NR 129.08(2)(a)(a) $5,000,000 or more, 8 points;
NR 129.08(2)(b)(b) $2,500,000 or more, but less that $5,000,000, 6 points;
NR 129.08(2)(c)(c) $1,000,000 or more, but less than $2,500,000, 4 points;
NR 129.08(2)(d)(d) $500,000 or more but less than $1,000,000, 2 points;
NR 129.08(2)(e)(e) $250,000 or more but less than $500,000, 1 point;
NR 129.08(2)(f)(f) Less than $250,000, 0 points.
NR 129.08(3)(3)Potential for future development of floodplain or shoreland areas in the project area:
NR 129.08(3)(a)(a) High — evidenced by submission of a plat or plats, or application for 10 or more building permits in the preceding 2 years, or proposal for commercial development, 8 points;
NR 129.08(3)(b)(b) Moderate — evidenced by fewer than 10 applications for building permits in the preceding 2 years, 4 points;
NR 129.08(3)(c)(c) Low — No applications for building permits in the preceding 2 years, 0 points.
NR 129.08(4)(4)Availability of mapping data from other sources: Where the cost of the project can be reduced by utilizing existing data (e.g., aerial photography or ground control surveys acquired through a previous mapping project), additional points shall be as follows:
NR 129.08(4)(a)(a) More than 30% reduction in total project cost, 5 points;
NR 129.08(4)(b)(b) 10% to 30% reduction in total project cost, 3 points;
NR 129.08(4)(c)(c) Less than 10% reduction in total project cost, 0 points.
NR 129.08(5)(5)Adequacy of available maps:
NR 129.08(5)(a)(a) 10 foot or greater contour interval, 4 points;
NR 129.08(5)(b)(b) 3 foot through 9 foot contour interval, 2 points;
NR 129.08(5)(c)(c) 2 foot or less contour interval, 0 points.
NR 129.08(6)(6)Joint application by 2 or more municipalities: A single application submitted jointly by 2 or more municipalities which promotes the mapping of a continuous reach of a river or contiguous shoreland area, 2 points per municipality.
NR 129.08(7)(7)If 2 or more applicants receive the same total points under this section, those applicants shall be ranked on the priority list in the order in which their applications were submitted to the department.
NR 129.08 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, May, 1980, No. 293, eff. 6-1-80; am. Register, April, 1983, No. 328, eff. 5-1-83.
NR 129.09NR 129.09Grant application.
NR 129.09(1)(1)Procedure.
NR 129.09(1)(a)(a) Applications shall be submitted to the department by February 1 to be considered for a mapping grant in the current fiscal year.
NR 129.09(1)(b)(b) A separate grant application must be submitted to the department for each proposed floodplain or shoreland mapping project.
NR 129.09(1)(c)(c) For floodplain mapping, where detailed floodplain studies are not available or in progress for all or part of a given watercourse within the project area, a separate application must be submitted for that portion of the municipality where no detailed engineering studies exist. Each application shall be ranked separately.
NR 129.09(1)(d)(d) The department shall review for completeness each application received and shall advise the applicant of any deficiencies, omissions or errors in the application in a letter acknowledging receipt of the application.
NR 129.09(2)(2)Contents of application. An application for a grant under this chapter shall be made on forms furnished by the department and shall include the following:
NR 129.09(2)(a)(a) Certified copies of the following resolutions of the governing body of the municipality: