NR 503.10(4)(e)2.2. To provide for maximum compaction after the initial 4-foot lift of waste is placed, each single layer of solid waste shall be spread and compacted in 2-foot layers. An alternative plan for compaction of waste may be approved by the department.
NR 503.10(4)(f)(f) Effective means shall be utilized to prevent the migration of explosive gases generated by the waste fill. At no time may the concentration of explosive gases in any landfill structure, excluding the leachate collection system or gas control system components exceed 25% of the lower explosive limit for those gases. At no time shall the concentration of explosive gases in the soils or air within 200 feet of or beyond the landfill property boundary exceed the lower explosive limit for those gases. The department may require that the concentration of explosive gases not exceed the detectable levels for that gas at the landfill property boundary.
NR 503.10(4)(g)(g) Leachate shall be removed from all collection tanks, manholes, lift stations, sumps or other structures used for leachate storage as it is produced, including hours when the landfill is closed, such as overnight and weekends. Leachate shall be managed as follows:
NR 503.10(4)(g)1.1. All leachate removed from a leachate collection system shall be disposed of at a wastewater treatment facility approved by the department and capable of accepting the leachate in accordance with the requirements of its WPDES permit. The landfill owner or operator shall immediately notify the department of any change in the availability of the designated wastewater treatment facility to accept or dispose of the leachate removed from the landfill. Waste may not be accepted at the landfill unless leachate is being managed in accordance with the landfill’s approved plan of operation and the requirements of this section.
NR 503.10(4)(g)2.2. Any liquid which comes in contact with waste or accumulates in a portion of the landfill where active waste disposal operations are occurring shall be handled as leachate and properly treated as specified in subd. 1. unless otherwise approved by the department in writing.
NR 503.10(4)(g)3.3. All leachate collection lines shall be cleaned with a water jet cleanout device with a maximum pressure of 10,000 pounds per square inch immediately after construction, and annually thereafter.
NR 503.10(4)(h)(h) Documentation for soil borrow sources shall comply with the requirements of s. NR 504.075.
NR 503.10(4)(i)(i) For all landfills that do not have a department-approved plan for phased development and closure, by October 15th of each year, all areas that are at final grades shall be capped, topsoiled and seeded unless otherwise approved by the department.
NR 503.10(4)(j)(j) Any person who maintains or operates a landfill, or who permits use of property for that purpose shall, when the fill area or portion thereof reaches final grade, or when the department determines that closure is required, cease to accept solid waste and close the landfill or portion thereof in accordance with the plan approval issued by the department and the following minimum practices unless otherwise approved by the department in writing:
NR 503.10(4)(j)1.1. At least 120 days prior to closing the landfill, the owner or operator shall notify the department in writing of the intent to close the landfill and the expected date of closure. Prior to department notification, the owner or operator shall notify all users of the landfill of the intent to close the landfill so that alternative disposal options can be arranged.
NR 503.10(4)(j)2.2. Signs shall be posted at all points of access to the landfill at least 30 days prior to closure indicating the date of closure and alternative disposal landfills. Landfills which are operated by and serve only a single waste generator and are not open to the public are exempt from this provision.
NR 503.10(4)(j)3.3. Notice of the upcoming closure shall be published in a local newspaper at least 30 days prior to closure and a copy of the notice shall be provided to the department within 10 days after the date of publication. Landfills which are operated by and serve only a single waste generator and are not open to the public are exempt from this provision.
NR 503.10(4)(j)4.4. Within 10 days after ceasing to accept solid waste, the owner or operator shall restrict access by the use of gates, fencing or other appropriate means to insure against further use of the landfill. If the final use allows access, access shall be restricted until closure has been completed and approved by the department.
NR 503.10(4)(j)5.5. Closure activities shall begin within 30 days after ceasing to accept solid waste.
