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59.69(5)(e)3m.3m. A town may extend its time for disapproving any proposed amendment under subd. 3. by 20 days if the town board adopts a resolution providing for the extension and files a certified copy of the resolution with the clerk of the county in which the town is located. The 20-day extension shall remain in effect until the town board adopts a resolution rescinding the 20-day extension and files a certified copy of the resolution with the clerk of the county in which the town is located.
59.69(5)(e)4.4. As soon as possible after the public hearing, the agency shall act, subject to subd. 3., on the petition either approving, modifying and approving, or disapproving it. If its action is favorable to granting the requested change or any modification thereof, it shall cause an ordinance to be drafted effectuating its determination and shall submit the proposed ordinance directly to the board with its recommendations. If the agency after its public hearing recommends denial of the petition it shall report its recommendation directly to the board with its reasons for the action. Proof of publication of the notice of the public hearing held by the agency and proof of the giving of notice to the town clerk of the hearing shall be attached to either report. Notification of town board resolutions filed under subd. 3. shall be attached to either such report.
59.69(5)(e)5.5. Upon receipt of the agency report the board may enact the ordinance as drafted by the zoning agency or with amendments, or it may deny the petition for amendment, or it may refuse to deny the petition as recommended by the agency in which case it shall rerefer the petition to the agency with directions to draft an ordinance to effectuate the petition and report the ordinance back to the board which may then enact or reject the ordinance.
59.69(5)(e)5m.5m. If a proposed amendment under this paragraph would make any change in an airport affected area, as defined under s. 62.23 (6) (am) 1. b., and the owner or operator of the airport bordered by the airport affected area files a protest against the proposed amendment with the clerk at least 24 hours prior to the date of the meeting of the board at which the report of the zoning agency under subd. 4. is to be considered, no ordinance which makes such a change may be enacted except by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the board present and voting.
59.69(5)(e)6.6. If an amendatory ordinance makes only the change sought in the petition and if the petition was not disapproved prior to, at or within 10 days under subd. 3. or 30 days under subd. 3m., whichever is applicable, after the public hearing by the town board of the town affected in the case of an ordinance relating to the location of district boundaries or by the town boards of a majority of the towns affected in the case of all other amendatory ordinances, it shall become effective on passage. The county clerk shall record in the clerk’s office the date on which the ordinance becomes effective and notify the town clerk of all towns affected by the ordinance of the effective date and also insert the effective date in the proceedings of the county board. The county clerk shall submit a copy of any other amendatory ordinance, under par. (g), within 7 days of its enactment, to the town clerk of each town in which lands affected by the ordinance are located. If after 40 days from the date of the enactment a majority of the towns have not filed certified copies of resolutions disapproving the amendment with the county clerk, or if, within a shorter time a majority of the towns in which the ordinance is in effect have filed certified copies of resolutions approving the amendment with the county clerk, the amendment shall be in effect in all of the towns affected by the ordinance. The county clerk shall submit under par. (g), within 7 days of its enactment, any ordinance relating to the location of boundaries of districts only to the town clerk of the town in which the lands affected by the change are located. Such an ordinance shall become effective 40 days after enactment of the ordinance by the county board unless such town board prior to such date files a certified copy of a resolution disapproving of the ordinance with the county clerk. If such town board approves the ordinance, the ordinance shall become effective upon the filing of the resolution of the town board approving the ordinance with the county clerk. The clerk shall record in the clerk’s office the date on which the ordinance becomes effective and notify the town clerk of all towns affected by such ordinance of such effective date and also make such report to the county board, which report shall be printed in the proceedings of the county board.
59.69(5)(e)7.7. When any lands previously under the jurisdiction of a county zoning ordinance have been finally removed from the county’s jurisdiction by reason of annexation to an incorporated municipality, and after the ordinance and any regulations, approvals, and conditions imposed under the county zoning ordinance have ceased to be effective as provided in sub. (7), the board may, on the recommendation of its zoning agency, enact amendatory ordinances that remove or delete the annexed lands from the official zoning map or written descriptions without following any of the procedures provided in subds. 1. to 6., and the amendatory ordinances shall become effective upon enactment and publication. A copy of the ordinance shall be forwarded by the clerk to the clerk of each town in which the lands affected were previously located. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to nullify or supersede s. 66.1031.
