 1. Notwithstanding par. (a), no No claim or loss incurred or disability
14commencing after 12 months from the date of issue of under an individual disability
15insurance policy, as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), may be reduced or denied on the
16ground that a disease or physical condition existed prior to the effective date of
17coverage, unless the condition was excluded from coverage by name or specific
18description by a provision effective on the date of the loss
19 2. Except as provided in subd. 3., an An individual disability insurance policy,
20as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (a), other than a short-term policy subject to s. 632.7495
21(4) and (5), may not define a preexisting condition more restrictively than a condition
22that was present before the date of enrollment for the coverage, whether physical or
23mental, regardless of the cause of the condition, for which and regardless of whether
24medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received within
2512 months before the effective date of coverage

1Section 2950. 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. (intro.) Except as the commissioner provides by rule under
3s. 632.7495 (5), all of the following apply to an individual disability insurance policy
4that is a short-term, limited duration policy subject to s. 632.7495 (4) and (5):
5Section 2951. 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
6 632.76 (2) (ac) 3. b. The policy shall reduce the length of time during which a
7may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion may be imposed by the
8aggregate of the insured's consecutive periods of coverage under the insurer's
9individual disability insurance policies that are short-term policies subject to s.
10632.7495 (4) and (5). For purposes of this subd. 3. b., coverage periods are consecutive
11if there are no more than 63 days between the coverage periods
12Section 2952. 632.795 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 632.795 (4) (a) An insurer subject to sub. (2) shall provide coverage under the
14same policy form and for the same premium as it originally offered in the most recent
15enrollment period, subject only to the medical underwriting used in that enrollment
16period. Unless otherwise prescribed by rule, the insurer may apply deductibles,
17preexisting condition limitations, waiting periods , or other limits only to the extent
18that they would have been applicable had coverage been extended at the time of the
19most recent enrollment period and with credit for the satisfaction or partial
20satisfaction of similar provisions under the liquidated insurer's policy or plan. The
21insurer may exclude coverage of claims that are payable by a solvent insurer under
22insolvency coverage required by the commissioner or by the insurance regulator of
23another jurisdiction. Coverage shall be effective on the date that the liquidated
24insurer's coverage terminates.
25Section 2953. 632.796 of the statutes is created to read:

1632.796 Drug cost report. (1) Definition. In this section, “disability
2insurance policy” has the meaning given in s. 632.895 (1) (a).
3(2) Report required. Annually, at the time the insurer files its rate request
4with the commissioner, each insurer that offers a disability insurance policy that
5covers prescription drugs shall submit to the commissioner a report that identifies
6the 25 prescription drugs that are the highest cost to the insurer and the 25
7prescription drugs that have the highest cost increases over the 12 months before the
8submission of the report.
9Section 2954 . 632.86 of the statutes is repealed.
10Section 2955 . 632.861 of the statutes is created to read:
11632.861 Prescription drug charges. (1) Definitions. In this section:
12 (a) “Disability insurance policy” has the meaning given in s. 632.895 (1) (a).
13 (b) “Enrollee” means an individual who is covered under a disability insurance
14policy or a self-insured health plan.
15 (c) “Pharmacy benefit manager” has the meaning given in s. 632.865 (1) (c).
16 (d) “Prescription drug” has the meaning given in s. 450.01 (20).
17 (e) “Prescription drug benefit” has the meaning given in s. 632.865 (1) (e).
18 (f) “Self-insured health plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.85 (1) (c).
19(2) Allowing disclosures. (a) A disability insurance policy or self-insured
20health plan that provides a prescription drug benefit may not restrict, directly or
21indirectly, any pharmacy that dispenses a prescription drug to an enrollee in the
22policy or plan from informing, or penalize such pharmacy for informing, an enrollee
23of any differential between the out-of-pocket cost to the enrollee under the policy or
24plan with respect to acquisition of the drug and the amount an individual would pay