NR 503.10(4)(j)6.6. Within 180 days after ceasing to accept solid waste or, if solid waste disposal operations terminate after September 15, by June 15 of the following year, the owner or operator shall complete seeding, fertilizing and mulching of the finished surface. The seed type and amount of fertilizer applied shall be selected depending on the type and quality of topsoil and compatibility with both native vegetation and the final use. Unless otherwise approved by the department in writing, seed mixtures and sowing rates shall be those specified for right–of–ways according to section 630, 2003 edition of the Wisconsin department of transportation standard specifications for highway and structure construction and the 2004 supplemental specifications.
NR 503.10 NoteNote: The 2003 edition of the Wisconsin department of transportation standard specifications for highway and structure construction and any annual supplemental specifications are available at or can be obtained from the department of natural resources, bureau of waste management, 101 S. Webster Street, P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921, (608) 266-2111, Copies are also available for inspection at the offices of the legislative reference bureau and the secretary of state.
NR 503.10(4)(k)(k) The owner or operator of the landfill shall maintain the final cover. Repairs to the final cover shall be made as soon as possible after damage to the cap occurs. The following activities are prohibited at solid waste disposal facilities which are no longer in operation unless specifically approved by the department in writing:
NR 503.10(4)(k)1.1. Use of the waste disposal area for agricultural purposes.
NR 503.10(4)(k)2.2. Establishment or construction of any buildings over the waste disposal area.
NR 503.10(4)(k)3.3. Excavation of the final cover or any waste materials.
NR 503.10(4)(L)(L) An owner or operator of a landfill may not accept waste containing free liquids.
NR 503.10(4)(m)(m) Owners and operators of landfills shall implement a program at the landfill for detecting and preventing the disposal of waste not specifically approved for acceptance. The program shall include the following:
NR 503.10(4)(m)1.1. Inspections shall be made of every incoming load of solid waste unless the owner or operator receives approval in writing from the department to take other steps to insure that incoming loads do not contain wastes not specifically approved for acceptance.
NR 503.10(4)(m)2.2. Landfill personnel shall be trained in accordance with ch. NR 524 to recognize waste not approved for acceptance.
NR 503.10(4)(m)3.3. Each load of waste shall be dumped on a permanent inspection pad which is located outside of the waste fill area. Material which is salvageable may be moved to approved storage areas located adjacent to the inspection pad. The remaining material shall be inspected by the certified facility manager or site operator and all material which is approved for disposal at the landfill shall be moved to the active disposal area on the same day on which it is received.
NR 503.10(4)(m)4.4. Waste which is not approved for acceptance at the landfill shall be rejected. The waste shall be reloaded in the vehicle which delivered the waste or placed in a waste container such as a roll off box or dumpster. This material shall be handled in accordance with all applicable regulations including but not limited to those relating to the transportation, storage, treatment and disposal of the rejected material.
NR 503.10(4)(m)5.5. If waste not approved for disposal is discovered and is suspected of being hazardous or containing PCB’s at a concentration of 50 ppm or greater, the owner or operator of the landfill shall notify the department’s district or area solid waste or hazardous waste management specialist in writing within 2 days.
NR 503.10(4)(n)(n) The owner or operator of a landfill shall maintain a written operating record at the landfill during the operating life and 40 year long term care period of the landfill. The department may approve an alternate location for maintaining the record. The record shall contain information on all landfill locational criteria restrictions, inspection records, training procedures, notification procedures, plan approvals, closure and post closure plans and financial responsibility, and all demonstrations, certifications, findings, monitoring, testing, and analytical data required under chs. NR 500 to 538. Tonnage information shall be submitted to the department in accordance with s. NR 520.14. Load inspection records shall be maintained for a minimum of 3 years. The operating record shall be made available to the department upon request.
NR 503.10(4)(o)(o) The department may deny, suspend or revoke the approval of a landfill for failure to pay fees required under ch. 289, Stats., or for grievous and continuous failure to comply with the approved plan of operation or to comply with any requirement of chs. NR 500 to 538. Any failure to comply with any requirement or condition on 5 or more days within any 30 successive calendar days and which consists of action or inaction which may cause pollution as defined in s. 281.01 (10), Stats., or which may otherwise create nuisance conditions, is a grievous and continuous failure to comply with the requirement or condition.