59.69(5)(f)(f) The county zoning agency shall maintain a list of persons who submit a written or electronic request to receive notice of any proposed ordinance or amendment that affects the allowable use of the property owned by the person. Annually, the agency shall inform residents of the county that they may add their names to the list. The agency may satisfy this requirement to provide such information by any of the following means: publishing a 1st class notice under ch. 985; publishing on the county’s Internet site; 1st class mail; or including the information in a mailing that is sent to all property owners. If the county zoning agency completes a draft of a proposed zoning ordinance under par. (a) or if the agency receives a petition under par. (e) 2., the agency shall send a notice, which contains a copy or summary of the proposed ordinance or petition, to each person on the list whose property, the allowable use or size or density requirements of which, may be affected by the proposed ordinance or amendment. The notice shall be by mail or in any reasonable form that is agreed to by the person and the agency, including electronic mail, voice mail, or text message. The agency may charge each person on the list who receives a notice by 1st class mail a fee that does not exceed the approximate cost of providing the notice to the person. An ordinance or amendment that is subject to this paragraph may take effect even if the agency fails to send the notice that is required by this paragraph.
59.69(5)(g)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., when a county clerk is required to submit materials to a town clerk as described in pars. (b) and (e) 2. and 6., the county clerk shall submit the materials by certified mail.
59.69(5)(g)2.2. A county clerk may submit to a town clerk by electronic mail the materials described in subd. 1. if the county clerk includes with the electronic mail a request that the town clerk promptly confirm receipt of the materials by return electronic mail. If the county clerk does not receive such confirmation within 2 business days, the county clerk shall submit the materials to the town clerk by certified mail.
59.69(5e)(5e)Conditional use permits.
59.69(5e)(a)(a) In this subsection:
59.69(5e)(a)1.1. “Conditional use” means a use allowed under a conditional use permit, special exception, or other special zoning permission issued by a county, but does not include a variance.
59.69(5e)(a)2.2. “Substantial evidence” means facts and information, other than merely personal preferences or speculation, directly pertaining to the requirements and conditions an applicant must meet to obtain a conditional use permit and that reasonable persons would accept in support of a conclusion.
59.69(5e)(b)1.1. If an applicant for a conditional use permit meets or agrees to meet all of the requirements and conditions specified in the county ordinance or those imposed by the county zoning board, the county shall grant the conditional use permit. Any condition imposed must be related to the purpose of the ordinance and be based on substantial evidence.
59.69(5e)(b)2.2. The requirements and conditions described under subd. 1. must be reasonable and, to the extent practicable, measurable and may include conditions such as the permit’s duration, transfer, or renewal. The applicant must demonstrate that the application and all requirements and conditions established by the county relating to the conditional use are or shall be satisfied, both of which must be supported by substantial evidence. The county’s decision to approve or deny the permit must be supported by substantial evidence.
59.69(5e)(c)(c) Upon receipt of a conditional use permit application, and following publication in the county of a class 2 notice under ch. 985, the county shall hold a public hearing on the application.
59.69(5e)(d)(d) Once granted, a conditional use permit shall remain in effect as long as the conditions upon which the permit was issued are followed, but the county may impose conditions such as the permit’s duration, transfer, or renewal, in addition to any other conditions specified in the zoning ordinance or by the county zoning board.
59.69(5e)(e)(e) If a county denies a person’s conditional use permit application, the person may appeal the decision to the circuit court under the procedures contained in s. 59.694 (10) (a), or if the decision is on an application for an approval, as defined in s. 781.10 (1) (a), under the procedures described in s. 59.694 (10) (b). Notwithstanding s. 59.694 (4), a county may provide by ordinance that the county’s decision on a conditional use permit application is not reviewable by the board of adjustment and may be appealed directly to the circuit court under the procedures contained in s. 59.694 (10).
