1. The organization is a nonprofit corporation or a public agency.
2. The organization provides or proposes to provide, either directly or through
10a contract, subcontract, service agreement, or collaborative agreement with other
11organizations, entities, or individuals, all of the following for victims:
a. Advocacy and counseling services.
b. Crisis telephone line services on a 24 hours per day and 7 days per week
c. Professional education about intervention for victims and community
16education programs for the prevention of crime.
d. Services for persons living in rural areas, children, elderly persons,
18physically disabled persons, minority groups, and other groups of victims that have
19special needs. This subd. 2. d. does not require the applicant to provide services to
20any group of persons that does not reside in the applicant's service area.
3. The organization does not receive more than 70 percent of its operating
22budget from grants under this section.
4. The organization does not provide all of its services under subd. 2. a. to d.
24by contract, subcontract, service agreement, or collaborative agreement with other
25organizations, entities, or individuals.
1(c) Whenever the department reviews applications for grants under this
2section, the department shall consider all of the following:
1. The need for victim services in the community in which the applicant
4provides services or proposes to provide services.
2. The degree to which the applicant's services or proposed services are
6coordinated with other resources in the community and state.
3. The needs of urban and rural communities.
4. The needs of existing and proposed programs and services.
9(3) Reporting requirements. An organization that receives a grant under this
10section shall report all of the following information to the department for each fiscal
11year covered by the grant:
(a) The total expenditures that the organization made on victim services in the
13period for which the grant was provided during that fiscal year.
(b) The number of persons served by general type of victim services provided
15in the period for which the grant was provided during that fiscal year. The
16department shall identify for organizations the general types of services provided.
(c) The number of persons who requested victim services in the period for which
18the grant was provided during that fiscal year but who did not receive the victim
19services that the persons requested.
20(4) List of eligible organizations. (a) The department shall certify to the
21elections commission, on a continuous basis, a list containing the name and address
22of each organization that is eligible to receive grants under sub. (2).
(b) The department shall make available to law enforcement agencies a current
24list containing the name and address of each organization that is eligible to receive
25grants under sub. (2).”.
(2) (a) To make broadband expansion grants to eligible applicants for
3the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in underserved areas
4designated under par. (d). Grants awarded under this
section subsection shall be
5paid from the appropriations under
s. ss. 20.155 (3)
(a), (r)
, and (rm)
and 20.866 (2)
6(z), in the amount allocated under s. 20.866 (2) (z) 5.”.
(2) (d) To free and charitable clinics, $3,500,000.
11250.16 Grants for community health workers. From the appropriation
12under s. 20.435 (1) (fh), the department shall annually award $15,000,000 for
13community health workers.
(7) Black women's health grants. From the appropriation under s.
1620.435 (1) (cr), the department shall annually award grants in the total amount of
17$1,750,000 to community-serving organizations that are led by Black women that
18improve Black women's health in Dane, Milwaukee, Rock, and Kenosha Counties.
(8) Infant and maternal mortality grants. From the appropriation
21under s. 20.435 (1) (cr), the department shall annually award grants in the total
22amount of $1,750,000 to organizations that work to reduce racial disparities related
23to infant and maternal mortality.”.
(8) (b) The department of administration shall allocate the amount
3appropriated under s. 20.320 (2) (a) to projects involving forgivable loans to private
4users of public water systems to cover not more than 50 percent of the cost to replace
5lead service lines.”.
8292.66 PFAS municipal grant program. (1) Definitions. In this section:
(a) “Class B fire fighting foam” has the meaning given in s. 299.48 (1) (a).
(b) “Municipality” means a city, village, town, county, utility district, lake
11protection district, sewerage district, or municipal airport.
(c) “PFAS” means a perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance.
13(2) Financial assistance. The department shall administer a program to
14provide grants from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (6) (ed) to municipalities that
15meet the requirements under sub. (3) for the purpose of conducting any of the eligible
16activities under sub. (4).
17(3) Eligibility prerequisites. A grant may be awarded under sub. (2) only if
18one of the following has occurred:
(a) The municipality tested or trained with a class B fire fighting foam that
20contained intentionally added PFAS in accordance with applicable state and federal
21law, or a 3rd party tested or trained with a class B fire fighting foam that contained
22intentionally added PFAS within the boundaries of the municipality.
(b) The municipality applied biosolids to land under a permit issued by DNR
24under s. 283.31.
1(c) PFAS are impacting the municipality's drinking water supply or surface
2water or groundwater within the municipality and the responsible party is unknown
3or is unwilling or unable to take the necessary response actions.
4(4) Eligible activities. The department may award a grant under sub. (2) for
5any of the following activities:
(a) Investigating potential PFAS impacts to the air, land, or water at a site or
7facility for the purpose of reducing or eliminating environmental contamination.
(b) Treating or disposing of PFAS-containing fire fighting foam containers from
9a municipal site or facility.
(c) Sampling a private water supply within 3 miles of a site or facility known
11to contain PFAS or to have caused a PFAS discharge.
(d) Providing a temporary emergency water supply, a water treatment system,
13or bulk water to replace water contaminated with PFAS.
(e) Conducting emergency, interim, or remedial actions to mitigate, treat,
15dispose of, or remove PFAS contamination to the air, land, or waters of the state.
(f) Removing or treating PFAS in a public water system using the most
17cost-effective method to provide safe drinking water in areas where PFAS levels
18exceed the maximum contaminant level for PFAS under ch. 281 or an enforcement
19standard for PFAS under ch. 160 or where the state has issued a health advisory for
21(5) Application. A municipality shall apply for a grant on a form prescribed
22by the department and shall include any information that the department finds
23necessary to determine the eligibility of the project, identify the funding requested,
24determine the priority of the project, and calculate the amount of a grant.