1for acquisition of the drug without using any health plan or health insurance
3 (b) A disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan that provides a
4prescription drug benefit shall ensure that any pharmacy benefit manager that
5provides services under a contract with the policy or plan does not, with respect to
6such policy or plan, restrict, directly or indirectly, any pharmacy that dispenses a
7prescription drug to an enrollee in the policy or plan from informing, or penalize such
8pharmacy for informing, an enrollee of any differential between the out-of-pocket
9cost to the enrollee under the policy or plan with respect to acquisition of the drug
10and the amount an individual would pay for acquisition of the drug without using
11any health plan or health insurance coverage.
12(3) Cost-sharing limitation. A disability insurance policy or self-insured
13health plan that provides a prescription drug benefit or a pharmacy benefit manager
14that provides services under a contract with a policy or plan may not require an
15enrollee to pay at the point of sale for a covered prescription drug an amount that is
16greater than the lowest of all of the following amounts:
17 (a) The cost-sharing amount for the prescription drug for the enrollee under
18the policy or plan.
19 (b) The amount a person would pay for the prescription drug if the enrollee
20purchased the prescription drug at the dispensing pharmacy without using any
21health plan or health insurance coverage.
22(4) Drug substitution. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a disability insurance
23policy that offers a prescription drug benefit, a self-insured health plan that offers
24a prescription drug benefit, or a pharmacy benefit manager acting on behalf of a
25disability insurance policy or self-insured health plan shall provide to an enrollee

1advanced written notice of a formulary change that removes a prescription drug from
2the formulary of the policy or plan or that reassigns a prescription drug to a benefit
3tier for the policy or plan that has a higher deductible, copayment, or coinsurance.
4The advanced written notice of a formulary change under this paragraph shall be
5provided no fewer than 30 days before the expected date of the removal or
6reassignment and shall include information on the procedure for the enrollee to
7request an exception to the formulary change. The policy, plan, or pharmacy benefit
8manager is required to provide the advanced written notice under this paragraph
9only to those enrollees in the policy or plan who are using the drug at the time the
10notification must be sent according to available claims history.
11 (b) 1. A disability insurance policy, self-insured health plan, or pharmacy
12benefit manager is not required to provide advanced written notice under par. (a) if
13the prescription drug that is to be removed or reassigned is any of the following:
14 a. No longer approved by the federal food and drug administration.
15 b. The subject of a notice, guidance, warning, announcement, or other
16statement from the federal food and drug administration relating to concerns about
17the safety of the prescription drug.
18 c. Approved by the federal food and drug administration for use without a
20 2. A disability insurance policy, self-insured health plan, or pharmacy benefit
21manager is not required to provide advanced written notice under par. (a) if, for the
22prescription drug that is being removed from the formulary or reassigned to a benefit
23tier that has a higher deductible, copayment, or coinsurance, the policy, plan, or
24pharmacy benefit manager adds to the formulary a generic prescription drug that
25is approved by the federal food and drug administration for use as an alternative to

1the prescription drug or a prescription drug in the same pharmacologic class or with
2the same mechanism of action at any of the following benefit tiers:
3 a. The same benefit tier from which the prescription drug is being removed or
5 b. A benefit tier that has a lower deductible, copayment, or coinsurance than
6the benefit tier from which the prescription drug is being removed or reassigned.
7 (c) A pharmacist or pharmacy shall notify an enrollee in a disability insurance
8policy or self-insured health plan if a prescription drug for which an enrollee is filling
9or refilling a prescription is removed from the formulary and the policy or plan or a
10pharmacy benefit manager acting on behalf of a policy or plan adds to the formulary
11a generic prescription drug that is approved by the federal food and drug
12administration for use as an alternative to the prescription drug or a prescription
13drug in the same pharmacologic class or with the same mechanism of action at any
14of the following benefit tiers:
15 1. The same benefit tier from which the prescription drug is being removed or
17 2. A benefit tier that has a lower deductible, copayment, or coinsurance than
18the benefit tier from which the prescription drug is being removed or reassigned.
19 (d) If an enrollee has had an adverse reaction to the generic prescription drug
20or the prescription drug in the same pharmacologic class or with the same
21mechanism of action that is being substituted for an originally prescribed drug, the
22pharmacist or pharmacy may extend the prescription order for the originally
23prescribed drug to fill one 30-day supply of the originally prescribed drug for the
24cost-sharing amount that applies to the prescription drug at the time of the

