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(1)Chlorination. Chlorination is effective for the removal of some objectionable odors. Adequate concentration and contact time shall be provided to complete the chemical reactions involved. Excessive potential trihalomethane or other disinfection by-product production through this process shall be investigated by bench-scale testing prior to design.
(2)Chlorine dioxide. Chlorine dioxide may be used in the treatment of any taste or odor which is treatable by an oxidizing compound. Provision shall be made for proper storage and handling of sodium chlorite to eliminate any danger of explosion.
(3)Powdered activated carbon.
(a) Powdered activated carbon may be added prior to coagulation to provide maximum contact time. Although facilities to allow the addition at several alternate points is recommended, in no case may carbon be added near the point of chlorine application.
(b) The carbon shall be added as a premixed slurry or by means of a dry-feed machine if the carbon is properly ‘wetted’.
(c) Continuous agitation or resuspension equipment shall be provided to keep the carbon from depositing in the mixing chamber/slurry storage tank.
(d) Dust control shall be provided.
(e) The required dosage of carbon in a water treatment plant depends upon the tastes and odors involved. Provisions shall be made for adding sufficient amounts to meet peak demands.
(f) Powdered activated carbon shall be handled as a potentially combustible material. It shall be stored in a building or compartment as nearly fireproof as possible. Other chemicals may not be stored in the same compartment. A separate room shall be provided for carbon feed installations. Carbon feeder rooms shall be equipped with explosion-proof electrical outlets, lights, and motors.
(4)Granular activated carbon. The requirements for granulated activated carbon are in s. NR 811.49.
(5)Copper sulphate and other copper compounds. Continuous or periodic treatment of water with copper compounds to kill algae or other growths shall be controlled to prevent a level in excess of 1.0 mg/l as copper in the plant effluent or distribution system. Provisions shall be made for uniform distribution of the chemical.
(6)Aeration. The requirements for aeration are in s. NR 811.45.
(7)Potassium permanganate. The department may approve application of potassium permanganate if the treatment will be controlled to insure that no residual color will be present in the finished water.
(8)Ozone. Ozonation may be used as a means of taste and odor control. Adequate contact time shall be provided to complete the chemical reactions involved. Ozone is generally more desirable for treating water with high threshold odors. Requirements for ozonation are contained in s. NR 811.54.
(9)Other methods. Any other methods of taste and odor control may be allowed by the department only after laboratory or pilot plant tests or both.
(10)Flexibility. Plants treating water known to have taste and odor problems shall be provided with equipment and multiple chemical addition points to provide several alternative control processes.
Note: Refer to subch. VI, for requirements for the storage, handling and application of chemicals in treating surface waters.
History: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10.
NR 811.60Ultraviolet (UV) Light. Ultraviolet light technology is a primary disinfectant typically used for Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia inactivation of both surface water and groundwater supplies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual, EPA 815-D-03-007 dated June 2003, which is incorporated by reference, shall be used as the basis for the validation, design, and operation of all ultraviolet light systems. Ultraviolet light disinfection systems shall meet the requirements of ANSI/NSF standard 55 Class A dated August 13, 2021, which is incorporated by reference. Water systems designed to provide ultraviolet light disinfection shall comply with all of the following:
Note: A copy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual, EPA 815-D-03-007 dated June 2003 is available for inspection at the Legislative Reference Bureau and may be obtained for personal use from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, A copy of ANSI/NSF standard 55 Class A dated August 13, 2021 is available for inspection at the Legislative Reference Bureau and may be obtained for personal use from NSF International,
(1)Treatment objectives. The target pathogen and the target log inactivation shall be used to identify the corresponding required UV dose.
(2)Water quality considerations and pretreatment. In order to provide adequate disinfection treatment, some water sources may need treatment prior to ultraviolet light disinfection. UV disinfection of surface water sources shall follow filtration. Department approval for specific pretreatment requirements is required if any of the parameters in Table No. 3 are exceeded in the water to be treated by ultraviolet light.
