4. For each business in which a venture capital fund held an investment of
24moneys received through the program established under sub. (2), all of the following:
a. The name and address of the business.
1b. A description of the nature of the business.
c. The identification of the venture capital fund.
d. The amount of the investment and the amount invested by the venture
4capital fund from funding sources other than the program.
e. The internal rate of return realized by the venture capital fund upon the
6venture capital fund's exit from the investment in the business.
f. A statement of the number of employees the business employed when the
8venture capital fund first invested moneys received through the program and the
9number of employees the business employed on the first day and last day of the
10investment manager's fiscal year.
(b) No later than 10 days after it receives the investment manager's report
12under par. (a), the corporation shall submit the report to the chief clerk of each house
13of the legislature, for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2).
(c) Quarterly, the investment manager shall submit to the oversight board a
15report for the preceding quarter that includes all of the following:
1. An identification of each venture capital fund under contract with the
17investment manager under sub. (5).
2. An identification of each business in which a venture capital fund held an
19investment of moneys received through the program established under sub. (2) and
20a statement of the amount of the investment in each business.
3. A statement of the number of employees the business employed when the
22venture capital fund first invested moneys received through the program established
23under sub. (2) and the number of employees the business employed on the last day
24of the quarter.
1(d) The oversight board shall make the reports under par. (c) readily accessible
2to the public on the corporation's Internet site.
3(7) Policies and procedures. The corporation shall establish policies and
4procedures to administer this section.”.
7238.29 Tribal economic development. The corporation shall establish and
8administer economic development programs to promote small business economic
9development benefitting American Indian tribes or bands in this state.”.
12946.15 Public construction contracts at less than full rate. (1) Any
13employer, or any agent or employee of an employer, who induces any individual who
14seeks to be or is employed pursuant to a public contract, as defined in s. 66.0901 (1)
15(c), or who seeks to be or is employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
16determination has been issued by the department of workforce development under
17s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) to give up, waive, or return any
18part of the compensation to which that individual is entitled under his or her contract
19of employment or under the prevailing wage rate determination issued by the
20department, or who reduces the hourly basic rate of pay normally paid to an
21employee for work on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has
22not been issued under s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) during a
23week in which the employee works both on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
1determination has been issued and on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
2determination has not been issued, is guilty of a Class I felony.
3(2) Any individual employed pursuant to a public contract, as defined in s.
466.0901 (1) (c), or employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
5determination has been issued by the department of workforce development under
6s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) who gives up, waives, or returns
7to the employer or agent of the employer any part of the compensation to which the
8employee is entitled under his or her contract of employment or under the prevailing
9wage determination issued by the department, or who gives up any part of the
10compensation to which he or she is normally entitled for work on a project on which
11a prevailing wage rate determination has not been issued under s. 66.0903 (3),
12103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) during a week in which the individual works
13part-time on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has been
14issued and part-time on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has
15not been issued, is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
16(3) Any employer or labor organization, or any agent or employee of an
17employer or labor organization, who induces any individual who seeks to be or is
18employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate determination has been issued
19by the department of workforce development under s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50
20(3), or 229.8275 (3) to allow any part of the wages to which that individual is entitled
21under the prevailing wage rate determination issued by the department or local
22governmental unit to be deducted from the individual's pay is guilty of a Class I
23felony, unless the deduction would be allowed under
29 CFR 3.5 or
3.6 from an
24individual who is working on a project that is subject to
40 USC 3142.
1(4) Any individual employed on a project on which a prevailing wage rate
2determination has been issued by the department of workforce development under
3s. 66.0903 (3), 103.49 (3), 103.50 (3), or 229.8275 (3) who allows any part of the wages
4to which that individual is entitled under the prevailing wage rate determination
5issued by the department or local governmental unit to be deducted from his or her
6pay is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor, unless the deduction would be allowed under
729 CFR 3.5 or
3.6 from an individual who is working on a project that is subject to
840 USC 3142.”.
(6) (a) Institute, commence
, or appear in all civil actions or special
14proceedings under and perform the duties set forth for the district attorney under ch.
15980 and ss. 17.14, 30.03 (2), 48.09 (5), 59.55 (1), 59.64 (1), 70.36, 89.08,
103.50 (8),
16103.92 (4), 109.09, 343.305 (9) (a), 806.05, 938.09, 938.18, 938.355 (6) (b) and (6g) (a),
17946.86, 946.87, 961.55 (5), 971.14 and 973.075 to 973.077, perform any duties in
18connection with court proceedings in a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under
19chs. 48 and 938 as the judge may request and perform all appropriate duties and
20appear if the district attorney is designated in specific statutes, including matters
21within chs. 782, 976 and 979 and ss. 51.81 to 51.85. Nothing in this paragraph limits
22the authority of the county board to designate, under s. 48.09 (5), that the corporation
23counsel provide representation as specified in s. 48.09 (5) or to designate, under s.
148.09 (6) or 938.09 (6), the district attorney as an appropriate person to represent the
2interests of the public under s. 48.14 or 938.14.”.