1Section 2956. 632.862 of the statutes is created to read:
2632.862 Application of prescription drug payments. (1) Definitions. In
3this section:
4 (a) “Brand name” has the meaning given in s. 450.12 (1) (a).
5 (b) “Brand name drug” means any of the following:
6 1. A prescription drug that contains a brand name and that has no generic
8 2. A prescription drug that contains a brand name and has a generic equivalent
9but for which the enrollee has received prior authorization from the insurer offering
10the disability insurance policy or the self-insured health plan or authorization from
11a physician to obtain the prescription drug under the policy or plan.
12 (c) “Disability insurance policy” has the meaning given in s. 632.895 (1) (a).
13 (d) “Prescription drug” has the meaning given in s. 450.01 (20)
14 (e) “Self-insured health plan” has the meaning given in s. 632.85 (1) (c).
15(2) Application of discounts. A disability insurance policy that offers a
16prescription drug benefit or a self-insured health plan shall apply to any calculation
17of an out-of-pocket maximum and to any deductible of the policy or plan for an
18enrollee the amount that any discount provided by the manufacturer of a brand
19name drug reduces the cost sharing amount charged to an enrollee for that brand
20name drug.
21Section 2957. 632.863 of the statutes is created to read:
22632.863 Pharmaceutical representatives. (1) Definitions. In this section:
23 (a) “Health care professional” means a physician or other health care
24practitioner who is licensed to provide health care services or to prescribe
25pharmaceutical or biologic products.

1(b) “Pharmaceutical” means a medication that may legally be dispensed only
2with a valid prescription from a health care professional.
3 (c) “Pharmaceutical representative” means an individual who markets or
4promotes pharmaceuticals to health care professionals on behalf of a pharmaceutical
5manufacturer for compensation.
6 (d) “Wholesale acquisition cost” means the most recently reported
7manufacturer list or catalog price for a brand-name drug or generic drug available
8to wholesalers or direct purchasers in the United States, before application of
9discounts, rebates, or reductions in price.
10(2) Licensure. (a) No individual may act as a pharmaceutical representative
11in this state without obtaining a pharmaceutical representative license. In order to
12obtain a license, an individual shall apply to the commissioner, on a form prescribed
13by the commissioner. A license issued under this paragraph shall be renewed on an
14annual basis. The application to obtain or renew a license shall include all of the
15following information:
16 1. The applicant's full name, residence address and telephone number, and
17business address and telephone number.
18 2. A description of the type of work in which the applicant will engage.
19 3. The fee under s. 601.31 (1) (nv).
20 4. An attestation that the applicant meets the professional education
21requirements under sub. (3).
22 5. Proof that the applicant has paid any assessed penalties and fees.
23 6. Any other information required by the commissioner.
24 (b) The pharmaceutical representative shall report, in writing, to the
25commissioner any change to the information submitted on the application under par.

