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30.34(5)(5)Other financing. Nothing in this section is intended to prevent a municipality not operating its harbor as a commercial enterprise from raising and appropriating funds for construction, improvement, alteration or repair of its harbor and harbor facilities in the same manner as it may raise and appropriate funds for other legitimate municipal purposes.
30.3530.35Financing harbor improvements through bonds or notes.
30.35(1)(1)Issuance of bonds or notes to be authorized by ordinance. Whenever the governing body of a municipality, after having obtained the consent of the board of harbor commissioners, determines to finance the acquisition, construction, alteration or repair of a harbor facility through revenue bonds, refunding bonds or bond anticipation notes, the governing body shall proceed by ordinance to authorize the issuance and sale of such bonds or notes. The ordinance shall set forth the purposes for which the bonds or notes are to be issued and shall state either the amount of such issue or an amount which such issue shall not exceed. The ordinance shall be offered and read at a regular meeting of the governing body and a notice of the amount and purposes of such bonds or notes shall be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, not less than 10 days prior to the meeting at which such ordinance is to be considered for final passage. The ordinance is not valid unless supported by the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of all of the members of the governing body taken at a regular meeting held after such publication. No referendum is required before such revenue bonds, refunding bonds or bond anticipation notes are issued.
30.35(2)(2)Contents of ordinance authorizing bond or note issue. The ordinance authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds, refunding bonds or bond anticipation notes constitutes a contract with the holder of such bonds or notes and shall include covenants and provisions for the security of the bondholders and noteholders and the payment of the bonds or notes as the governing body deems necessary or desirable for the security of the bondholders and noteholders, including, but not limited to, provisions for the establishment of adequate rates or charges for the use of the public harbor facilities, insurance against loss and covenants against the sale or alienation of such facilities and establishment of budgets relating to operation of such facilities. Any such ordinance shall contain provisions for:
30.35(2)(a)(a) Maintenance and operation of the public harbor facilities.
30.35(2)(b)(b) The establishment of a debt amortization and interest fund sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of, and interest on, the bonds or notes authorized by the ordinance.
30.35(2)(c)(c) The establishment of the bond proceeds funds and reserve funds that the governing body believes necessary or desirable for the security of the bondholders and noteholders.
30.35(2a)(2a)Municipality to fix adequate rates. The municipality shall fix rates and charges for the use of the harbor facilities sufficient for the payment of the cost of operation and maintenance of such facilities, for the payment of principal of and interest on any indebtedness incurred for such harbor facilities, and to provide revenues sufficient to comply with any covenants or agreements made by the municipality in any ordinance providing for the issuance of obligations to pay the cost of the acquisition, construction, alteration or repair of such harbor facilities. Equal rates and charges shall be fixed for equal services except that a municipality may fix higher rates and charges for boats that are used for recreational purposes, that do not carry passengers for a fee and that are one or more of the following:
30.35(2a)(a)(a) Exempt from the certificate of number and registration requirements under s. 30.51 (2) (a) 3., 5. or 9.
30.35(2a)(b)(b) Exempt from the registration requirement under s. 30.51 (2) (c) 3.
30.35(2a)(c)(c) Owned by persons who are not residents of this state.
30.35(2m)(2m)Terms of the bonds and notes. The provisions applicable to revenue bonds under s. 66.0621 (4) (i) and (L) apply to revenue bonds, refunding bonds and bond anticipation notes under this section. The provisions applicable to revenue bonds under s. 66.0621 (4) (a) shall apply to revenue bonds, refunding bonds and bond anticipation notes under this section except that the ordinance or resolution authorizing the bonds or notes may specify the time they mature, the amounts in which they mature, the conditions of redemption, the number of times they are issuable and the ranking of the issues.
30.35(3)(3)Form of the bonds or notes. Revenue bonds, refunding bonds and bond anticipation notes shall be in the form designated by the governing body, shall be executed as provided in s. 67.08 (1) and may be registered under s. 67.09.
30.35(4)(4)Bonds and notes not an obligation of the municipality. Bonds and notes issued pursuant to this section shall not be the general obligation of the municipality and shall expressly so state on their face. Any indebtedness created pursuant to this section is deemed to be incurred for a public utility, and shall not be included in indebtedness subject to any debt limitation.
30.35(5)(5)Sale of the bonds or notes. The governing body may authorize the purchase of a part or all of such revenue bonds, refunding bonds or bond anticipation notes out of moneys accruing to or held in the debt amortization and interest fund or any other municipal funds not immediately needed, and such funds may be invested in such bonds or notes. If the municipality does not purchase such bonds or notes, as authorized by this subsection, or determines to sell such bonds or notes after having so purchased them, the bonds or notes shall be offered at sale in the manner and at the time and place that the governing body determines. In cities of the 1st class, such bonds or notes shall be sold under the direction of the public debt commission.
30.35(6)(6)Bondholders and noteholders have lien. Title to all of the harbor facilities for which revenue bonds, refunding bonds or bond anticipation notes are issued remains in the municipality, but a statutory lien exists in favor of the bondholders and noteholders against the facilities which have been acquired, constructed, altered or remodeled and the cost of which has been financed with funds obtained through the issuance of such bonds and notes. To provide further security for the bondholders and noteholders, the ordinance or resolution authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds, refunding bonds or bond anticipation notes may provide for a pledge of the revenues of the facilities, including, if the facilities are leased under sub. (6), an assignment of all or part of the municipality’s rights as lessor.
30.35(7)(7)Bonds and notes may be purchased by fiduciaries. Bonds and notes issued pursuant to this section are hereby made securities in which any of the following may legally invest any funds, including capital, belonging to them or within their control:
30.35(7)(a)(a) State and municipal officers and bodies.
30.35(7)(b)(b) Banks, bankers, trust companies, savings banks, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations, investment companies and other persons carrying on a banking business.
30.35(7)(d)(d) Personal representatives, guardians, trustees, and other fiduciaries.
30.35(7)(e)(e) Persons authorized to invest in bonds or other obligations of the state.
30.35(8)(8)Bonds and notes may be accepted by state or municipal officer. The bonds and notes issued pursuant to this section are made securities which may properly and legally be deposited with and shall be received by any state or municipal officer or agency for which the deposit of bonds or other obligations of the state is authorized.
30.3730.37Boards of harbor commissioners authorized.
30.37(1)(1)Who may create.
30.37(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), a municipality situated on a navigable waterway may create a board of harbor commissioners to exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred upon such boards by law.
30.37(1)(b)(b) A county may not create a board of harbor commissioners if there exists an active town, village or city board of harbor commissioners within the county.
30.37(2)(2)How created. Boards of harbor commissioners shall be created by resolution of the governing body of the municipality. Such resolution shall state whether the board is to be composed of 3, 5, 7 or 9 members and shall fix the date of commencement of the original term of office. Such resolution also shall state the length of the term of each member of the first board to be appointed, so that the term of one or more will expire in one year, one or more in 2 years, and one or more in 3 years.
30.37(3)(3)Appointments, terms, qualification and compensation of members. As soon as possible after the passage of the resolution creating such board, the chief executive officer of the municipality, in the case of a city or village board of harbor commissioners, or the chairperson of the town board or the chairperson of the county board, in the case of a town or county board of harbor commissioners, shall appoint the members of the board and designate the length of the term of each member thereof in accordance with the resolution creating the board. Thereafter, at the expiration of the term of any member, he or she shall appoint a successor for a 3-year term. All appointments are subject to confirmation by the governing body of the municipality. A person appointed to the board shall be a qualified elector of the municipality which created the board and a resident of the municipality for at least 3 years. Not more than one member of the governing body of such municipality is eligible for appointment to the board. A person appointed to the board shall serve until a successor has been appointed and qualifies. Members of the board shall receive no compensation for their services but they shall be reimbursed for expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties.
30.37(4)(4)Organization; officers. As soon as possible after the appointment and confirmation of the members of the board, they shall meet and organize by electing from among their members a president and a vice president. The board shall hold meetings at such times and places as it determines and may adopt such bylaws consistent with law as seem practicable for its government.
30.37(5)(5)Employees. The board shall employ a secretary, not a member of the board, and fix the secretary’s salary, and may employ such other persons, including a harbor master, as it deems necessary for the proper performance of its functions, and fix their duties and compensation. If the municipality which created the board has a civil service system for its employees, all appointments shall be made pursuant to such system.
30.37(6)(6)Effect of revision on existing harbor boards. Boards of harbor commissioners, harbor commissions or dock and harbor boards in existence on January 1, 1960 are deemed to be valid boards of harbor commissioners as if created pursuant to this section and are vested with all the powers and duties conferred upon boards of harbor commissioners by this chapter. The members of such boards may continue to hold office until their terms expire, notwithstanding any provision of this section which would otherwise disqualify them, but appointments made after January 1, 1960 shall be made only in accordance with this section. Nothing in this subsection is intended to prevent a municipality by resolution from abolishing its board of harbor commissioners, harbor commission or dock and harbor board.