(3)Validation. Ultraviolet light treatment devices shall be validated by a third party entity in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual EPA 815-D-03-007 dated June 2003 or another validation standard as approved by the department. The final installation shall be equivalent or more protective than the validation testing installation.
Note: A copy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ultraviolet Disinfection Guidance Manual, EPA 815-D-03-007 dated June 2003 is available for inspection at the Legislative Reference Bureau and may be obtained for personal use from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
(4)Materials. The ultraviolet light housing shall be type 304 or type 316L stainless steel.
(a) The ultraviolet treatment device shall be designed to provide a UV light dose of a minimum of 40 millijoules per square centimeter (mJ/cm2) and shall also deliver the target dose as prescribed by s. NR 810.62 by operating within the validated operating conditions for that particular unit.
(b) The ultraviolet treatment assemblies shall be designed to allow visual observation, cleaning, and replacement of the lamp, lamp sleeves, and sensor window or lens.
(c) All ultraviolet lamps shall be housed in type 214 quartz sleeves.
(d) Where in-situ cleaning of the lamp sleeves is proposed, the design shall protect the potable water from cleaning solutions.
1. When off-line chemical cleaning systems are used, the UV enclosure shall be removed from service, drained, flushed with an NSF/ANSI Standard 60 certified solution, drained, and rinsed before being placed back in service.
2. On-line systems that use wipers or brushes may use chemical solutions provided they are NSF/ANSI Standard 60 certified.
(e) An automatic shutdown valve shall be installed in the water supply line prior to the ultraviolet treatment device. When power is not provided the valve shall be in the closed position.
(f) The inlet and outlet piping to the reactors shall assure that the UV dose delivery is equal to or greater than the UV dose delivered during validation.
(g) The flow to each reactor shall be equally distributed and metered.
(h) Valves shall be provided to allow isolating and removing from service each UV reactor.
(i) Reactors shall be provided with air relief and pressure control valves per manufacturer requirements.
(j) UV transmittance (UVT) analyzers shall be provided if UVT is part of the dose monitoring strategy.
(k) Sample taps shall be provided downstream of each reactor.
(a) A delay mechanism shall be installed to provide sufficient lamp warm-up prior to allowing water to flow from the ultraviolet treatment unit.
(b) An automatic shutdown shall be designed to activate the shutdown valve in cases where the ultraviolet light dose falls below the approved design dose or outside of the validated specifications.
(c) Where the UV is necessary to provide adequate disinfection, 99.9 percent of the volume of water passing through the reactors shall receive UV light treatment within the validated specifications. This may require the use of a bleed line from the reactors during lamp warm up and cool down periods.
(7)Back-up. A sufficient number of parallel ultraviolet treatment devices shall be installed to insure that adequate disinfection is provided when one unit is out of service. The department may approve an alternate method that provides adequate disinfection.
(8)Treatment bypass. No bypass of the ultraviolet treatment process may be installed unless an alternate method of providing adequate disinfection is provided.
(9)Monitoring. Continuous monitoring of UV intensity as measured by a UV sensor, flow rate, and lamp status shall be provided for each ultraviolet treatment device to demonstrate that the device is operating within the range of conditions for which it was validated for the required UV dose. Each monitoring device shall be connected to the control system for the shutdown valve for the respective ultraviolet treatment device. The department may require additional monitoring devices and control systems if any of the water quality characteristics listed in Table No. 3 are representative of the water to be treated and may impair the effectiveness of the ultraviolet light treatment.
(10)Chlorine addition. Unless waived by the department, chlorine shall be added after UV for virus inactivation and to provide a residual in the distribution system.
(11)Pilot testing. Pilot testing is generally not required unless factors such as fouling or aging cannot be predicted by bench-scale testing.
History: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10; CR 22-074: am. (intro.), (3), (5) (c) Register January 2024 No. 817, eff. 2-1-24.