1(a) or any material change to the pharmaceutical representative's business
2operations or to any information provided under this section. The report shall be
3made no later than 4 business days after the change or material change occurs.
4 (c) A pharmaceutical representative shall display his or her license during each
5visit with a health care professional.
6(3) Professional education requirements. (a) In order to become initially
7licensed under sub. (2) (a), a pharmaceutical representative shall complete a
8professional education course as determined by the commissioner. A pharmaceutical
9representative shall, upon request, provide the commissioner with proof of the
10coursework's completion.
11 (b) In order to renew a license under sub. (2) (a), a pharmaceutical
12representative shall complete a minimum of 5 hours of continuing professional
13education courses. A pharmaceutical representative shall, upon request, provide the
14commissioner with proof of the coursework's completion.
15 (c) The professional education coursework required under pars. (a) and (b) shall
16include training in ethical standards, whistleblower protections, laws and rules
17applicable to pharmaceutical marketing, and other areas that the commissioner may
18identify by rule.
19 (d) The commissioner shall regularly designate courses that fulfill the
20requirements under this subsection and publish a list of the designated courses.
21 (e) The professional education coursework required under this subsection may
22not be provided by the employer of a pharmaceutical representative or be funded, in
23any way, by the pharmaceutical industry or a 3rd party funded by the
24pharmaceutical industry. A provider of a course designated under par. (d) shall
25disclose any conflict of interest.

1(4) Disclosure to commissioner. (a) No later than June 1 of each year, a
2pharmaceutical representative shall provide to the commissioner, in the manner
3prescribed by the commissioner, all of the following information from the previous
4calendar year:
5 1. The total number of times the pharmaceutical representative contacted
6health care professionals in this state and the specialties of the health care
7professionals contacted.
8 2. For each contact with a health care professional in this state, the location and
9duration of the contact, the pharmaceuticals for which the pharmaceutical
10representative provides information, and the value of any item, including a product
11sample, compensation, material, or gift, provided to the health care professional.
12 (b) The commissioner shall publish the information provided under par. (a) on
13the commissioner's Internet site in a manner in which individual health care
14professionals are not identifiable by name or other identifiers.
15(5) Disclosure to health care professionals. During each contact with a
16health care professional, a pharmaceutical representative shall disclose the
17wholesale acquisition cost of any pharmaceutical for which the pharmaceutical
18representative provides information and the names of at least 3 generic prescription
19drugs from the same therapeutic class, or if 3 are not available, as many as are
20available for prescriptive use.
21(6) Ethical standards. The commissioner shall promulgate a rule that
22contains ethical standards for pharmaceutical representatives and shall publish the
23ethical standards on the commissioner's Internet site. In addition to the ethical
24standards contained in the rule, a pharmaceutical representative may not do any of
25the following:

1(a) Engage in deceptive or misleading marketing of a pharmaceutical,
2including the knowing concealment, suppression, omission, misleading
3representation, or misstatement of a material fact.
4 (b) Use a title or designation that could reasonably lead a licensed health care
5professional, or an employee or representative of a licensed health care professional,
6to believe that the pharmaceutical representative is licensed to practice medicine,
7nursing, dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, or other similar health occupation in this
8state unless the pharmaceutical representative holds a license to practice.
9 (c) Attend a patient examination without the patient's consent.
10(7) Enforcement. (a) Any individual violating this section shall be fined not
11less than $1,000 nor more than $3,000 for each offense. Each day the violation
12continues shall constitute a separate offense.
13 (b) The commissioner may suspend or revoke the license of a pharmaceutical
14representative who violates this section. A suspended or revoked license may not be
15reinstated until all violations related to the suspension or revocation have been
16remedied and all assessed penalties and fees have been paid. An individual whose
17pharmaceutical representative license is revoked for any cause may not be issued a
18license under sub. (2) (a) until at least 2 years after the date of revocation.
19 (c) A health care professional who meets with a pharmaceutical representative
20who does not display his or her license or share the information required under sub.
21(5) may report the pharmaceutical representative to the commissioner for further
23(8) Rules. The commissioner may promulgate rules to implement this section.
24Section 2958. 632.864 of the statutes is created to read:

1632.864 Pharmacy services administrative organizations. (1)
2Definitions. In this section:
3 (a) “Administrative service” means any of the following:
4 1. Assisting with claims.
5 2. Assisting with audits.
6 3. Providing centralized payment.