30.37(7)(7)Milwaukee County. Milwaukee County, with respect to the land ceded or granted to Milwaukee County as described in 1997 Wisconsin Act 70, section 3, may directly exercise all of the powers and perform all of the duties conferred on a board of harbor commissioners under ss. 30.34, 30.35 and 30.38, but Milwaukee County may not create a board of harbor commissioners if sub. (1) (b) applies. Milwaukee County shall have exclusive jurisdiction over the operation, administration, maintenance, improvement, alteration and repair of any marina facility or marina related anchorage located on this land.
30.3830.38Powers and duties of boards of harbor commissioners.
30.38(1)(1)Relationship to municipality’s governing body.
30.38(1)(a)(a) Except as otherwise expressly provided, a board of harbor commissioners may exercise its powers and perform its duties without first obtaining the consent of the governing body of the municipality which created it, but in no event is the board empowered to financially obligate in any manner this state without the consent of the state legislature, or the municipality in which it operates without the consent of the governing body of such municipality.
30.38(1)(b)(b) It is the public policy of this state that, so far as possible, the board of harbor commissioners shall have exclusive control of the commercial aspects of the day-to-day operation of the public harbor and public harbor facilities, as set forth in sub. (8), and the governing body of the municipality shall have exclusive control of the governmental aspects relating to public health, order and safety. No municipality may exercise the powers set forth in subs. (8) (a) or (9), except through a board of harbor commissioners.
30.38(1)(c)(c) Insofar as consistent with the principle set forth in par. (b), all powers not expressly conferred upon the board of harbor commissioners are reserved to the governing body of the municipality.
30.38(2)(2)Municipal departments to assist board of harbor commissioners. A board of harbor commissioners may make written requests to any other officer or agency of the municipality for assistance in the performance of its duties and such officer or agency shall comply with such request if the requested assistance involves the type of work normally performed by such officer or agency and the assistance will not substantially affect the budget of such officer or agency. If a difference arises between the officer or agency and the board as to whether such officer or agency is required to render the requested assistance, the ruling of the governing body of the municipality with respect thereto shall be final.
30.38(3)(3)Contract procedures. In the letting of work relative to the construction, repair or maintenance of a harbor or harbor facility or in the purchase of equipment, supplies or materials relative to carrying out its powers and duties, a board of harbor commissioners shall be governed by the procedures and requirements set forth in s. 30.32.
30.38(4)(4)Title to lands and facilities. Title to harbor lands and facilities shall vest in the municipality.
30.38(5)(5)Planning and effectuating harbor improvements. A board of harbor commissioners shall make such plans as it deems necessary for the improvement of the harbor over which it has jurisdiction, so as to adequately provide for the needs of commerce and shipping, including the efficient handling of freight and passenger traffic between the waterways of the harbor and air and land transportation terminals. Among other things, such planning may include plans for the acquisition of land for harbor purposes, including industrial sites, plans for laying out service roads, plans for the construction and acquisition of harbor facilities designed to enlarge or improve harbor operations, and plans for the improvement of publicly-owned harbor facilities. In planning for service roads the board shall seek the advice and cooperation of the local highway authorities and in all cases shall seek the advice and cooperation of the municipal planning agency, if any. The board shall not carry out any such plans until they have been submitted to and approved by the governing body of the municipality. When such plans have been so approved, either as submitted or in modified form, the board shall be in charge of carrying such plans into effect.
30.38(6)(6)Leasing harbor lands and facilities. A board of harbor commissioners may lease to any party, either for exclusive or common use, such parcels of publicly-owned harbor lands or such publicly-owned harbor facilities as it deems expedient, provided such lease is for any purpose or use requiring, involving or connected with the construction, operation, maintenance or use of any harbor facility. Such board may also lease, for revenue purposes, any of the publicly-owned harbor lands under its jurisdiction, not actually in use for harbor purposes, to be used for any purpose deemed satisfactory to the board. No leases of municipally-owned harbor lands or harbor facilities made pursuant to this subsection are valid until approved by the governing body of the municipality, unless such governing body has authorized the board to make such leases without its approval.
30.38(7)(7)Maintenance of harbor facilities. The board of harbor commissioners shall be in charge of the maintenance of the public harbor facilities. To the extent that funds, including revenue from harbor operations, are available for such purpose, the board may make repairs to harbor facilities without first obtaining the consent of the governing body of the municipality.
