Trans 305.23(3)(3) The frame may not be rusted or twisted to the extent that it no longer properly supports the vehicle or no longer provides the structural integrity necessary for correct alignment or safety. Trans 305.23(4)(4) The vehicle may not be noticeably out of wheel alignment due to inadequate or improper repair or modification of the frame. Trans 305.23(5)(5) No part of the frame may be missing due to excessive rust or uncorrected damage. Trans 305.23 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1996, No. 482, eff. 3-1-96; am. (4), Register, October, 1997, No. 502, eff. 11-1-97. Trans 305.24(1)(1) The fuel system of every motor vehicle shall be in proper working condition and in conformity with this section. Trans 305.24(3)(3) The fuel tank shall be closed with a fitted metal or plastic cap and shall be rigidly attached to the vehicle. Trans 305.24(4)(4) No fuel tank may be located in the passenger compartment of a motor vehicle unless it was installed by a motor vehicle manufacturer licensed under ss. 218.0101 to 218.0163, Stats., or is a replacement of such a tank. Trans 305.24(5)(5) Replacement, auxiliary and alternate fuel tanks may be installed by the owner of the vehicle or by a person in the business of fuel system installation. All fuel tanks shall meet or exceed industry standards for commercially manufactured fuel tanks which are certified for use in the type of vehicle in which the fuel tank is installed and for use with the type of fuel the tank is intended to contain. All installations shall be in accordance with commercially acceptable practices. Trans 305.24 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1996, No. 482, eff. 3-1-96; r. (5), renum. (6) to be (5) and am., Register, October, 1997, No. 502, eff. 11-1-97; correction in (4) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register May 2002 No. 557. Trans 305.25(1)(1) The horn of every motor vehicle shall be maintained in proper working condition and in conformity with this section and s. 347.38, Stats. Trans 305.25(2)(2) The horn wiring and connections shall be maintained in good condition. Trans 305.25(4)(4) Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a bar, button, ring or other actuation device for making electrical connection. The device shall be easily reached from the driver’s seat while the driver is secured by a safety belt. A hand-activated horn utilizing an air bulb does not meet the requirements of this section. Trans 305.25 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1996, No. 482, eff. 3-1-96. Trans 305.26(1)(1) All motor vehicles originally manufactured with an inside mounted rearview mirror and all homemade and reconstructed motor vehicles registered after January 1, 1975, shall be equipped with an inside mounted rearview mirror. All motor vehicles originally manufactured with a left outside rearview mirror and all homemade and reconstructed motor vehicles registered after January 1, 1975, shall be equipped with a left outside rearview mirror. Trans 305.26(2)(2) The mirrors of every motor vehicle shall be maintained in proper working condition and in conformity with this section and s. 347.40, Stats. Trans 305.26(3)(3) No mirror may be broken, cracked, discolored, non-reflective or otherwise reflect an inadequate image. All mirrors shall be securely mounted on the vehicle. Trans 305.26(4)(4) If the vehicle is constructed, loaded, or towing another vehicle so as to prevent the operator’s clear view to the right rear, adequate additional mirrors shall be installed on both sides of the outside of the vehicle. Trans 305.26 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1996, No. 482, eff. 3-1-96. Trans 305.27(1)(1) All automobiles manufactured on or after January 1, 1972, shall have safety belts installed at all designated seating positions which meet the specifications of the safety belt system with which the vehicle was originally manufactured. All light trucks and motor homes manufactured after January 1, 1976, shall have safety belts installed at all designated seating positions which meet the specifications of the safety belt system with which the vehicle was originally manufactured. All homemade and reconstructed motor vehicles registered on or after January 1, 1975, shall have safety belts installed at all designated seating positions. Trans 305.27(2)(2) All automobiles manufactured after January 1, 1969, and all light trucks and motor homes manufactured after September 1, 1991, shall be equipped with head restraints meeting the specifications of the head restraints with which the vehicle was originally manufactured. All homemade and reconstructed vehicles registered after January 1, 1975, shall be equipped with head restraints for the left and right front seating positions which meet the specifications of head restraints installed in vehicles manufactured in the year in which the homemade or reconstructed vehicle is first registered. Trans 305.27(3)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the restraining devices, including air bags, of every motor vehicle shall be maintained in proper working condition and in conformity with this section and s. 347.48, Stats. All required and optional restraining devices, including air bags, shall remain installed or be replaced by like equipment. All air bags that have been deployed shall be replaced with a comparable functioning air bag system. Trans 305.27(3)(b)(b) Front passenger side and driver side airbags may be deactivated by use of a manual cutoff switch installed in accordance with federal law or by any other means expressly permitted by federal law or when deactivation has been approved in writing by the United States department of transportation. Front passenger side airbags may be deactivated through use of a rear-facing child restraint system which automatically deactivates the airbag for the period of time in which the child seat is placed in the front passenger seat. Trans 305.27(4)(4) All safety belts shall be free of excessive fraying and be securely mounted to the motor vehicle. Trans 305.27(5)(5) The seat and seat mechanisms of every motor vehicle shall be in proper working condition. All seats shall be securely fastened to the motor vehicle. Trans 305.27 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1996, No. 482, eff. 3-1-96; renum. (3) to be (3) (a) and am., cr. (3) (b), Register, October, 1997, No. 502, eff. 11-1-97; am. (3) (a), Register, April, 1999, No. 520, eff. 5-1-99. Trans 305.28(1)(1) The speed indicator of every motor vehicle primarily designed for use upon a highway shall be maintained in proper working condition within 4% accuracy at all speeds between 40 miles per hour and 65 miles per hour and in conformity with this section and s. 347.41, Stats. Trans 305.28(2)(2) All speed indicators shall be equipped with a lamp that clearly illuminates the speed indicator when the vehicle’s headlights or parking lamps are actuated. Trans 305.28(3)(3) Every motor vehicle subject to registration under ch. 341, Stats., shall be equipped with a mileage odometer that registers the miles accumulated within 4% accuracy. The odometer shall be maintained in proper working condition. Trans 305.28(4)(4) Every speed indicator and odometer shall be so mounted and positioned as to be clearly visible to the driver at all times. Trans 305.28 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1996, No. 482, eff. 3-1-96. Trans 305.29(1)(1) The steering and suspension of every motor vehicle shall be maintained in proper working condition and in conformity with this section and s. 347.455, Stats. Trans 305.29(2)(2) The steering linkage may not be worn, jammed or bind, nor shall the steering system have excessive lash. Lash of more than 1/8 of one complete turn of the steering wheel is excessive. Trans 305.29(3)(3) The belts assisting the power steering unit shall be in proper working condition and may not be missing, loose, or excessively frayed or cracked. Trans 305.29(4)(4) The power steering unit shall be in proper working condition. No portion of a power steering unit or steering linkage may be disconnected. The power steering unit shall contain the proper fluid levels. All hoses and connections shall be in proper working condition and will have no leaks or visible cuts or cracks. Trans 305.29(5)(a)(a) Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a steering wheel the same size as the one with which the vehicle was manufactured or a replacement not less than 13 inches in diameter. Every homemade and reconstructed vehicle registered after January 1, 1975, shall have a steering wheel of not less than 13 inches in diameter. Trans 305.29(5)(b)(b) All steering wheels shall be in proper working condition. The steering wheel shall be secured to the steering shaft by a locking device which prevents accidental removal. All steering wheels will be positioned to be operated with the driver seated in the front seat. Trans 305.29(6)(6) All springs, shackles and cross stabilization linkage, including torsion bars, shall be in proper adjustment and may not be loose, disconnected or broken. Trans 305.29(7)(a)(a) Every motor vehicle originally manufactured with shock absorbing devices and every homemade and reconstructed vehicle registered on or after January 1, 1975, shall have shock absorbing devices which function at suspension points. Trans 305.29(7)(b)(b) All shock absorbing devices shall be in proper and effective working condition, free of leaks, and securely attached to the unit mountings. The mountings and housings may not be loose or weakened. Shock absorbing devices are ineffective when the vehicle continues a free rocking motion for more than 2 cycles. The inspection procedure for shock absorbing devices is as follows: With the vehicle on a level surface, push down on one corner of the vehicle and release. Note the number of cycles of free rocking motion. Repeat the procedure at the other corners of the vehicle. Trans 305.29(8)(8) Extended shackles in excess of 2 inches beyond original manufacturer’s specifications is an unsafe modification and may not be used. Extended shackles up to 2 inches shall provide the same level of support and stability as provided by original equipment. Trans 305.29 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1996, No. 482, eff. 3-1-96; am. (2), (6) and (7) (b), Register, October, 1997, No. 502, eff. 11-1-97. Trans 305.30(1)(1) The tires and rims on every vehicle shall be maintained in proper condition and in conformity with this section and s. 347.45, Stats. Trans 305.30(2)(2) Every tire shall have at least 2/32 inch tread depth in every major tire groove measured at 2 points no less than 15 inches apart. Trans 305.30(3)(3) The tires on any vehicle required to have fenders may not protrude more than 2 inches beyond the fender line at the highest point of the tire. The measurement shall be from the original fender line of the vehicle as equipped by the original manufacturer. Trans 305.30(4)(4) Weight imposed on the tires or rims may not exceed that weight which is specified by the manufacturer of the tires or rims. Trans 305.30(5)(5) No vehicle may have tires of different size or construction on the same axle, or directly across from each other on vehicles without a common axle, except that this subsection does not prohibit the use of mini spare tires temporarily used in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications or other spare tires and rims that are temporarily used. Example: Mounting a radial tire on the left front side and a bias ply tire on the right front side of an automobile is prohibited.
