Chapter Trans 510
Trans 510.01 Purpose and scope. Trans 510.02 Definitions. Trans 510.03 Application procedure. Trans 510.05 Evaluation of eligibility. Trans 510.06 Funding shares. Trans 510.07 Grant awards. Trans 510.08 Assistance agreements. Trans 510.09 Project development process. Ch. Trans 510 NoteNote: Ch. Trans 510 was created as an emergency rule effective October 16, 1989. Trans 510.01(1)(1) As required by s. 84.185 (4), Stats., the purpose of this chapter is to establish department criteria for implementing a flexible and expeditious process of evaluating and approving transportation facility improvements that are essential to economic development projects. Trans 510.01(2)(2) The objective of the transportation facilities economic assistance and development program is to increase the number of jobs in this state by responding to the transportation needs of an economic development project when that project is contingent on the transportation facility improvement. Trans 510.01 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90. Trans 510.02Trans 510.02 Definitions. In addition to the words and phrases as defined in s. 84.185, Stats., in this chapter: Trans 510.02(1)(1) “Applicant” means a business, consortium or governing body. Trans 510.02(2)(2) “Applicant’s share” means an amount of money or in kind services equaling no less than 50% of the final transportation facility improvement cost. In kind services may include, but are not limited to, engineering, land acquisition and construction. Trans 510.02(3)(3) “Cost per direct job” means the grant ceiling divided by the number of direct jobs. Trans 510.02(5)(5) “Direct jobs” means the number of eligible jobs directly associated with an economic development project and listed on the application, as reviewed and approved by the department. Trans 510.02(6)(6) “Eligible jobs” means jobs that represent net employment gains in this state. Trans 510.02(7)(7) “Final transportation facility improvement cost” means the actual contract cost incurred for constructing participating elements of approved transportation facility improvements, including contract change orders for work approved by the department. Trans 510.02(8)(8) “Grant ceiling” means the department’s maximum financial participation in a transportation facility improvement. Trans 510.02(9)(9) “Reviewed transportation facility improvement cost”means the estimated cost of the transportation facility improvement as reviewed and approved by the department. Trans 510.02 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90. Trans 510.03(1)(1) Application packet. Applicants shall contact the department secretary or the secretary’s designee for an application packet containing the application requirements and a description of the application screening, evaluation, and funding process. Trans 510.03(2)(2) Application process. Completed applications shall be sent to the department secretary or the secretary’s designee. Applications shall be accepted throughout the year. The department shall expeditiously screen and evaluate applications in the order of receipt. Applications may not be evaluated for eligibility unless all information required in the application packet is included upon submission. The results of the screening and evaluation shall be reported promptly to the applicant when completed. Trans 510.03(3)(a)(a) The application shall request information necessary to determine how well the proposed transportation facility improvement and economic development project satisfy the criteria contained in s. 84.185, Stats., and this chapter. In addition, the application shall require the following: Trans 510.03(3)(a)1.1. A certification that the applicant will comply with all federal and state laws and local ordinances as they relate to the development and use of the transportation facility improvement. Trans 510.03(3)(a)2.2. A written endorsement of the application from any governing body which will own or have jurisdictional responsibility for the transportation facility improvement. Trans 510.03(3)(a)3.3. A description of the economic development project and the transportation facility improvement. The description shall contain appropriate maps or drawings and estimates of specific cost items for the transportation facility improvement such as land, engineering, and construction. Trans 510.03(3)(b)(b) Supplemental information beyond that contained in the application packet may be needed by the department in order to complete its review of an application. The department shall notify the applicant in writing of any supplemental information that is needed and shall set reasonable additional deadlines for the receipt of this information. If the information is not received by the additional deadlines established, the department may remove the application from consideration. Trans 510.03 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90; CR 06-036: am. (1) and (2) Register August 2006 No. 608, eff. 9-1-06; CR 22-048: am. (1), (2) Register July 2023 No. 811, eff. 8-1-23. Trans 510.04(1)(1) Criteria. Applications that meet the following screening criteria shall be evaluated for funding eligibility if they are for transportation facility improvements not excluded under sub. (2): Trans 510.04(1)(a)(a) The economic development project is unlikely to occur in Wisconsin unless the transportation facility improvement is built. Trans 510.04(1)(b)(b) The transportation facility improvement is not likely to occur without the grant. Trans 510.04(1)(d)(d) Construction of the transportation facility improvement would be scheduled to begin within 3 years of the date when a grant is awarded for the improvement. Trans 510.04(2)(2) Exclusions. The following transportation facility improvements are ineligible for assistance: Trans 510.04(2)(a)(a) Street, road and highway improvements that are not open to the public and not under either the jurisdiction or ownership of a public authority. Trans 510.04(2)(b)(b) Any improvement that is not described under par. (a) and is not under the jurisdiction of a public authority, unless businesses or persons other than the economic development project may use the improvement. Trans 510.04(2)(d)(d) Parking lots, parking lanes and other lanes exceeding those required to provide adequate traffic capacity. Trans 510.04(2)(e)(e) Transportation facility improvements needed for business developments that are likely to displace employment in the state rather than create net employment gains. Such business developments are likely to include, for example, retail stores, eating and drinking establishments, recreation and entertainment facilities, and hotels and motels. An economic development project may include business developments that displace employment in the state, but the jobs associated with them shall not be counted as direct jobs. Trans 510.04(2)(f)(f) Transportation improvements for ethanol production facilities unless the department determines that a competitive bidding process, consistent with s. Trans 510.09 (3) (e) 1., is used for the construction of the ethanol production facility. Trans 510.04 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90; CR 06-036: cr. (2) (f) Register August 2006 No. 608, eff. 9-1-06. Trans 510.05Trans 510.05 Evaluation of eligibility. Applications passing the initial screening shall be evaluated based on the criteria in s. 84.185 (2) (b), Stats., and this chapter. Determination of the eligibility of an application for funding shall be documented in an evaluation report and shall be based on how well the application satisfies the criteria in s. 84.185 (2) (b), Stats., and this chapter. Trans 510.05 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90; am. Register, April, 1999, No. 520, eff. 5-1-99. Trans 510.06(1)(a)(a) When awarding a grant, the department shall establish a grant ceiling. The grant ceiling shall be the lesser of either 50% of the reviewed transportation facility improvement cost or $5,000 for each job created in this state as a direct result of the improvement or economic development. The grant ceiling may be increased if the secretary finds special circumstances exist justifying the increase. Special circumstances include change orders due to unforeseen circumstances in engineering design, construction or environmental compliance. The department may set ceilings at a reduced level for reasons including, but not limited to, the following: Trans 510.06(1)(a)1.1. A grant for 50% of the reviewed transportation facility improvement cost would result in a grant exceeding $1 million. Trans 510.06(1)(b)(b) The department’s final level of financial participation in a transportation facility improvement may not exceed 50% of the final transportation facility improvement cost. Trans 510.06(2)(2) Applicant share. The applicant’s share may include any of the following: Trans 510.06(2)(b)(b) Funds from the federal government if the use of the funds are under the jurisdiction of the applicant and the granting agency’s rules permit using the funds for matching purposes. Trans 510.06(2)(c)(c) In kind services including, but not limited to, engineering, land acquisition, and construction. Trans 510.06 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90; CR 06-036: am. (1) (a) and (b) Register August 2006 No. 608, eff. 9-1-06. Trans 510.07(1)(1) Authority. The secretary has the final authority to determine the eligibility of a transportation facility improvement, determine the grant ceiling, schedule improvements, obligate state funds, and set priorities. Trans 510.07(2)(2) Priority. If eligibility is established for more transportation facility improvements than can be funded at any time, priorities shall be determined by considering the department’s cost per direct job, the geographic diversity of previous transportation facilities economic assistance and development grants and the extent to which each application meets other criteria in s. 84.185 (2) (b), Stats. Trans 510.07(3)(3) Loans. When an economic development project contributes minimally to the economic growth of the state, such as when the project benefit/cost ratio is less than 1.0, the department may make loans for transportation facility improvements, not exceeding 50% of the cost of the improvement. Loan repayment shall commence no later than one year after completion of the project. Loan duration cannot exceed 7 years. The department shall charge interest at prevailing rates to a government as determined by the department. Trans 510.07 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1990, No. 410, eff. 3-1-90; CR 06-036: am. (2), cr. (3) Register August 2006 No. 608, eff. 9-1-06. Trans 510.08(1)(1) The scheduling of an approved transportation facility improvement and the obligation of state funds shall occur only after the eligible applicant, the department, and any applicable third parties execute a formal project agreement, setting forth specific terms, conditions and responsibilities of the parties. The secretary or the secretary’s designee shall execute the agreement on behalf of the department. Responsibilities for scheduling and monitoring an approved transportation facility improvement shall be determined cooperatively by the department, the applicant and the governmental entity in which the transportation facility improvement is primarily located. The contract entered into by a grant or loan recipient is subject to the following requirements: Trans 510.08(1)(a)(a) Each grant or loan recipient shall submit a report to the department. Each contract shall specify the frequency and format of the report to be submitted to the department and the performance measures to be included in the report. Trans 510.08(1)(b)(b) For recipients of a grant or a loan of at least $100,000, a verified statement shall be submitted to the department that shall include the following: Trans 510.08(1)(b)1.1. A reporting of the number of jobs associated with the grant or loan and other performance measures as required by the department. The department may determine the format, content and frequency of the verified statement, and may require that the verified statement include wage reports or similar documents filed with the department of workforce development. Trans 510.08(1)(b)2.2. Signature by both an independent certified public accountant licensed or certified under ch. 442, Stats., and the director or principal officer of the recipient to attest to the accuracy of the verified statement. The recipient shall make available for inspection the documents supporting the verified statement. Trans 510.08(2)(2) A jobs guarantee with the local governing body shall be part of the project agreement when deemed necessary by the department in order to protect the public interest. The local governing body shall, in turn, be encouraged to develop a similar agreement with the economic development project. The jobs guarantee shall obligate the local governing body to reimburse the department for up to the full amount of the grant if either of the following occurs: Trans 510.08(2)(a)(a) The guaranteed number of direct jobs associated with the economic development project do not result within 3 years of the date the project agreement is executed. Trans 510.08(2)(b)(b) The guaranteed number of direct jobs associated with the economic development project do not exist 7 years after the date the project agreement is executed. The base number of jobs to be used for comparison shall be established on the date funds are awarded. Verification of the number of direct jobs associated with the economic development project shall be made utilizing information available from the department of workforce development and other sources. Trans 510.08(3)(3) In order to ensure compliance with the terms of the project agreement under sub. (1), the department may perform audits and inspections of the applicant’s and third parties’ records related to the transportation facility improvement. The applicant shall, on request, provide the department with information necessary to document whether the jobs guarantee has been satisfied. If the applicant submits false or misleading information to the department, or fails to comply with the terms of the contract entered into with the department and fails to provide to the satisfaction of the department an explanation for the noncompliance, then the department may do any of the following:
Department of Transportation (Trans)
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