NR 514.07(6m)(c)1.1. “Remain active”: The applicant intends to continue to meet the requirement of the condition in the proposed expansion. NR 514.07(6m)(c)3.3. “Alternative proposed”: The applicant believes the condition is no longer required due to changes in the proposed plan of operation report. NR 514.07(6m)(d)(d) Identification of specific applicable codes, plan of operation report sections or further justification to support the applicant’s recommended status category in par. (c). NR 514.07(6m)(e)(e) The department shall provide a summary of the facility’s active approval conditions or order conditions as an informational attachment to the plan of operation determination. This summary shall consider the applicant’s recommended status in par. (c) and any applicable department issued conditions in the plan of operation determination. A department summary under this paragraph does not relieve the applicant of the compliance requirement of any condition prior to the issuance of the summary. NR 514.07(7)(7) Leachate recirculation plans. The plan of operation for any landfill that proposes to recirculate leachate shall include a leachate recirculation plan. The leachate recirculation plan shall include, at a minimum, the following elements: NR 514.07(7)(a)(a) A narrative which explains the design rationale for the proposed system. The design rationale shall address the leachate loading rate; distribution frequency; leachate distribution system including well or pipe spacing and placement, well or pipe length, screened interval, sealing material and bedding material; anticipated flow characteristics; and restricted areas where leachate will not be recirculated. The design shall incorporate, as appropriate, the requirements of s. NR 504.095. NR 514.07(7)(b)(b) Plan sheets to show the conceptual layout of the leachate recirculation distribution system and design details. NR 514.07(7)(c)(c) Proposed loading rates for leachate recirculation shall be calculated for each leachate drainage basin. Calculation methods shall be defined so that supplemental calculations can be performed to accommodate changes due to field observations, waste characteristics, weather and other factors. Factors to be addressed shall include recirculated volumes of leachate, precipitation based on local records and on-site data, field capacities and absorptive capacities of the landfilled waste, waste filling rates, separation distances and elevations of distribution piping or wells, and loss of water by waste decomposition processes and water vapor in landfill gas. NR 514.07(7)(d)(d) Calculation of effects on flow rates in the leachate collection system and maximum leachate head on the liner. The location of leachate head level monitoring devices relative to the collection pipes and base grade slope lengths shall be used to determine the maximum leachate head in the facility. Proposed loading rates for leachate recirculation shall be determined which limit maximum leachate head on the liner to 12 inches. NR 514.07(7)(e)(e) An operational plan which addresses the daily operations; how leachate seeps, odors and build-up will be prevented or contained and actions to be taken if nuisance conditions occur; how any enhanced methane production will be managed by gas extraction systems; and care and maintenance of the tanks, pumps and distribution systems. NR 514.07(7)(f)(f) A description of warning symptoms and failure thresholds which will be used to initiate investigation, stand-by, termination and changes to the leachate recirculation system. The operational plan shall identify warning symptoms and failure thresholds, including but not limited to elevated leachate heads on the liner, significant and persistent odors, excessively acidic leachate chemistry or other monitoring data indicate poor waste decomposition conditions, seeps and other surface expressions of recirculated leachate, excessive pressures within the waste mass, saturated conditions in the waste mass, reduced shear strength of the waste mass and any other warning symptom conditions appropriate to the site. Warning symptoms shall result in a suspension of leachate recirculation, investigation and changes to be implemented before resuming leachate recirculation. Failure thresholds shall result in termination of leachate recirculation, investigation and changes that will be submitted to the department for review and approval in writing prior to resumption of leachate recirculation. NR 514.07(7)(g)(g) A monitoring plan which tracks volumes of leachate extracted and recirculated and volumes of precipitation in each leachate drainage basin; leachate heads on the liner; gas volumes; and leachate characteristics. The monitoring plan shall incorporate, as appropriate, the requirements of s. NR 507.215. NR 514.07(7)(h)(h) A plan which specifies documentation and record-keeping of the construction, operation and monitoring of the leachate recirculation system. This plan shall specify the information that will be sent to the department and the frequency of those submittals. NR 514.07(7)(i)(i) The plan of operation shall include diagrams and narrative concerning gas extraction equipment, fittings and devices to be used to extract gas produced as a result of leachate recirculation. The plan of operation shall contain a schedule of operation of the gas extraction system in those cells which are subject to leachate recirculation. NR 514.07(7)(j)(j) A description of the circumstances under which leachate will be diverted to a wastewater treatment plant rather than recirculated. NR 514.07(8)(8) Additional requirements for landfills with extended collection lines. NR 514.07(8)(a)(a) Landfills shall meet the requirements of pars. (b) to (i) where they will accept municipal solid waste and contain leachate collection lines that exceed 1,200 feet from the end of each cleanout to the toe of the opposite slope. Where the requirements of this subsection differ from other requirements of this chapter, these requirements shall take precedence. NR 514.07(8)(b)(b) The design calculations required by s. NR 514.06 (14) shall include assessments of the landfill foundation for stability and settlement, using parameters determined from samples taken from borings in the subgrade below the proposed fill area. NR 514.07(8)(c)(c) The report shall describe the design rationale for the layout of the leachate collection system and its alignment. This description shall include: NR 514.07(8)(c)1.1. A discussion of the pipe strength calculations for the design overburden weight and the required pipe materials, including considerations for wet unit weights, densified waste after consolidation and decomposition and the potential use of leachate recirculation. NR 514.07(8)(c)2.2. A demonstration that the design minimizes changes in alignment of leachate collection trenches and leachate collection pipe. NR 514.07(8)(c)3.3. A hydraulic capacity analysis that demonstrates the ability of the leachate collection system to contain design flows within the collection trench and sump system. The hydraulic capacity analysis shall include the following, at a minimum: NR 514.07(8)(c)3.a.a. Design specifications for the leachate collection blanket, leachate collection trench dimensions, backfill for the leachate collection trench, slopes of landfill base and sideslopes, slopes of pipe and trenches, and the liner area draining to each sump. NR 514.07(8)(c)3.b.b. Active filling life assessment based on precipitation rate of 2 inches per month, with and without leachate recirculation. NR 514.07(8)(c)3.c.c. Post-closure assessment based on hydraulic conductivities of 10 percent or less of the design hydraulic conductivities for the leachate collection blanket and leachate collection trench backfill and an assumed annual leachate collection rate of one inch per year. NR 514.07(8)(c)3.d.d. Sump dimensions and pump specifications selected to maintain maximum leachate accumulation within the sumps and intersecting leachate collection trenches, with examples of commercially available pumps. NR 514.07(8)(d)(d) The report shall include the calculations for the maximum anticipated overburden loads as calculated under s. NR 504.06 (6) (e) and selected leachate collection pipe materials to comply with these calculated loads. Calculations shall be performed demonstrating the leachate collection pipe and bedding material as placed possess structural strength to support maximum loads imposed by the overlying materials and equipment. The calculations shall demonstrate that the pipe is designed to maintain its wall integrity and not deform under expected maximum loads to the extent that the loading or deformation negatively affect the performance and cleaning of the leachate collection systems.