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Employee, injury, death, action against 3rd party, 102.29
Excessive fees by sheriff, treble, 59.32 (4)
Exclusion from public office, 784.11
Failure to discharge prisoner, 782.30
Failure to satisfy construction lien judgment, 779.13
False advertising for labor, 103.43
False authentication, 706.06 (4)
Financing statements containing social security numbers, filing and recording; damages, 224.30 (4), 409.520 (1m)
Fish and game law violations, 29.977
Forest fires, civil liability, 26.21
Forest products unlawfully cut, removed and transported, civil liability, 26.09
Fraudulent assessments, 70.503
Fraudulent sale by guardian, 786.58
Frivolous claims and counterclaims, 895.044
Habeas corpus:
Refusal to discharge, 782.30
Wrongful refusal, 782.09
Laying out or altering, see Condemnation
Snow and ice accumulations, 893.83
Honey sale standards, certification; damages from violations, 100.187 (3)
Illegal detention, 782.38
Illegal sale of real estate on execution, 815.34
Incidental damages, sales act, 402.710, 402.715
Injuries to highways, 86.02
Judge's liability in injunction matters, 757.24
Judgment, refusal to satisfy, 806.20 (2)
Landmarks, destroying, 59.74
Letters of credit, improper dishonor, repudiation, breach, 405.111
Libel, truth or correction a defense, 895.05
Limitation of awards:
Advance payments, extensions of time, 893.12
Municipal liability, 893.80
Volunteer fire company, 893.80 (3)
Limitation on recovery:
Long-term care providers, 893.555
Medical malpractice awards, 655.017, 893.55
Municipalities and volunteer fire companies, 893.80 (3)
Noneconomic under health care liability, 655.017
Prisoner actions, 895.455
Fraudulent filing, 132.032
Unlawful use, 132.033
Medical malpractice awards limited, 655.017, 893.55
Messages, failure to deliver, 182.019
Migrant labor, damages for unlawful retaliation by employer, 103.96 (2)
Mining, water withdrawal, 293.65
Mining damage appropriation, claims against, 107.31
Mortgage satisfactions:
Affidavit of satisfaction, fraudulent, 708.15 (12)
Failure to provide satisfaction, payoff statement, 708.15 (3) (h), (5) (b)
Motor vehicles:
Entering to assist person or animal; liability exemption, 895.484
Minor's and spouse's negligence imputed to owner, 895.048
Motorboats, negligence of spouse or minor, 895.048
Motorcycle, snowmobile, ATV riders; no helmet, recovery not reduced, 895.049
Negligent acts, political corporations and municipalities, limitation of damages, 893.80
Notary public, neglect or misconduct, 140.02 (7), (8)
Nuisance actions, private, 844.19
Officer, failing to give receipt for fees, 66.0515
Parkways, regrading, 27.065
Want of repair, nonliability, 27.12
Payday lender, law violations, 138.14 (15), (16)
Personal injury, ownership of marital property at death, 766.31 (7m), 861.01 (3m)
Personal representative's liability, 877.08
Private, remedy on official bond, 19.02
Produce wholesaler, law violations, 100.01 (4)
Property, injury to, limitation, 893.52
Property crimes, civil liability, 895.446
Public records, mandamus action to release, 19.37 (2), (3)
Public utility:
Failure to serve, 182.019
Treble for ch. 196 or 197 violations, 196.64
Punitive damages, 895.043
Racketeering violations, 946.87 (4)
Causing by fire, 192.44
Violating ch. 195, treble, 195.35
Real estate, slander of title, 706.13
Recovery in mandamus bars action for, 783.05
Refusing copies of commitment, 782.37
Reimprisoning party discharged, 782.38
Restrictive covenants, removal, 847.03
Resulting from injunction, 813.07
Sales contract:
Breach, assignment of right to damages, 402.210 (2)
Incidental damages, 402.710, 402.715