SB70-SSA2-SA3,46,22 (c) Staff salaries for nonmental health–related positions.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,46,43 (d) Indirect costs of regular school operations such as existing overhead
SB70-SSA2-SA3,46,8 5(3) If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (dc) in any fiscal year is insufficient
6to pay the full amount of aid requested under sub. (1), the state superintendent shall
7prorate state aid payments among the school boards and the operators of charter
8schools established under s. 118.40 (2r) and (2x) that are eligible for the aid.”.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,46,9 973. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-SSA2-SA3,115 10Section 115. 20.255 (2) (da) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,116 11Section 116. 20.255 (2) (db) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,46,1312 20.255 (2) (db) Aid for school-based mental health professionals; staff. The
13amounts in the schedule for aid under s. 115.364.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,117 14Section 117. 115.364 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,46,16 15115.364 (title) Aid for school school-based mental health programs
16professionals; staff.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,118 17Section 118. 115.364 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 115.364 (1) and
18amended to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,46,2019 115.364 (1) In this section:, “ pupil services professional” means a school
20counselor, school social worker, school psychologist, or school nurse.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,119 21Section 119. 115.364 (1) (a), (am) and (b) of the statutes are repealed.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,120 22Section 120. 115.364 (2) (a) (intro.) and 1. of the statutes are consolidated,
23renumbered 115.364 (2) (a) and amended to read:
1115.364 (2) (a) Beginning in the 2018-19 2023-24 school year and annually
2thereafter, the state superintendent shall do all of the following: 1. Subject, subject
3to par. (b), from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (da), pay to an eligible (db),
4reimburse a
school district board, the operator of a charter school established under
5s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), or the governing body of a private school participating in a
6program under s. 118.60 or 119.23 for
an amount equal to 50 percent of the amount
7by which the school district increased its
expenditures made by the school board,
8operator, or governing body
in the preceding school year to employ, hire, or retain
9social workers over the amount it expended in the school year immediately preceding
10the preceding school year to employ, hire, or retain social workers
pupil services
11professionals, including pupil services professionals who provided telehealth
SB70-SSA2-SA3,121 13Section 121. 115.364 (2) (a) 2. and 3. of the statutes are repealed.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,122 14Section 122. 115.364 (2) (b) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 115.364 (2) (b) and
15amended to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,47,2116 115.364 (2) (b) If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (da) (db) in any fiscal
17year is insufficient to pay the full amount of aid under par. (a), the state
18superintendent shall prorate state aid payments among the school districts, private
19schools, and independent charter schools
boards, operators of charter schools
20established under s. 118.40 (2r) and (2x), and governing bodies of private schools
21participating in a program under s. 118.60 or 119.23 that are
eligible for the aid.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,123 22Section 123. 115.364 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is repealed.”.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,47,23 2374. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-SSA2-SA3,124 1Section 124. 20.255 (2) (ch) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,48,42 20.255 (2) (ch) Grow your own programs; teacher pipeline capacity building.
3The amounts in the schedule for grants under s. 115.422 to school districts and
4operators of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x).
SB70-SSA2-SA3,125 5Section 125. 115.422 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-SSA2-SA3,48,13 6115.422 Grow your own programs; teacher pipeline capacity building.
7(1) In this section, “grow your own program” means a program to encourage
8individuals to pursue a career in teaching or to facilitate teacher licensure. “Grow
9your own programs” include high school clubs that encourage careers in teaching,
10payment of costs associated with current staff acquiring education needed for
11licensure, support for career pathways using dual enrollment, support for
12partnerships focused on attracting or developing new teachers, or incentives for
13paraprofessionals to gain licensure.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,48,17 14(2) Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, from the appropriation under s.
1520.255 (2) (ch), the department shall award grants to a school district or the operator
16of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) to reimburse the school district or
17charter school for costs associated with grow your own programs.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,48,19 18(3) The department shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this
19section, including criteria for awarding a grant.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,126 20Section 126. 119.04 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1119.04 (1) Subchapters IV, V and VII of ch. 115, ch. 121 and ss. 66.0235 (3) (c),
266.0603 (1m) to (3), 115.01 (1) and (2), 115.28, 115.31, 115.33, 115.34, 115.343,
3115.345, 115.363, 115.364, 115.365 (3), 115.366, 115.367, 115.38 (2), 115.415, 115.422,
4115.445, 118.001 to 118.04, 118.045, 118.06, 118.07, 118.075, 118.076, 118.10, 118.12,
5118.125 to 118.14, 118.145 (4), 118.15, 118.153, 118.16, 118.162, 118.163, 118.164,
6118.18, 118.19, 118.196, 118.20, 118.223, 118.225, 118.24 (1), (2) (c) to (f), (6), (8), and
7(10), 118.245, 118.25, 118.255, 118.258, 118.291, 118.292, 118.293, 118.2935, 118.30
8to 118.43, 118.46, 118.50, 118.51, 118.52, 118.53, 118.55, 118.56, 120.12 (2m), (4m),
9(5), and (15) to (27), 120.125, 120.13 (1), (2) (b) to (g), (3), (14), (17) to (19), (26), (34),
10(35), (37), (37m), and (38), 120.137, 120.14, 120.20, 120.21 (3), and 120.25 are
11applicable to a 1st class city school district and board but not, unless explicitly
12provided in this chapter or in the terms of a contract, to the commissioner or to any
13school transferred to an opportunity schools and partnership program.”.
SB70-SSA2-SA3,49,14 1475. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-SSA2-SA3,127 15Section 127. 20.255 (2) (cd) of the statutes is created to read: