(a) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c) 1. a., under projects financed
3by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
4identified as “Winnebago Mental Health Institute — patient admissions area —
5Oshkosh” is decreased from $16,795,000 to $0 and the appropriate totals are
6adjusted accordingly.
(b) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c) 1. b., under projects financed
8by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
9identified as “Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Center — skilled care unit remodel —
10Mauston” is decreased from $12,612,000 to $0 and the appropriate totals are
11adjusted accordingly.
(c) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c) 1. d., under projects financed
13by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
14identified as “Mendota Mental Health Institute — utility improvements — Madison”
15is decreased from $14,920,000 to $0 and the appropriate totals are adjusted
(d) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c), under department of health
18services, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
19increased by the amounts shown:
See PDF for table 
(e) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (c), under department of health
2services, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
3increased by the amounts shown:
See PDF for table 
(f) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (d) 1. d., under projects financed
5by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
6identified as “New motor vehicle storage buildings — Marinette and Waupaca” is
7amended to read “New motor vehicle storage buildings — Clintonville and Waupaca”
1and is decreased from $720,900 to $0 and the appropriate totals are adjusted
(g) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (d) 2. c., under projects financed
4by federal funds, the amount authorized for the project identified as “New motor
5vehicle storage buildings — Marinette and Waupaca” is amended to read “New motor
6vehicle storage buildings — Clintonville and Waupaca” and is increased from
7$1,840,100 to $2,002,000 and the appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
(h) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (d), under department of military
9affairs, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
10increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(i) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (d), under department of military
12affairs, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
13increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(j) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (h) 1. i., under projects financed
15by general fund supported borrowing, the amount authorized for the project
16identified as “Madison — Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory renovation
1and expansion — Barron” and is decreased from $9,555,000 to $0 and the
2appropriate totals are adjusted accordingly.
(k) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (h) 3., under University of
4Wisconsin System, under projects financed by existing program revenue supported
5borrowing, the following new subd. 3. c. is created and the appropriate totals are
6increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
(l) In
2021 Wisconsin Act 58, section
9104 (1) (h), under University of Wisconsin
8System, the following new subdivision is created and the appropriate totals are
9increased by the amount shown:
See PDF for table 
Design work on a new Type 1 juvenile correctional facility. In the
112023-25 fiscal biennium, the building commission shall allocate in segregated
12revenue, for project planning, development, design, site selection, and land and
13property acquisition for a new 72,000 gross square foot Type 1 juvenile correctional
14facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (19), $6,000,000.
Design work on the Wisconsin National Guard Challenge Academy at
16Fort McCoy. In the 2023-25 fiscal biennium, the building commission shall allocate
17in segregated revenue, to develop preliminary plans and specifications for the
1construction of the 71,000 gross square foot Wisconsin National Guard Challenge
2Academy located at Fort McCoy, $700,000.
University of Wisconsin System Facilities. In the 2023-25 fiscal
4biennium, the building commission shall allocate segregated revenue as follows to
5develop preliminary plans and specifications for the construction of University of
6Wisconsin System facilities:
(a) For renovations related to health sciences programs and to complete
8renovations in the Northwest Quadrant at UW–Milwaukee, $5,000,000.
(b) For renovations at Winther Hall, replacement of the Heide Hall roofing and
10exterior windows, and construction of new entrances/vertical circulation towers for
11both of those facilities at UW–Whitewater, $3,000,000.
State capitol fiber and cable upgrades. In the 2023-25 fiscal biennium,
13the building commission shall allocate in segregated revenue, to develop preliminary
14plans and specifications for fiber and cable upgrades at the state capitol, $1,200,000.
15The division of facilities development in the department of administration shall
16coordinate with the chief clerk of each house of the legislature and the legislative
17technology services bureau in developing those plans and specifications.
Central Wisconsin Center food service building renovation. In the
192023-25 fiscal biennium, the building commission shall allocate in segregated
20revenue, to develop preliminary plans and specifications for the renovation of a food
21service building at the Central Wisconsin Center, $5,000,000.
Winnebago Mental Health Institute utility and service tunnel
23improvements. In the 2023-25 fiscal biennium, the building commission shall
24allocate in segregated revenue, to develop preliminary plans and specifications for
1utility and service tunnel improvements at the Winnebago Mental Health Institute,
University of Wisconsin System minor facilities renewal program. The
4amounts specified under sub. (1
) (i) 1. a., 3. a., and 4. a. shall be expended for the
5following projects:
(a) UW–Green Bay — campus-wide fire alarm and smoke detection system
(b) UW–Milwaukee — Kenilworth Square east exterior envelope maintenance
9and repairs.
(c) UW–Parkside — facilities management center health and safety
(d) UW–Stout — Swanson Library electrical system replacement/exterior
13envelope maintenance and repairs.
(e) UW–La Crosse — Graff Main Hall/Mitchell Hall exterior envelope
15maintenance and repairs.
(f) UW–Milwaukee — Chapman Hall/Cunningham Hall exterior envelope
17maintenance and repairs.
(g) UW–Platteville — Williams Fieldhouse exterior envelope maintenance and
(h) UW–Stout — multi-building exterior envelope maintenance and repairs.