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Subpoena for documents on cause, 979.015
Sudden infant death syndrome, 253.14, 979.03
Survival of actions, see Survival of Actions
Wrongful death, see Wrongful Death
debris DEBRIS
debt DEBT
decedents DECEDENTS
deceit DECEIT
declarations of interest in real property DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY
declaration of rights DECLARATION OF RIGHTS
Generally, I
declarations to physicians DECLARATIONS TO PHYSICIANS
Applicability of law, 154.11 (7)
Construction of law, 154.11 (6)
Declaration to health care professionals, 154.03
Definitions, 154.01
Do-not-resuscitate orders, 154.19
Bracelets, specifications and distribution, 154.27
Definitions, 154.17
General provisions, 154.25
Guardians and health care agents, 154.225
Liability for following or not following, 154.23
Penalties, 154.29
Revocation, 154.21
Duties and immunities, 154.07
Filing of declaration with probate register, 154.13
General provisions, 154.11
Health insurance, 154.11 (3)
Intent of patient, 154.11 (5)
Liability, 154.07
Life insurance, 154.11 (2)
Penalties, 154.15
Revocation of declaration, method, recording, 154.05
Suicide, 154.11 (1)
declaratory judgments DECLARATORY JUDGMENTS
deeds DEEDS
deer DEER
defamation DEFAMATION
default judgments DEFAULT JUDGMENTS
Generally, 806.02
For detailed analysis of judgments in civil actions, see Civil Procedure—4. Judgments
defendants DEFENDANTS
defenses DEFENSES
For defenses in specific actions, refer to the subject heading for that subject, e.g., Securities or Motor Vehicles
deferred compensation board DEFERRED COMPENSATION BOARD
Creation, members, terms, 15.165 (4)
General provisions, 15.07
Powers and duties, 40.03 (9), 40.80
deficiency judgments DEFICIENCY JUDGMENTS
definitions DEFINITIONS
delinquent children DELINQUENT CHILDREN
dentistry DENTISTRY
Generally, Ch. 447
Abused or neglected children and unborn children, dentists to report, 48.981
Billing and insurance claim forms, standardization, 632.725
Charges for care, required disclosures, 146.903
Compact, dentist and dental hygienist, 14.875, 447.50 to 447.51
Cooperative dental care plan, 185.981 to 185.985
Crime victim compensation, dental reports, 949.04
Delegation of remedial procedures, 447.065
Dental auxiliary, expanded function:
Certification, 447.035, 447.04 (3)
Renewal, 447.05 (1) (b)
Dental benefits assignment, 632.722
Dental services grants, 250.10
Dental societies:
Consideration of interests, 447.36
Directors and officers, 447.17 to 447.27
Employees and agents, 447.29
Liability, 447.31, 447.38
Party to proceeding, allowance of expenses as incurred, 447.21, 447.25