59.69(5m)(5m)Termination of county zoning.
59.69(5m)(a)(a) Subject to par. (b), if a county clerk receives a notice from a town under s. 60.23 (34) (b) 1. before July 1 of the year before a year in which a town may withdraw from county zoning under s. 60.23 (34), a county board may enact an ordinance, before October 1 of the year in which the county clerk receives the notice, to repeal all of its zoning ordinances enacted under this section if it so notifies, in writing, all of the towns that are subject to its zoning ordinances. If a county does not repeal all of its zoning ordinances as described in this paragraph, it shall amend its zoning ordinances to specify that the ordinances do not apply in the town from which it received the notice.
59.69(5m)(b)(b) An ordinance enacted under par. (a) shall have a delayed effective date of one year. No county board may repeal under this subsection a county shoreland zoning or floodplain zoning ordinance.
59.69(6)(6)Optional additional procedures. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the zoning agency, the board or a town board from adopting any procedures in addition to those prescribed in this section and not in conflict therewith. Such procedures may, but are not required to, provide for public hearings before the county board. The public hearing provided by sub. (5) (a) and (e) 2. is deemed to be sufficient for the requirements of due process whether or not the county board holds a further public hearing thereafter.
59.69(7)(7)Continued effect of ordinance. If an area that has been subject to a county zoning ordinance petitions to become part of a city or village, the county zoning ordinance and any regulations, approvals, and conditions imposed under the county zoning ordinance continue in effect until the ordinance or the particular regulation, approval, or condition is specifically changed by official action of the governing body of the city or village. If an ordinance of annexation is contested in the courts, the county zoning ordinance and any regulations, approvals, and conditions imposed under the ordinance continue in effect, and the county retains jurisdiction over the zoning in the area affected until final disposition of the court action. This subsection does not expand or modify the authority of a city or village to change a zoning ordinance, any regulation, approval, or condition imposed under a zoning ordinance, or any nonconforming use.
59.69(9)(9)Zoning of county-owned lands.
59.69(9)(a)(a) The county board may by ordinance zone and rezone lands owned by the county without necessity of securing the approval of the town boards of the towns wherein the lands are situated and without following the procedure outlined in sub. (5), provided that the county board shall give written notice to the town board of the town wherein the lands are situated of its intent to so rezone and shall hold a public hearing on the proposed rezoning ordinance and give notice of the hearing by posting in 5 public places in the town.
59.69(9)(b)(b) This subsection does not apply to land that is subject to a town zoning ordinance which is purchased by the county for use as a solid or hazardous waste disposal facility or hazardous waste storage or treatment facility, as these terms are defined under s. 289.01.
59.69(10)(10)Nonconforming uses.
59.69(10)(ab)(ab) In this subsection “nonconforming use” means a use of land, a dwelling, or a building that existed lawfully before the current zoning ordinance was enacted or amended, but that does not conform with the use restrictions in the current ordinance.
59.69(10)(am)(am) An ordinance enacted under this section may not prohibit the continuance of the lawful use of any building, premises, structure, or fixture for any trade or industry for which such building, premises, structure, or fixture is used at the time that the ordinances take effect, but the alteration of, or addition to, or repair in excess of 50 percent of its assessed value of any existing building, premises, structure, or fixture for the purpose of carrying on any prohibited trade or new industry within the district where such buildings, premises, structures, or fixtures are located, may be prohibited. The continuance of the nonconforming use of a temporary structure may be prohibited. If the nonconforming use is discontinued for a period of 12 months, any future use of the building, premises, structure, or fixture shall conform to the ordinance.
59.69(10)(at)(at) Notwithstanding par. (am), a manufactured home community licensed under s. 101.935 that is a legal nonconforming use continues to be a legal nonconforming use notwithstanding the occurrence of any of the following activities within the community:
59.69(10)(at)1.1. Repair or replacement of homes.
59.69(10)(at)2.2. Repair or replacement of infrastructure.
59.69(10)(b)1.1. Except as provided under subd. 2., the board shall designate an officer to administer the zoning ordinance, who may be the secretary of the zoning agency, a building inspector appointed under s. 59.698 or other appropriate person.