NR 811.605Treatment for other contaminants. A water system owner shall justify treatment systems designed for the removal of other contaminants not regulated under this chapter or ch. NR 809 through department-approved pilot testing under s. NR 811.44.
History: CR 22-074: cr. Register January 2024 No. 817, eff. 2-1-24.
Subchapter VIII — Hydro-Pneumatic Tanks
NR 811.61General. The department may approve the use of hydro-pneumatic, or pressure, tanks, as provided in s. NR 811.62 (2). All of the following requirements shall be met:
(1)The tanks shall be completely housed, or earth-mounded with one end projecting into an operating house, to prevent freezing. A tank may be installed below grade if one end is exposed in a basement, vault or manhole. If the tank is installed below grade, all electrical controls and air release valves and any other appurtenances which may permit contamination of the water supply shall be extended to at least 24 inches above grade. Air release piping extended above grade shall be terminated in a down-turned U-bend screened with a 24-mesh corrosion resistant screen. The basement, vault or manhole shall be constructed to prevent surface water from entering including sealing any annular spaces where pipes and appurtenances pass through a wall, floor or ceiling. The basement, vault or manhole shall be equipped with heating, ventilation and dehumidification equipment if necessary to prevent excessive corrosion of the pressure tank and associated piping or to prevent water from freezing. Access manholes shall terminate a minimum of 24 inches above grade with an overlapping, locking cover. Vent pipes shall be metal and terminate a minimum of 24 inches above grade in a downward facing U-bend screened with a 24-mesh corrosion resistant screen. Doors shall open outward and be provided with a lock.
(2)Each tank shall be provided with bypass piping and the necessary shut-off valves to permit operation of the system while the tank is being repaired or painted. For galvanized or bladder type pressure tanks, the individual connecting pipe to each tank shall be provided with a shut-off valve, pipe union and drain fitting. Threaded drain fittings shall be provided with a vacuum breaker.
(3)Each tank not equipped with a bladder or diaphragm to separate the air and water and with a gross volume of 500 gallons or more shall have a drain fitting with shut-off valve and control equipment consisting of a pressure gauge, a pressure relief valve, a water sight glass, an automatic air blow-off, and pressure or probe operated start-stop controls for the pumps.
(4)Each tank not equipped with a bladder or diaphragm to separate the air and water and with a gross volume of 500 gallons or more or that will be painted inside shall be provided with an access manhole. If the tank interior is to be painted it shall be painted with NSF/ANSI approved paints in accordance with s. NR 810.09 (5).
(5)Each tank not equipped with a bladder or diaphragm to separate the air and water and with a gross volume of 500 gallons or more shall be provided with an automatically controlled air compressor to add air to the tank. All compressors used to routinely add air to tanks shall be oil-less. Larger capacity compressors that are not oil-less may be used temporarily to fill a tank upon startup, repair or service but shall be fitted with one or more filters and any other appurtenances necessary to remove particulates and oil from the air prior to injection.
(6)Each tank equipped with a diaphragm or bladder shall be equipped with an air inlet for adding air manually, a pressure relief valve for each tank or bank of tanks sized to handle the maximum flow rate, and pressure-operated start up and shut down controls for the well pump.
(7)The gross volume, in gallons, of any tank or combination of tanks, shall be at least 10 times the maximum pump capacity, rated in gallons per minute, unless the proposed pump motor or motors will be controlled by a variable output control device in a manner intended to reduce the volume of required pressure tank storage in accordance with s. NR 811.34 (6).
Note: The department recommends that the storage volume provides a minimum pump run time of at least 2 minutes.
(8)Each tank shall be identified by stamping or labeling showing the manufacturer’s name, a serial number, the tank volume, the allowable working pressure, and the year fabricated.
(9)Each tank not equipped with a bladder or diaphragm to separate the air and water and with a gross volume of 500 gallons or more shall be constructed of steel and have a 0.25 inch minimum side wall and head wall thickness.
