Are you searching the correct legislative session?
The Wisconsin Legislature meets in biennial (two-year) sessions.
If you are looking for a bill introduced in 2005 or 2006, you must look in the 2005-06 session related documents.
This site archives bills back to the 1995-1996 session
Are you looking for the intent of a state statute?
While Wisconsin’s legislative process is not geared toward documenting the intent of law, researching the legislative history of a statute may help create a better understanding of it.
Are there other documents associated with a bill you would like to see?
Most of the important documents related to a bill are available via links from the bill’s legislative history.
Committee records for the bill may exist; however there is no transcript of the proceedings in those records.
Some committees have web sites where information is available.
• Senate committees
The legislative service agencies may have publications on the bill or topic you are interested in.