59.69(10)(b)2.2. Notwithstanding subd. 1. and s. 59.698, in a county with a county zoning agency and a county executive or county administrator, the county executive or county administrator shall appoint and supervise the head of the county zoning agency and the county building inspector, in separate or combined positions. The appointment is subject to confirmation by the board unless the board, by ordinance, elects to waive confirmation or unless the appointment is made under a civil service system competitive examination procedure established under s. 59.52 (8) or ch. 63. The board, by resolution or ordinance, may provide that, notwithstanding s. 17.10 (6), the head of the county zoning agency and the county building inspector, whether serving in a separate or combined position, if appointed under this subdivision, may not be removed from his or her position except for cause.
59.69(10)(b)3.3. The officer designated under subd. 1. or 2. shall cause a record to be made immediately after the enactment of an ordinance or amendment thereto, or change in district boundary, approved by the town board, of all lands, premises and buildings in the town used for purposes not conforming to the regulations applicable to the district in which they are situated. The record shall include the legal description of the lands, the nature and extent of the uses therein, and the names and addresses of the owner or occupant or both. Promptly on its completion the record shall be published in the county as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985. The record, as corrected, shall be on file with the register of deeds 60 days after the last publication and shall be prima facie evidence of the extent and number of nonconforming uses existing on the effective date of the ordinance in the town. Corrections before the filing of the record with the register of deeds may be made on the filing of sworn proof in writing, satisfactory to the officer administering the zoning ordinance.
59.69(10)(c)(c) The board shall prescribe a procedure for the annual listing of nonconforming uses, discontinued or created, since the previous listing and for all other nonconforming uses. Discontinued and newly created nonconforming uses shall be recorded with the register of deeds immediately after the annual listing.
59.69(10)(d)(d) Paragraphs (b) and (c) shall not apply to counties issuing building permits or occupancy permits as a means of enforcing the zoning ordinance or to counties which have provided other procedures for this purpose.
59.69(10)(e)1.1. In this paragraph, “amortization ordinance” means an ordinance that allows the continuance of the lawful use of a nonconforming building, premises, structure, or fixture that may be lawfully used as described under par. (am), but only for a specified period of time, after which the lawful use of such building, premises, structure, or fixture must be discontinued without the payment of just compensation.
59.69(10)(e)2.2. Subject to par. (am), an ordinance enacted under this section may not require the removal of a nonconforming building, premises, structure, or fixture by an amortization ordinance.
59.69(10e)(10e)Repair, rebuilding, and maintenance of certain nonconforming structures.
59.69(10e)(a)(a) In this subsection:
59.69(10e)(a)1.1. “Development regulations” means the part of a zoning ordinance that applies to elements including setback, height, lot coverage, and side yard.
59.69(10e)(a)2.2. “Nonconforming structure” means a dwelling or other building that existed lawfully before the current zoning ordinance was enacted or amended, but that does not conform with one or more of the development regulations in the current zoning ordinance.
59.69(10e)(b)(b) An ordinance may not prohibit, limit based on cost, or require a variance for the repair, maintenance, renovation, rebuilding, or remodeling of a nonconforming structure or any part of a nonconforming structure.
59.69(10m)(10m)Restoration of certain nonconforming structures.
59.69(10m)(a)(a) Restrictions that are applicable to damaged or destroyed nonconforming structures and that are contained in an ordinance enacted under this section may not prohibit the restoration of a nonconforming structure if the structure will be restored to the size, subject to par. (b), location, and use that it had immediately before the damage or destruction occurred, or impose any limits on the costs of the repair, reconstruction, or improvement if all of the following apply:
59.69(10m)(a)1.1. The nonconforming structure was damaged or destroyed on or after March 2, 2006.
59.69(10m)(a)2.2. The damage or destruction was caused by violent wind, vandalism, fire, flood, ice, snow, mold, or infestation.
59.69(10m)(b)(b) An ordinance enacted under this section to which par. (a) applies shall allow for the size of a structure to be larger than the size it was immediately before the damage or destruction if necessary for the structure to comply with applicable state or federal requirements.
59.69(11)(11)Procedure for enforcement of county zoning ordinance. The board shall prescribe rules, regulations and administrative procedures, and provide such administrative personnel as it considers necessary for the enforcement of this section, and all ordinances enacted in pursuance thereof. The rules and regulations and the districts, setback building lines and regulations authorized by this section, shall be prescribed by ordinances which shall be declared to be for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety and general welfare. The ordinances shall be enforced by appropriate forfeitures. Compliance with such ordinances may also be enforced by injunctional order at the suit of the county or an owner of real estate within the district affected by the regulation.
59.69(12)(12)Prior ordinances effective. Nothing in this section shall invalidate any county zoning ordinance enacted under statutes in effect before July 20, 1951.
59.69(13)(13)Construction of section. The powers granted in this section shall be liberally construed in favor of the county exercising them, and this section shall not be construed to limit or repeal any powers now possessed by a county.
59.69(14)(14)Limitation of actions. A landowner, occupant or other person who is affected by a county zoning ordinance or amendment, who claims that the ordinance or amendment is invalid because procedures prescribed by the statutes or the ordinance were not followed, shall commence an action within the time provided by s. 893.73 (1), except this subsection and s. 893.73 (1) do not apply unless there has been at least one publication of a notice of a zoning hearing in a local newspaper of general circulation and unless there has been held a public hearing on the ordinance or amendment at the time and place specified in the notice.
59.69(15)(15)Community and other living arrangements. For purposes of this section, the location of a community living arrangement for adults, as defined in s. 46.03 (22), a community living arrangement for children, as defined in s. 48.743 (1), a foster home, as defined in s. 48.02 (6), or an adult family home, as defined in s. 50.01 (1), in any municipality, shall be subject to the following criteria:
59.69(15)(a)(a) No community living arrangement may be established after March 28, 1978, within 2,500 feet, or any lesser distance established by an ordinance of a municipality, of any other such facility. Agents of a facility may apply for an exception to this requirement, and such exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the municipality. Two community living arrangements may be adjacent if the municipality authorizes that arrangement and if both facilities comprise essential components of a single program.
59.69(15)(b)1.1. Community living arrangements shall be permitted in each municipality without restriction as to the number of facilities, so long as the total capacity of the community living arrangements does not exceed 25 or 1 percent of the municipality’s population, whichever is greater. When the capacity of the community living arrangements in the municipality reaches that total, the municipality may prohibit additional community living arrangements from locating in the municipality. In any municipality, when the capacity of community living arrangements in an aldermanic district in a city or a ward in a village or town reaches 25 or 1 percent of the population, whichever is greater, of the district or ward, the municipality may prohibit additional community living arrangements from being located within the district or ward. Agents of a facility may apply for an exception to the requirements of this subdivision, and such exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the municipality.
59.69(15)(b)2.2. No community living arrangement may be established after January 1, 1995, within 2,500 feet, or any lesser distance established by an ordinance of the municipality, of any other such facility. Agents of a facility may apply for an exception to this requirement, and exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the municipality. Two community living arrangements may be adjacent if the municipality authorizes that arrangement and if both facilities comprise essential components of a single program.
59.69(15)(bm)(bm) A foster home that is the primary domicile of a foster parent and that is licensed under s. 48.62 or an adult family home certified under s. 50.032 (1m) (b) shall be a permitted use in all residential areas and is not subject to pars. (a) and (b) except that foster homes operated by corporations, child welfare agencies, religious associations, as defined in s. 157.061 (15), associations, or public agencies shall be subject to pars. (a) and (b).
59.69(15)(br)1.1. No adult family home described in s. 50.01 (1) (b) may be established within 2,500 feet, or any lesser distance established by an ordinance of the municipality, of any other adult family home described in s. 50.01 (1) (b) or any community living arrangement. An agent of an adult family home described in s. 50.01 (1) (b) may apply for an exception to this requirement, and the exception may be granted at the discretion of the municipality.