1(6) Evaluation criteria. The department, in awarding grants under this
2section, shall consider all of the following criteria:
(a) The municipality's demonstrated commitment to performing and
4completing eligible activities, including the municipality's financial commitment
5and ability to successfully administer grants.
(b) The degree to which the project will have a positive impact on public health
7and the environment.
(c) Other criteria that the department finds necessary to prioritize the funds
9available for awarding grants.
10(7) Matching funds. The department may not distribute a grant under this
11section unless the applicant contributes matching funds equal to at least 20 percent
12of the amount of the grant. Matching funds may be in the form of cash, in-kind
13contributions, or both.”.
Miscellaneous projects. From the appropriation under s. 20.505 (1)
19(am), the department of administration shall award grants to eligible recipients, as
20determined by the department, in the following amounts for the following projects:
Green Bay visitor center. $2,000,000 for a visitor center in the city of Green
Hmong cultural center. $2,000,000 for a Hmong cultural center.
Potawatomi observation tower. $5,000,000 for historic renovation and
2accessible access to the Potawatomi State Park observation tower in Door County.
Food + Farm Exploration Center. $5,000,000 for a Food + Farm Exploration
4Center in Portage County.
State Laboratory of Hygiene. $30,000,000 for a genomic sequencing wing
6at the State Laboratory of Hygiene.
Blood Research Institute. $15,000,000 for the Blood Research Institute.
Western Wisconsin Forensic Center. $4,000,000 for a western Wisconsin
9forensic center.
Children's Research Institute. $400,000 for new laboratory equipment for
11the Children's Research Institute.
Reedsburg community center. $220,000 for improvements to the city of
13Reedsburg community center.
Green Bay coal piles. $5,000,000 for the relocation of coal piles currently
15located near the mouth of the Fox River in the city of Green Bay and for the
16revitalization of the neighborhood from which the coal piles are to be relocated.
Wisconsin cranberry research station. $400,000 to construct a machine shed
18and shop at the Wisconsin Cranberry Research Station.
Water supply control system. $530,000 for a new water supply control
20system in the city of Waukesha.
Veterans housing. $50,000,000 for veterans housing statewide.
Ricardo Diaz Early Learning Academy. $2,000,000 to assist in completion
23of the United Community Center's Ricardo Diaz Early Learning Academy in the city
24of Milwaukee.”.
Childless adults demonstration project. The department of health
3services shall submit any necessary request to the federal department of health and
4human services for a state plan amendment or waiver of federal Medicaid law or to
5modify or withdraw from any waiver of federal Medicaid law relating to the childless
6adults demonstration project under s. 49.45 (23), 2019 stats., to reflect the
7incorporation of recipients of Medical Assistance under the demonstration project
8into the BadgerCare Plus program under s. 49.471 and the termination of the
9demonstration project. Sections 20.940 and 49.45 (2t) do not apply to a submission
10to the federal government under this subsection.
Grant for psychiatric beds.
(a) The legislature finds and determines that expanding psychiatric bed
13capacity as described in par. (b) would greatly benefit state residents by expanding
14access to timely inpatient mental health treatment and services and allowing public
15financial resources to be better distributed to more effectively improve delivery of
16mental health services. It is therefore in the public interest, and it is the public policy
17of this state, to assist the hospital described under par. (b) in expanding psychiatric
18bed capacity.
(b) In fiscal year 2021-22, from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (5) (a), the
20department of health services shall award a grant in the amount of $15,000,000 for
21the purpose of expanding capacity for psychiatric beds to a hospital that applies to
22the building commission and meets all of the following criteria:
11. The hospital is located in Eau Claire County, south of the Chippewa River,
2and northeast of the intersection of STH 37 and USH 12 and is part of a health system
3that has a hospital in Chippewa County.
2. The hospital agrees to expand psychiatric bed capacity by 22 beds between
5the Eau Claire County hospital and the Chippewa County hospital. The hospitals
6shall give preference in admissions to fill beds added under this subdivision to
7individuals who meet the criteria for emergency detention under s. 51.15 and who
8are from Ashland, Barron, Bayfield, Buffalo, Burnett, Chippewa, Clark, Douglas,
9Dunn, Eau Claire, Iron, Jackson, La Crosse, Lincoln, Marathon, Monroe, Oneida,
10Pepin, Pierce, Polk, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, St. Croix, Taylor, Trempealeau, Vilas,
11Washburn, or Wood Counties.
3. The hospital identifies measures that it believes will serve the needs of area
13residents with mental health needs, especially, as a critical component of the
14measures, in reducing the burden on the Winnebago Mental Health Institute.
4. The hospital agrees to annually report to the legislature, in the manner
16described under s. 13.172 (2), the services provided with the resources funded by the
17grant awarded under this subsection, including the number of individuals diverted
18from the Winnebago Mental Health Institute.
(c) The recipient of the grant under this subsection is liable to repay the grant
20funds to the state if it fails to continue to maintain the expanded services and number
21of expanded psychiatric beds available. The amount the hospital is liable for
22repayment is reduced proportionately each year for 10 years of continuing expanded
23services as described under this paragraph. A determination of continued services
24shall be based on findings that the hospital does all of the following:
11. Maintains an agreed upon number of beds for acceptance of admissions for
2emergency detention under s. 51.15. A hospital is considered to be in compliance
3with this subdivision if at least half of the expanded psychiatric beds under par. (b)
42. are available for individuals who are initially admitted under an emergency
5detention under s. 51.15.
2. Enters into a contract with, at minimum, two-thirds of the counties specified
7in par. (b) 2. in which the hospital agrees to do all of the following:
a. Be the primary receiver for individuals under an emergency detention under
9s. 51.15 for the county.
b. Accept for admission under an emergency detention individuals regardless
11of payment source.