Standard Four: The midwife concludes the caregiving partnership with each woman responsibly. The NACPM member:
· Continues her partnership with the woman until that partnership is ended at the final postnatal visit or until she or the woman ends the partnership and the midwife documents same
· Ensures that the woman is educated to care for herself and her baby prior to discharge from midwifery care
· Ensures that the woman has had an opportunity to reflect on and discuss her childbirth experience
· Informs the woman and her family of available community support networks and refers appropriately.
Standard Five: The NACPM member collects and records the woman’s and baby’s health data, problems, decisions and plans comprehensively throughout the caregiving partnership. The NACPM member:
· Keeps legible records for each woman, beginning at the first formal contact and continuing throughout the caregiving relationship
· Does not share the woman’s medical and midwifery records without her permission, except as legally required
· Reviews and updates records at each professional contact with the woman
· Includes the individual nature of each woman’s pregnancy in her assessments and documentation
· Uses her assessments as the basis for on-going midwifery care
· Clearly documents her objective findings, decisions and professional actions
· Documents the woman’s decisions regarding choices for care, including informed consent or refusal of care
· Makes records and other relevant information accessible and available at all times to the woman and other appropriate persons with the woman’s knowledge and consent
· Files legal documents appropriately.
Standard Six: The midwife continuously evaluates and improves her knowledge, skills and practice in her endeavor to provide the best possible care. The NACPM member:
· Continuously involves the women for whom she provides care in the evaluation of her practice
· Uses feedback from the women she serves to improve her practice
· Collects her practice statistics and uses the data to improve her practice
· Informs each woman she serves of mechanisms for complaints and review, including the NARM peer review and grievance process
· Participates in continuing midwifery education and peer review
· May identify areas for research and may conduct and/or collaborate in research
· Shares research findings and incorporates these into midwifery practice as appropriate
· Knows and understands the history of midwifery in the United States
· Acknowledges that social policies can influence the health of mothers, babies and families; therefore, she acts to influence such policies, as appropriate.
V. Endorsement of Supportive Statements
NACPM members endorse the Midwives Model of Care ({ 1996-2004 Midwifery Task Force), the Mother Friendly Childbirth Initiative ({ 1996 Coalition for Improving Maternity Services) and the Rights of Childbearing Women ({ 1999 Maternity Center Association, Revised 2004). For the full text of each of these statements, please refer to the following web pages.
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