59.69(15)(br)2.2. An adult family home described in s. 50.01 (1) (b) that meets the criteria specified in subd. 1. and that is licensed under s. 50.033 (1m) (b) is permitted in the municipality without restriction as to the number of adult family homes and may locate in any residential zone, without being required to obtain special zoning permission except as provided in par. (i).
59.69(15)(c)(c) If the community living arrangement has capacity for 8 or fewer persons being served by the program, meets the criteria listed in pars. (a) and (b), and is licensed, operated, or permitted under the authority of the department of health services or the department of children and families, that facility is entitled to locate in any residential zone, without being required to obtain special zoning permission except as provided in par. (i).
59.69(15)(d)(d) If the community living arrangement has capacity for 9 to 15 persons being served by the program, meets the criteria listed in pars. (a) and (b), and is licensed, or operated, or permitted under the authority of the department of health services or the department of children and families, the facility is entitled to locate in any residential area except areas zoned exclusively for single-family or 2-family residences, except as provided in par. (i), but is entitled to apply for special zoning permission to locate in those areas. The municipality may grant special zoning permission at its discretion and shall make a procedure available to enable such facilities to request such permission.
59.69(15)(e)(e) If the community living arrangement has capacity for serving 16 or more persons, meets the criteria listed in pars. (a) and (b), and is licensed, operated, or permitted under the authority of the department of health services or the department of children and families, that facility is entitled to apply for special zoning permission to locate in areas zoned for residential use. The municipality may grant special zoning permission at its discretion and shall make a procedure available to enable such facilities to request such permission.
59.69(15)(f)(f) The department of health services shall designate a single subunit within that department to maintain appropriate records indicating the location and the capacity of each community living arrangement for adults, and the information shall be available to the public. The department of children and families shall designate a single subunit within that department to maintain appropriate records indicating the location and the capacity of each community living arrangement for children, and the information shall be available to the public.
59.69(15)(g)(g) In this subsection, “special zoning permission” includes, but is not limited to, the following: special exception, special permit, conditional use, zoning variance, conditional permit and words of similar intent.
59.69(15)(h)(h) The attorney general shall take action, upon the request of the department of health services or the department of children and families, to enforce compliance with this subsection.
59.69(15)(i)(i) Not less than 11 months nor more than 13 months after the first licensure of an adult family home under s. 50.033 or of a community living arrangement and every year thereafter, the common council or village or town board of a municipality in which a licensed adult family home or a community living arrangement is located may make a determination as to the effect of the adult family home or community living arrangement on the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the municipality. The determination shall be made according to the procedures provided under par. (j). If the common council or village or town board determines that the existence in the municipality of a licensed adult family home or a community living arrangement poses a threat to the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the municipality, the common council or village or town board may order the adult family home or community living arrangement to cease operation unless special zoning permission is obtained. The order is subject to judicial review under s. 68.13, except that a free copy of the transcript may not be provided to the licensed adult family home or community living arrangement. The licensed adult family home or community living arrangement shall cease operation within 90 days after the date of the order, or the date of final judicial review of the order, or the date of the denial of special zoning permission, whichever is later.
59.69(15)(im)(im) The fact that an individual with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or a positive HIV test, as defined in s. 252.01 (2m), resides in a community living arrangement with a capacity for 8 or fewer persons may not be used under par. (i) to assert or prove that the existence of the community living arrangement in the municipality poses a threat to the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the municipality.
59.69(15)(j)(j) A determination under par. (i) shall be made after a hearing before the common council or village or town board. The municipality shall provide at least 30 days’ notice to the licensed adult family home or the community living arrangement that such a hearing will be held. At the hearing, the licensed adult family home or the community living arrangement may be represented by counsel and may present evidence and call and examine witnesses and cross-examine other witnesses called. The common council or village or town board may call witnesses and may issue subpoenas. All witnesses shall be sworn by the common council, town board or village board. The common council or village or town board shall take notes of the testimony and shall mark and preserve all exhibits. The common council or village or town board may, and upon request of the licensed adult family home or the community living arrangement shall, cause the proceedings to be taken by a stenographer or by a recording device, the expense thereof to be paid by the municipality. Within 20 days after the hearing, the common council or village or town board shall mail or deliver to the licensed adult family home or the community living arrangement its written determination stating the reasons therefor. The determination shall be a final determination.
