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(a) Chlorine residual testing methodology shall be as specified in s. NR 809.563 (2), Table R. The equipment shall enable measurement of residuals to the nearest 0.1 mg/1 in the range below 0.5 mg/1 and to the nearest 0.2 mg/1 between 0.5 mg/1 to 2.0 mg/1.
Note: It is recommended that all systems, at a minimum, use an instrument using the DPD colorimetric method with a digital readout and a self contained light source. Automatic chlorine residual pacers and recorders are recommended where the chlorine demand varies appreciably over a short period of time.
(b) Water systems that rely on chlorination for inactivation of bacteria or other microorganisms present in the source water shall have continuous chlorine residual analyzers and other equipment that automatically shut down the facility when the chlorine residuals required by the department are not met. The department may approve less than continuous monitoring for municipal water systems serving 3,300 or fewer people and other-than-municipal water systems on a case-by-case basis provided that replacement measures or practices are implemented to provide comparable public health protection.
(4)Gas chlorinator piping. The water supply piping shall be designed to prevent contamination of the treated water supply by sources of impure or unknown quality. Pipes carrying elemental liquid or dry gaseous chlorine under pressure shall be Schedule 80 seamless steel tubing or other materials recommended by the Chlorine Institute. PVC pipe may not be used. Chlorine solution piping and fittings shall be rubber, PVC, polyethylene, or other materials recommended by the Chlorine Institute.
(5)Chlorine gas housing. Chlorine gas feed and storage installations shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Chlorine gas feed and storage installations shall be separated from other operating areas by gas-tight rooms or enclosures in order to prevent injury to personnel and damage to equipment.
(b) Chlorine gas rooms shall be provided with a safety glass inspection window installed in an interior wall or exterior door to permit viewing of the interior of the room and the equipment.
(c) Chlorine gas rooms shall be provided with a minimum of one door having emergency or panic hardware opening outward to the building exterior. Rooms may have additional doors to the building exterior.
(d) Chlorine gas rooms shall be heated to prevent freezing and insure proper operation of the equipment.
(f) Full and empty cylinders of chlorine gas shall be:
1. Isolated from operating areas.
2. Restrained in position to prevent movement of the cylinders.
3. Stored in rooms separate from ammonia storage.
4. Stored in areas not in direct sunlight or exposed to excessive heat.
(g) Pressurized chlorine feed lines may not carry chlorine gas beyond the chlorine room. Vacuum chlorine feed lines may carry gas beyond the chlorine room if the chlorine lines are either schedule 40 polyethylene tubing or schedule 80 PVC pipe. Polyethylene tubing shall be enclosed in a protective conduit running from the chlorine room to a point near the ejector. The end of the conduit in the chlorine room shall be sealed. Polyethylene tubing connections shall be made using tube adaptors especially designed for this purpose. PVC pipe joints may be socket welded using PVC cement or threaded using polytetrafluoroethylene pipe joint tape.
(h) Premanufactured chlorine cabinets may be used for retrofit situations only. These cabinets shall have an observation window, fan, air intake, and light as required in par. (b) and sub. (6) for normal chlorine gas rooms.
Note: It is recommended that these cabinets not be placed on the sunny side of the building.
(6)Ventilation of chlorine gas rooms. Ventilation of chlorine gas rooms shall meet the following requirements:
(a) One complete air change per minute shall be provided when the room is occupied.
(b) The exhaust fan suction shall be within 12 inches of the floor as far as practical from the door and air inlet, with the point of discharge located to avoid contamination of air inlets to other rooms and structures, and to avoid being blocked by snow or other obstructions.
(c) Air inlets shall be located near the ceiling and controlled to prevent adverse temperature variations.
(d) Louvers for the chlorine room air intake and exhaust shall be corrosion resistant and shall facilitate airtight closure.
(e) The exhaust fan switch shall be located outside the entrance to the chlorine room with a signal light indicating fan operation when the fan can be controlled from more than one point. Outside switches shall be protected from vandalism. As an alternative, the fan may be controlled by an automatic door switch with manual shut-off.
Note: It is recommended that switches for fans and lights be interlocked for simultaneous operation.
(f) Vent lines from feeders and storage shall discharge to the outside atmosphere, above grade, in a downward direction, be screened, and be located as required in par. (b). In addition, vent lines shall conform with the manufacturer’s installation recommendations.
(7)Safety equipment. The following safety equipment shall be provided when chlorine gas is used:
(a) Respiratory protection equipment, known as gas masks, meeting the requirements of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) shall be available where chlorine gas is handled, and shall be stored at a convenient heated location, but not inside any room where chlorine is used or stored. The gas masks shall use compressed air, have at least a 30-minute capacity, and be compatible with or exactly the same as the gas masks used by the fire department responsible for the plant. The gas masks shall be available at all installations where chlorine gas is handled and shall be placed outside every room where chlorine gas is used or stored. At installations utilizing 150-pound, or less, cylinders, an agreement with the local fire department that has an approved type of gas mask for the fire department to handle water system chlorine gas leaks may be approved by the department. Instructions for using, testing and replacing gas mask parts shall be posted. Other protective clothing shall be provided as necessary.
(b) A bottle of concentrated ammonium hydroxide, 56 percent ammonia solution, shall be available for chlorine leak detection.
(c) If pressurized chlorine gas is present, continuous chlorine leak detection equipment shall be installed and equipped with both an audible alarm and a warning light. Automatic emergency chlorine cylinder shutdown valves shall also be provided.
(d) If ton cylinders are used, leak repair kits, approved by the Chlorine Institute, shall be available at the waterworks or a nearby fire department.
(8)Ammonia. Ammonia chemical feed installations shall meet all of the following requirements:
(a) Gaseous ammonia. Housing and ventilation for ammoniation shall meet the requirements under subs. (5) and (6) for chlorine, except that the exhaust fan inlet shall be within 12 inches of the ceiling and the fresh air inlet shall be within 12 inches of the floor. Ammonia storage and feed facilities shall be separate from chlorine facilities because of the combustion hazard. A plastic bottle of hydrochloric acid shall be available and used for leak detection.
(b) Ammonium sulfate. Ammonium sulfate chemical feed installation shall meet the chemical storage requirements under s. NR 811.40.
(c) Aqua ammonia. Aqua ammonia installation shall meet all of the following requirements:
1. An aqua ammonia chemical feed and storage system shall be installed in its own dedicated room.
2. Bulk liquid storage tanks and day tanks shall be vented to the outside of the building and discharge downward facing with a 24-mesh corrosion resistant screen a minimum of 24 inches above grade. The chemical tank vents shall be provided with inert liquid traps.
3. An incompatible connector or lockout provisions shall be provided to prevent accidental addition of other chemical to the bulk liquid storage tanks.
4. The bulk liquid storage tanks shall be designed to avoid temperature increases that cause the ammonia vapor pressure over the aqua ammonia to exceed atmospheric pressure. The provisions shall include a means of external cooling or dilution and mixing of the contents with water without opening the bulk liquid storage tank.
5. An exhaust fan shall be installed to withdraw air from high points in the room and makeup air shall be allowed to enter at a low point.
6. The aqua ammonia feed pump, regulators, and lines shall be fitted with pressure relief vents discharging outside the building away from any air intake and with water purge lines leading back to the headspace of the bulk storage tanks.
7. The aqua ammonia shall be conveyed directly from a day tank to the treated water stream injector without the use of a carrier water stream unless the carrier stream is softened.
(9)Calcium hypochlorite tablet chlorinators. Calcium hypochlorite tablet chlorinators shall meet the following design requirements:
(a) Calcium hypochlorite solution formation. The calcium hypochlorite solution shall be produced by dissolving tablets with a department approved feed water source using an erosion chamber or an upward directed spray system. The department may approve other methods or technology for producing calcium hypochlorite solution after the submittal of data from a department-approved pilot program.
(b) Tablets. The calcium hypochlorite tablets used in the chlorinator shall be supplied by the manufacturer of the tablet chlorinator equipment. The supplier of the calcium hypochlorite tablets shall have obtained NSF/ANSI Standard 60 certification for the tablets in accordance with s. NR 810.09.
(c) Tablet hoppers.
1. The tablet hopper shall be sized to provide a minimum of 2 days of supply assuming average day consumption of the tablets.
2. Load cells shall be provided on the hopper so that the weight of the tablets consumed in a 24-hour period can be determined. The design shall allow for collection of the data necessary to determine the theoretical daily chlorine usage. The design shall allow any solution to be drained out of the hopper before weighing the tablets. The load cell equipment shall be capable of providing an alarm when the weight of the tablets approaches a one day supply based upon an average day use. The alarm signal shall be automatically annunciated by the water system controls. A local alarm shall be sounded or signaled by an exterior red light at the pump station if the operation of the pump station is not remotely controlled.
3. The tablet hopper shall include a screened air-vacuum relief device if the possibility of a vacuum condition could develop during the operation of the tablet chlorinator.
(d) Solution tank.
1. The open area for any pipe penetration through the walls of the solution tank shall be sealed sanitarily so that insects and foreign material cannot contaminate the chlorine solution.
2. The on and off operation of the process to produce chlorine solution from the tablets shall be controlled by float switches or sensors located in the solution tank.
3. Float switches or sensors shall be installed and wired to provide automatic shut-off and operator alarms for low and high solution level conditions. The shut-off and alarm signals shall be automatically annunciated by the water system controls. A local alarm shall be sounded or signaled by an exterior red light at the pump station if the operation of the pump station is not remotely controlled.
4. The tank shall be capable of being drained for maintenance purposes.
5. The solution tank shall be sized to keep an adequate supply of calcium hypochlorite in the tank at all times based upon the capabilities of the tablet chlorinator to produce solution and the chemical feed pump withdrawal rates necessary to achieve the required dosages.
(e) Feed water piping requirements.
1. The flow rate and pressure of the feed water piping shall be regulated so as to meet the design flow requirements provided by the supplier of the equipment. A shut-off valve, flow meter, and pressure gauge shall be installed on the feed water piping.
2. Pre-treatment devices shall be installed as necessary if the feed water does not meet the water quality requirements designated for the tablet chlorinator. Any pre-treatment device shall be compatible for use in a potable water system and shall not be used unless approved by the department. A strainer-filter shall be installed on the feed water piping, if necessary.
3. A check valve shall be installed on the feed water piping upstream of any treatment equipment, control valve, or solenoid valve.
4. A solenoid valve shall be installed on the feed water piping to control the flow of water into the tablet chlorinator. The operation of the solenoid valve shall be controlled based upon float switches or sensors located in the solution tank.
5. Erosion type tablet chlorinators shall be provided with a control valve capable of regulating the flow of water through the erosion cell. The submittal for review to the department for an erosion-type tablet chlorinator shall include the chlorine delivery rate versus flow rate curve for the specified model.
(f) Chemical feed pumps.
1. The chemical feed pump shall be wired to operate in association with the well or service pump as required by s. NR 811.39 (4).
2. A tablet chlorinator producing calcium hypochlorite solution shall use a chemical feed pump installed in compliance with s. NR 811.39 (2), or a centrifugal pump.
3. Centrifugal pumps shall be sized to match or exceed the maximum head condition at the point of injection.
4. Flow paced chemical feed pumps installed in compliance with s. NR 811.39 (2) or centrifugal pumps with variable speed motors shall be incorporated into the design if the flow rate of the water being treated may vary based upon automatic control of the well or service pump. The requirements of s. NR 811.39 (2) (d) shall be met.
(g) Chemical injection location.
1. Tablet chlorinator chemical feed pumps shall discharge at locations and in a manner that complies with the installation requirements of s. NR 811.39 (2) (f).
2. When a centrifugal pump will discharge at a point not under continuous positive pressure, the outlet piping between the centrifugal pump and the point of chemical injection shall be installed with a vertical pipe loop that will extend to a height that is a minimum of 12 inches above the top of the solution tank and the location of the chemical addition pipe connection with the water system piping. A vacuum relief valve shall be installed on the top of the pipe loop. As an alternative to the installation of a vertical pipe loop, an electrically operated shut-off valve on the outlet piping, wired to operate in series with the operation of the well or service pump motor and the chemical feed pump, may be installed.
(h) Centrifugal pump discharge piping. The outlet piping of a centrifugal pump shall also be provided with a check valve and a manually operated shut-off valve. These valves shall be installed upstream of any pipe loop or electrically operated shut-off valve as required by par. (g) 2.
(10)Sodium chlorite for chlorine dioxide generation. Proposals for the storage and use of sodium chlorite shall be submitted to the department for approval. Department approval shall be obtained prior to the preparation of final plans and specifications. Provision shall be made for proper storage and handling of sodium chlorite to eliminate any danger of fire or explosion.
(a) Storage.
1. Sodium chlorite shall be stored by itself in a separate room and preferably shall be stored in an outside building detached from the water treatment facility. Sodium chlorite shall be stored away from organic materials with which it could react violently.
2. Storage structures shall be constructed of noncombustible materials.
3. If the storage structure is located in an area where a fire may occur, water shall be available to keep the sodium chlorite area cool enough to prevent heat induced explosive decomposition of the sodium chlorite.
(b) Handling.
1. Care shall be taken to prevent spillage of sodium chlorite.
2. An emergency plan of operation shall be available for the clean up of any spillage.
3. Storage drums containing sodium chlorite shall be thoroughly flushed and the waste shall be discharged to an acceptable location prior to recycling or disposal.
(c) Feeders.
1. Chemical feed pumps shall meet the requirements of s. NR 811.39 (2).
2. Tubing for conveying sodium chlorite or chlorine dioxide solutions shall be Type 1 PVC, polyethylene or materials recommended by the manufacturer.
3. Chemical feeders may be installed in chlorine gas rooms if sufficient space is provided or in separate rooms meeting the requirements of subs. (5) and (6).
4. Feed lines shall be installed in a manner to prevent formation of gas pockets and shall terminate at a point of positive pressure.
5. Check valves shall be provided to prevent the backflow of chlorine into the sodium chlorite line.
History: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10; CR 22-074: am. (1) (a) 2. to 4., (b), (4) (title), (5) (title), r. (5) (e), am. (6) (b), (7) (a), r. and recr. (8) Register January 2024 No. 817, eff. 2-1-24.
NR 811.49Filtration — gravity. The application of any type of gravity filter and media shall be supported by water quality data representing a period of use sufficient to characterize any variations in water quality. Experimental or pilot plant treatment studies may be required to demonstrate the applicability of the method or rate of filtration proposed. Pressure filters will not be approved for surface water applications. The following specific requirements shall be met:
(1)Rapid rate gravity filters.
(a) Pretreatment. Rapid rate gravity filters may only be utilized after coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation.
(b) Number. At least 2 filter units or cells shall be provided. Provisions shall be made to meet the plant design capacity at the approved filtration rate with one filter out of service. If only 2 units or cells are provided, each shall be capable of meeting the plant design capacity, normally the projected maximum daily demand.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.