History: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10; CR 22-074: am. (7) Register January 2024 No. 817, eff. 2-1-24.
Subchapter IX — Storage Facilities
NR 811.62Volume and pressure.
(1)Volume requirements. A sufficient quantity of water, as determined from engineering studies, shall be maintained in elevated storage when only one pumping unit to the distribution system is available to serve the water system. This shall be at least an average-day supply under normal operating conditions. When more than one distribution pump is available, the storage shall be in accordance with standard engineering practice. Standard engineering practice is based upon an engineering review of existing and future water supply needs including: type of service and population served; average day, maximum day, peak hour and fire flow demands and durations; water source quality, availability and treatment, pump capacities, auxiliary power, storage capacity, water distribution and costs.
(2)Pressure requirements. Storage facilities shall be designed to meet all the following requirements:
(a) Minimum and maximum pressures. The storage facilities shall be designed to meet the minimum and maximum pressure requirements specified in s. NR 811.66 (1).
(b) Fire flows and residual pressures. When fire protection is to be provided, the storage facilities shall be designed in conjunction with distribution system design to provide the minimum fire flows and residual pressures specified in s. NR 811.70 (6).
(c) Alternative means for maintaining pressure. A hydro-pneumatic tank, booster pumping facilities, or other reliable means shall be provided to maintain system pressure when a gravity storage reservoir or tank is not available.
(3)Elevated storage requirement waived. The department may waive the requirement for elevated storage if the system is designed to serve less than 50 homes, if it is not economically feasible to provide elevated storage, if elevated storage facilities are proposed for a later development phase, or if service is proposed for domestic use only.
History: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10.
NR 811.63Location. Storage facilities shall be located in accordance with all the following requirements:
(1)Floodway and floodplain.
(a) Floodway. Storage facilities may not be located within a floodway, as defined in s. NR 116.03 (22).
(b) Floodplain. If it is necessary to locate a reservoir in a floodplain, as defined in s. NR 116.03 (16), outside of the floodway, the lowest elevation of the bottom floor, including sumps, shall be a minimum of 2 feet above the regional flood elevation as determined in s. NR 116.07 (4). All projects shall conform to the requirements of that chapter.
Note: Refer to ch. NR 116 for floodplain and floodway requirements.
(2)Grading. The area surrounding structures shall be graded in a manner that will prevent surface water from standing within 50 feet of the structure.
(3)Year-round access. Storage facilities shall be located in an area accessible during the entire year. If necessary, road improvements shall be installed to provide year-round dry land access. Storage facilities and access roads shall be located on property owned by the water supply owner or for which the owner has obtained easements.
(4)Floor elevations. The department recommends that the lowest elevations of floors and sump floors of ground level reservoirs and standpipes should be placed at or above the normal ground surface. If the department allows the floor or sump to be below the normal ground surface, it shall be placed a minimum of 2 feet above the groundwater table. Borings shall be made to determine groundwater elevations if that information is not available.
(5)Contamination sources.
(a) Sewers, drains, fuel storage tanks, standing water, and similar sources of contamination shall be kept a minimum of 50 feet from the ground storage reservoir.
(b) The department may approve gravity or force main sewers within 50 feet of a ground storage reservoir if the sewer or force main is constructed of water main class pipe meeting the requirements under s. NR 811.69 and is pressure tested in place to meet the requirements under s. NR 811.12 (5) (d) 2.
(6)Roof surface above grade.
(a) The top roof surface of a ground level reservoir may not be less than 2 feet above normal ground surface.
(b) The department shall require a higher exposed elevation if high groundwater, poor surface drainage, or tight soils are encountered that will deter subsurface drainage or if necessary to provide positive pressures for pump intake or discharge lines in accordance with s. NR 811.37.
Note: It is recommended that no more than one-half of the reservoir depth be constructed below grade.
(c) The department may except clearwells constructed under filters from the 2 foot requirement when the total design gives the same protection.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.