Advance directive certifications and findings of incapacity re health care powers of attorney and admission to a hospice: revising advanced practice clinician, nurses, and physicians -
Act 90Cancer clinical trial participation: reimbursement of patient-incurred expenses not considered undue inducement -
Act 150Complex rehabilitation technology re MA reimbursement: definition modified and review of prior authorization requests deadline -
Act 186DHS prohibited from certifying a MA provider that is a private entity providing abortion services, federal waiver provision [vetoed] -
AB183Direct care in personal care agencies: MA reimbursement rate increased [Sec. 9119 (12)] -
Act 9Dispensing, distributing, or selling dialysate drugs, or devices necessary for providing home peritoneal kidney dialysis to patient with end-stage renal disease: exemption from pharmacist license requirement, conditions set -
Act 13Emergency medical supply manufacturers, distributors, and sellers who donate or sell during the declared COVID-19 emergency: civil liability exemption established; conditions and charitable organization provision [Sec. 99-104] -
Act 185Fast Forward grants to programs that promote the attraction and retention of personal care workers [Sec. 1325c, 9150 (5i)] [9150 (5i) -- vetoed] -
Act 9Health care records at recreational or educational camp: electronic maintenance allowed -
Act 131Selective abortions and disability-selective abortion prohibited; civil remedies and injunctive relief provisions [vetoed] -
AB182Supply of industrial, medical or other gases and related equipment: exemption to automatic renewal of business contracts prohibition -
Act 135Transport of individuals for emergency detention: law enforcement agency may contract with another law enforcement agency, ambulance service provider, or third-party vendor; DHS duties and reimbursement to counties from MA program provision -
Act 105Battery to a health care provider who works in a hospital or a nurse made a Class H felony -
Act 97Civil liability immunity for health care professionals and providers for death, injury, or damages in response to the 2020 public health emergency, conditions specified [Sec. 98] -
Act 185Direct primary care agreements and exemption from insurance law [vetoed] -
AB26EMS credential renewal during the 2020 public health emergency: DHS prohibited from requiring [Sec. 105 (16)] -
Act 185EMS practitioner acting upon a delegation by a health care provider without violating EMS practitioner license: conditions revised -
Act 25Health care provider credentials issued by DSPS: exemption from renewal during the 2020 public health emergency; former health care providers may obtain temporary credentials under certain conditions, health care facility and medical malpractice provisions; fee provision [Sec. 86, 105 (4), (5)] -
Act 185Health care providers from another state: temporary credentials during the 2020 public health emergency, health care facility and medical malpractice provisions [Sec. 105 (6), (7)] -
Act 185Health insurance premiums for surviving spouse and dependent children of law enforcement officer, fire fighter, or EMS practitioner who dies in the line of duty: political subdivision, state, UW Board of Regents, and Marquette University required to pay, conditions set; report premiums to DOR for increase in county and municipal aid adjustments -
Act 19Injury to first responder re exposure to COVID-19 during 2020 public health emergency is presumed to be caused by the individual’s employment for WC purposes [Sec. 33, 34] -
Act 185Local levy limit exception for joint EMS district -
Act 133Physical Therapy Licensure Compact ratified -
Act 100Physical therapy students practice permissions and physical therapist assistant student supervision revisions -
Act 138Qualified treatment trainee program grants [Sec. 187m, 1763m] [partial veto] -
Act 9Respiratory care: temporary certificate to practice issued by MEB modified -
Act 156Service award program re volunteer fire fighters, emergency medical responders, and EMS practitioners: appropriation for state match increased -
Act 139Volunteer Health Care Provider Program: allowing nonprofit agencies providing volunteer health care services to MA recipients who are primarily homeless to participate -
Act 57