Trans 305.30(6)(6) No tire shall be repaired using a method not recommended by the manufacturer and there may not be tread or sidewall cuts or snags in excess of one inch in any direction as measured on the tire, deep enough to expose or damage the body cords, nor may there be any bump, bulge, knot, sidewall separation or failure or partial failure of the tire structure. Trans 305.30(7)(7) No tire may be used that has been stamped or marked in such a manner so as to indicate that such tire is not to be operated on a highway. Trans 305.30(8)(8) The rims may not be damaged, dented, bent or otherwise distorted, rusted or corroded. Trans 305.30 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1996, No. 482, eff. 3-1-96; am. (2) and (3), Register, October, 1997, No. 502, eff. 11-1-97; am. (2) and (3), Register, October, 1997, No. 502, eff. 11-1-97. Trans 305.31Trans 305.31 Modifications affecting height of a vehicle. Trans 305.31(1)(1) Modifications authorized by s. 347.455, Stats., may not cause the front or rear bumper height of any vehicle to be altered more than the distance allowed by s. 347.455, Stats., from the original height of the bumper as specified by the vehicle manufacturer. Four wheel drive vehicles and motor trucks with a gross weight of not more than 8,000 pounds may not be modified so as to cause the vehicles to ride more than a total of 9 inches above the height of the vehicles specified by the manufacturer combining alterations under s. 347.455 (2), Stats., and changes in tire size under s. 347.455 (3), Stats. In the absence of manufacturer’s specifications, every bumper shall meet the height standards established by s. Trans 305.18 (2) (a). Trans 305.31(2)(2) Changes in the height of a vehicle shall be measured from the level surface on which the vehicle stands to any part of the vehicle. When measuring to a part of the vehicle body, consideration shall be given to specific modifications allowed by s. Trans 305.21 (3) in addition to alterations allowed by s. 347.455, Stats. Trans 305.31(3)(3) The manufacturer’s specified height of any part of a vehicle may be determined from the data published by the manufacturer or other manufacturer publications, such as the owner’s manual, or by comparison with a similar model vehicle as normally delivered by the manufacturer. Trans 305.31(4)(4) No person may operate any vehicle which has a fixed part of the vehicle located in a position that would contact the road surface before the rim in the event of tire failure. Trans 305.31 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, February, 1996, No. 482, eff. 3-1-96; am. (4), Register, October, 1997, No. 502, eff. 11-1-97. Trans 305.32(1)(1) All glass used in vent, side or rear windows shall be safety glass and shall be plainly marked to identify it as safety glass, or a certification from the glass supplier stating that the glass is approved safety glass shall be carried in the vehicle during operation or vehicle inspection, or both. All glazing in the vent, side or rear windows shall be free of sharp edges severe enough to cause injury, cracks, etching, damage or other conditions which distort or interfere with vision. Trans 305.32(2)(2) All front side windows in the driver’s compartment which need to open for the making of arm signals shall operate so as to permit the making of arm signals. Trans 305.32(3)(3) The vent, side and rear windows may not have cloudiness or etching in excess of 2 inches from any edge. Trans 305.32(4)(a)(a) The vent and front side windows may not have any sign, poster or other nontransparent material upon them, other than a certificate or sticker issued by order of a governmental agency. Trans 305.32(4)(b)1.1. The windows are tinted by the manufacturer of the glazing and are installed as part of the original manufacturing process. Trans 305.32(4)(b)2.2. The windows are tinted by the application of tinting film to the inside of the glazing provided that the combination of the glazing and tinting film permits passage through the windows of at least 50% of the visible light striking the windows. Tinting films permitted under this subdivision may not be reflective. Trans 305.32(4)(b)3.3. The windows are tinted, upon the recommendation of a physician or a Christian Science practitioner treating the owner, or an immediate family member of the owner of the vehicle, by the application of tinting film to the inside of the glazing provided that the combination of the glazing and tinting film permits passage through the windows of at least 35% of the visible light striking the windows. Tinting films permitted under this subdivision may not be reflective. A written statement from the treating physician or Christian Science practitioner which identifies the patient, the medical condition justifying the recommendation, whether the condition is temporary or permanent and the vehicle to which the recommendation applies, including the make, model, year and vehicle identification number, shall be carried in the vehicle at all times. Tinting film applied under this subparagraph shall be removed when a vehicle covered by the recommendation is sold, when the person for whom a recommendation was made no longer resides in the household of the owner of the vehicle or when the duration of a temporary condition which is the basis for a recommendation has expired. Trans 305.32(5)(a)(a) The rear window may not have any sign, poster or other nontransparent material upon it, other than a certificate or sticker issued by order of a governmental agency. Trans 305.32(5)(b)1.1. The window is tinted by the manufacturer of the glazing and is installed as part of the original manufacturing process. Trans 305.32(5)(b)2.2. The window is tinted by the application of tinting film to the inside of the glazing provided that the combination of the glazing and tinting film permits passage through the window of at least 35% of the visible light striking the window. The tinting films permitted under this subdivision may not be reflective. Trans 305.32(5)(b)3.3. If a rear window does not transmit at least 60% of the visible light striking the window, the vehicle shall be equipped with an outside rearview mirror on the left and right side of the driver’s compartment.
Department of Transportation (Trans)