30.38(8)(8)Harbor operation.
30.38(8)(a)(a) A board of harbor commissioners shall have exclusive control over the commercial aspects of the day-to-day operation of the public harbor and public harbor facilities. Among other things the board may:
30.38(8)(a)1.1. Operate publicly-owned or leased wharf and terminal facilities and handling equipment.
30.38(8)(a)2.2. Operate publicly-owned railroad beltlines or other essential railroad facilities, or lease railroad facilities.
30.38(8)(a)3.3. Assign berths at publicly-owned or leased harbor facilities.
30.38(8)(a)4.4. Maintain guards at publicly-owned or leased harbor facilities.
30.38(8)(b)(b) When so authorized by the municipal governing body, a board of harbor commissioners also may:
30.38(8)(b)1.1. Operate airport facilities owned or leased by the municipality and located on or contiguous to the harbor lands.
30.38(8)(b)2.2. Operate municipal harbor craft, such as fireboats, tugs, dredges, barges, lighters and inspection boats.
30.38(8)(b)3.3. Acquire, charter and operate vessels for use in domestic and foreign commerce.
30.38(8)(c)(c) In lieu of operating the publicly-owned harbor facilities, a board of harbor commissioners may lease such facilities for operation by the lessee, but the board shall retain such control over the lessee as will enable it to make certain that the harbor is operated in accordance with the public policy set forth in par. (e). No lease of municipally-owned facilities is valid until approved by the governing body of the municipality, unless such governing body has authorized the board to make such lease without its approval.
30.38(8)(d)(d) A board of harbor commissioners may adopt rules to facilitate the exercise of its powers and duties under this subsection. Copies of such rules shall be made available to interested persons upon request.
30.38(8)(e)(e) In exercising its powers under this subsection, a board of harbor commissioners shall be guided by a policy designed to maintain the operation of the harbor in a continuous, peaceful and efficient manner and shall maintain its services so as to effectuate this policy and shall handle without discrimination, any valid and legitimate cargo. But nothing in this subsection shall prevent the board or its lessees from adopting reasonable rules regarding noxious cargo or explosives.
30.38(8)(f)(f) A board of harbor commissioners shall have no jurisdiction over public bridges.
30.38(9)(9)Fixing fees. A board of harbor commissioners shall fix and regulate all fees and charges for use of the publicly owned and operated harbor facilities and for other services rendered. All such fees and charges are subject to the approval of the governing body of the municipality. Copies of the schedule of fees and charges shall be made available to interested persons upon request. Equal fees shall be charged for equal services except that higher fees may be charged for boats that are used for recreational purposes, that do not carry passengers for a fee and that are one or more of the following:
30.38(9)(a)(a) Exempt from the certificate of number and registration requirements under s. 30.51 (2) (a) 3., 5. or 9.
30.38(9)(b)(b) Exempt from the registration requirement under s. 30.51 (2) (c) 3.
30.38(9)(c)(c) Owned by persons who are not residents of this state.
30.38(10)(10)Accounts and statistics. A board of harbor commissioners shall maintain an adequate system of accounts with respect to its operations, which system of accounts shall be in conformity with the system used by the municipality. The board also shall maintain statistics with respect to the traffic and finances of the port.
30.38(11)(11)Promotion activities. A board of harbor commissioners may engage in activities designed to promote trade and traffic through the port and for this purpose may, among other things, make representations before official public bodies and intervene in rate case proceedings.
30.38(12)(12)Responsibilities relative to joint harbors. If a board of harbor commissioners is in charge of a harbor which lies partly in this state and partly in another state, the board shall be the official body that represents the interests of the municipality that created the board in such joint harbor, including the harbor’s facilities and shipping interests. The board shall study the needs of the joint harbor, including the harbor’s facilities and shipping interests, with reference to both its joint aspects and its aspects relating to this state. The board from time to time shall make such recommendations, as the board considers needful and practical, to the proper authorities for the proper maintenance, improvement and betterment of the joint harbor, including the harbor’s facilities and shipping interests. The board may take steps within its power as seem practicable to cause such recommendations to be carried into effect. The board may also meet and act jointly with the agency representing the interests of the other state in the joint harbor, on matters of common interest and which affect the joint harbor including the harbor’s facilities. It may join with such agency in adopting a general plan for the development of the joint harbor and in making such other recommendations as seem advisable and may act jointly with such agency in doing all things within its power to cause such plans and recommendations to be carried into effect.
