Ei is the mercury emission concentration as measured at the air pollution control device inlet, corrected to 7% oxygen, dry basis
Eo is the mercury emission concentration as measured at the air pollution control device outlet, corrected to 7% oxygen, dry basis
NR 440.76(15)(c)(c) Percent reduction in potential hydrogen chloride emissions. You shall calculate the percent reduction in potential hydrogen chloride emissions (%PHCl) using the following equation: where:
%PHCl is the percent reduction of the potential hydrogen chloride emissions
Ei is the hydrogen chloride emission concentration as measured at the air pollution control device inlet, corrected to 7% oxygen, dry basis
Eo is the hydrogen chloride emission concentration as measured at the air pollution control device outlet, corrected to 7% oxygen, dry basis
NR 440.76(15)(d)(d) Capacity of a municipal waste combustion unit. For a municipal waste combustion unit that can operate continuously for 24-hour periods, you shall calculate the municipal waste combustion unit capacity based on 24 hours of operation at the maximum charge rate. To determine the maximum charge rate, use one of the following 2 methods: NR 440.76(15)(d)1.1. For municipal waste combustion units with a design based on heat input capacity, you shall calculate the maximum charging rate based on the maximum heat input capacity and one of the following 2 heating values: NR 440.76(15)(d)1.a.a. If your municipal waste combustion unit combusts refuse-derived fuel, use a heating value of 12,800 kilojoules per kilogram (5,500 Btu per pound). NR 440.76(15)(d)1.b.b. If your municipal waste combustion unit combusts municipal solid waste, use a heating value of 10,500 kilojoules per kilogram (4,500 Btu per pound). NR 440.76(15)(d)2.2. For municipal waste combustion units with a design not based on heat input capacity, you shall use the maximum designed charging rate. NR 440.76(15)(e)(e) Capacity of a batch municipal waste combustion unit. You shall calculate the capacity of a batch municipal waste combustion unit as the maximum design amount of municipal solid waste that can be charged per batch multiplied by the maximum number of batches that can be processed in 24 hours. Calculate the maximum number of batches by dividing 24 by the number of hours needed to process one batch. Retain fractional batches in the calculation. For example, if one batch requires 16 hours, the municipal waste combustion unit can combust 24/16, or 1.5 batches, in 24 hours. NR 440.76(15)(f)(f) Quarterly carbon usage. If you use activated carbon to comply with the dioxins/furans or mercury limits, you shall calculate the required quarterly usage of carbon using the equation in subd. 1. for plant basis or the equation in subd. 2. for unit basis. where:
C is the required quarterly carbon usage for the plant in kilograms or pounds
fi is the required carbon feed rate for the municipal waste combustion unit in kilograms or pounds per hour. The required carbon feed rate is the average carbon feed rate during the most recent mercury or dioxins/furans stack tests, whichever has a higher feed rate.
hi is the number of hours the municipal waste combustion unit was in operation during the calendar quarter.
n is the number of municipal waste combustion units, i, located at your plant.
C is the required quarterly carbon usage for the unit in kilograms or pounds.
f is the required carbon feed rate for the municipal waste combustion unit in kilograms or pounds per hour. The required carbon feed rate is the average carbon feed rate during the most recent mercury or dioxins/furans stack tests, whichever has a higher feed rate.
h = number of hours the municipal waste combustion unit was in operation during the calendar quarter.
a All emission limits, except for opacity, are measured at 7% oxygen.