59.69 NoteNOTE: 2003 Wis. Act 214, which affected this section, contains extensive explanatory notes.
59.69 AnnotationA zoning ordinance may distinguish between foster homes and therapeutic homes for the care of children. Browndale International v. Board of Adjustment, 60 Wis. 2d 182, 208 N.W.2d 121 (1973).
59.69 AnnotationA plaintiff is not required to exhaust administrative remedies when the plaintiff’s claim is that a zoning ordinance is unconstitutional, but may ask for a declaratory judgment. An ordinance classifying land as agricultural when it is unfit for agriculture is unreasonable and amounts to a taking of the land without compensation. Kmiec v. Town of Spider Lake, 60 Wis. 2d 640, 211 N.W.2d 471 (1973).
59.69 AnnotationA property owner does not acquire a “vested interest” in the continuance of a nonconforming use, and such status will be denied if the specific use was casual and occasional, or if the use was merely accessory or incidental to the principal use. Walworth County v. Hartwell, 62 Wis. 2d 57, 214 N.W.2d 288 (1974).
59.69 AnnotationUnder s. 59.97 (5) (c) [now sub. (5) (c)], a county zoning ordinance becomes effective in a town upon approval of the text by the town board and the filing of the approving resolution with the town clerk and not when it merely adopts a zoning map. Racine County v. Alby, 65 Wis. 2d 574, 223 N.W.2d 438 (1974).
59.69 AnnotationZoning ordinances, being in derogation of common law, are to be construed in favor of the free use of private property. Cohen v. Dane County Board of Adjustment, 74 Wis. 2d 87, 246 N.W.2d 112 (1976).
59.69 AnnotationA municipality is not required to show irreparable injury before obtaining an injunction under s. 59.97 (11) [now sub. (11)]. County of Columbia v. Bylewski, 94 Wis. 2d 153, 288 N.W.2d 129 (1980).
59.69 AnnotationUnder s. 59.97 (9) [now sub. (9)], a county may rezone county-owned land contrary to town zoning laws and without town approval. Town of Ringle v. County of Marathon, 104 Wis. 2d 297, 311 N.W.2d 595 (1981).
59.69 AnnotationThe primary authority to enact, repeal, and amend a zoning ordinance is at the county, not town, level. The county is responsible for any liabilities that may arise from adoption. No liability arises to a town from the town’s approval of a county ordinance enacted following the repeal of a prior effective ordinance. M&I Marshall Bank v. Town of Somers, 141 Wis. 2d 271, 414 N.W.2d 824 (1987).
59.69 AnnotationWhen it is claimed that zoning resulted in a taking of land without compensation, there is no compensable taking unless the regulation resulted in a diminution of value so great that it amounts to a confiscation. M&I Marshall Bank v. Town of Somers, 141 Wis. 2d 271, 414 N.W.2d 824 (1987).
59.69 AnnotationFor purposes of determining a nonconforming use for a quarry site, all land that contains the mineral and is integral to the operation is included, although a particular portion may not be under actual excavation. Smart v. Dane County Board of Adjustment, 177 Wis. 2d 445, 501 N.W.2d 782 (1993).
59.69 AnnotationThe power to regulate nonconforming uses includes the power to limit the extension or expansion of the use if it results in a change in the character of the use. Waukesha County v. Pewaukee Marina, Inc., 187 Wis. 2d 18, 522 N.W.2d 536 (Ct. App. 1994).
59.69 AnnotationWhen a zoning ordinance is changed, a builder may have a vested right, enforceable by mandamus, to build under the previously existing ordinance if the builder has submitted, prior to the change, an application for a permit in strict and complete conformance with the ordinance then in effect. Lake Bluff Housing Partners v. City of South Milwaukee, 197 Wis. 2d 157, 540 N.W.2d 189 (1995), 94-1155.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)