30.38(13)(13)Funds; disbursements; net revenue.
30.38(13)(a)(a) All moneys appropriated to a board of harbor commissioners, all revenues derived from the operation of the public harbor except in the case of a joint harbor revenue from joint improvements before division thereof, and all other revenues of the board shall be paid into the municipal treasury and credited to the harbor fund, except that revenues assigned or pledged under s. 30.35 (6) or 66.1103 shall be paid into the fund or funds provided for in the ordinance or resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds and shall be applied in accordance with that ordinance or resolution.
30.38(13)(b)(b) Subject to the limitations and conditions otherwise expressed in this section and to a budget approved by the municipal governing body, moneys in the harbor fund may be used for the acquisition, construction, improvement, repair, maintenance, operation and administration of the public harbor and harbor facilities and for the acquisition, chartering and operation of vessels under sub. (8) (b) 3. Except as provided in s. 30.34 (4), such moneys shall be paid out of the harbor fund only on orders signed by the president and secretary of the board, or some other official authorized by the board, after the allowance of claims by the board or on orders entered in the minutes of the board. Disbursements from the harbor fund shall be audited as other municipal disbursements are audited; however, the board may determine on some other procedure it deems appropriate for the consideration of claims and the reporting thereof notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph. If a procedure other than that set forth in this paragraph is prescribed by the board, the approval of the chief auditing officer shall be obtained.
30.38(13)(c)(c) At the end of each fiscal year, the board shall compute its net revenue, if any, after paying the costs of operating, maintaining and improving the harbor. Thereupon, the board shall certify the amount of such net revenue, if any, to the municipal treasurer who shall cause such amount to be transferred from the harbor fund to the general fund of the municipality.
30.38(14)(14)Reports of expenditures. A board of harbor commissioners shall, on or before October 1 of each year, file with the clerk of the municipality which created the board, a detailed statement of the amount of money that will be required to meet its expenses and needs for the ensuing year, and the clerk shall place such statement before the governing body in due course so that it may levy such taxes and make such appropriations as it deems practical to defray the expenses and meet the needs and requirements of the board in the performance of its functions.
30.38(15)(15)Annual reports. A board of harbor commissioners shall make a report annually to the governing body of the municipality which created it, giving an account of its activities and an account of its revenues and expenditures in the preceding calendar year. Such report may contain such other matters as the board deems of interest, including such recommendations as it deems to be for the best interest of the municipality and its harbor, harbor facilities and shipping interests.
30.38 AnnotationA fee assessed for revenue purposes, which bears no relation to the costs of maintaining harbor facilities, is a tax that is not authorized under sub. (9). Racine Marina Associates v. City of Racine, 175 Wis. 2d 614, 499 N.W.2d 715 (Ct. App. 1993).
subch. IV of ch. 30SUBCHAPTER IV
Subch. IV of ch. 30 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also RB and s. NR 103.04, Wis. adm. code.
30.4030.40Definitions. In ss. 30.40 to 30.49:
30.40(1)(1)“Agricultural use” means aquaculture; beekeeping; dairying; egg production; feedlots; grazing; floriculture; raising of livestock; raising of poultry; raising of fruits, nuts and berries; raising of grains, grass, mint and seed crops; raising of vegetables; and sod farming.
30.40(1r)(1r)“Bluff zone” means land in the riverway in the areas that are 200 feet in width from behind the bluff line to 100 feet below the bluff line.
30.40(2)(2)“Board” means the Lower Wisconsin State Riverway board.
30.40(3)(3)“Boat” has the meaning given in s. 30.50 (2).
30.40(3g)(3g)“Forester” means a person who is employed by the department to carry out assigned forest management responsibilities or who has received a bachelor’s or higher degree from a school of forestry with curriculum accredited by the society of American foresters in the management of forest resources.
30.40(3r)(3r)“High-voltage transmission line” means a conductor of electric energy exceeding one mile in length designed for operation at a nominal voltage of 100 kilovolts or more, together with associated facilities or structures.
30.40(4)(4)“Highway” means a way or thoroughfare, except a waterway, that is used for vehicular travel by the public.
30.40(6)(6)“Mobile home” has the meaning given in s. 101.91 (10).
30.40(7)(7)“Modify” means to renovate, remodel, expand in size or otherwise change a structure that is not damaged or destroyed.
30.40(7m)(7m)“Nonmetallic mining” has the meaning given in s. 295.11 (3).
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)