NR 811.09(1)(c)2.2. ‘Detailed plans.’ A profile of the proposed pipeline and crib shall be provided in addition to construction plans. NR 811.09(1)(d)1.1. ‘Location plan.’ The location plan shall show the location of the treatment plant in relation to the remainder of the water system and the water source or intake. NR 811.09(1)(d)2.2. ‘Layout.’ The general layout plans shall include a contour map of the site, the site size, the size and location of plant structures, a schematic flow diagram indicating the various plant units, the piping layout, and a hydraulic profile at gravity plants. NR 811.09(1)(d)3.3. ‘Detailed plans.’ The detailed construction plans shall include the location, dimensions, elevations and details of all existing and proposed plant units or equipment. NR 811.09(1)(e)(e) Chemical feed equipment. The plan shall include a layout of the waterworks structure and piping. All of the following locations and details of the proposed equipment shall be included: NR 811.09(1)(e)1.1. Descriptions and specifications of feed equipment, including anti-siphon devices and feed ranges. NR 811.09(1)(f)(f) Pumping facilities. The plan shall show a general layout of the pumping equipment, pump bases, suction and discharge lines and related appurtenances. NR 811.09(1)(g)(g) Buildings. The plans shall show the locations of all buildings and other site improvements in relation to the site property boundaries. The following details shall be included, where applicable: NR 811.09(1)(g)1.1. Building dimensions, profiles, elevations, architectural details, plumbing details, HVAC details, security details, and other building appurtenances. NR 811.09(1)(g)3.3. The diameter and locations of all water mains, water service laterals, and appurtenances such as valves and hydrants. NR 811.09(1)(g)4.4. The diameters and locations of all floor drains, building drain, building sewer, and POWTS components. NR 811.09(1)(g)5.5. The location, elevations, construction details, and appurtenances of any on-site storm water retention or detention ponds. NR 811.09(1)(g)6.6. Construction details for any non-water system related improvements to be located or constructed on the property. NR 811.09(1)(h)1.1. ‘Location plan.’ The plan shall show the proposed water main extensions in relation to existing facilities. A map, such as required by s. NR 810.26 (2), of the existing system or a portion thereof with the proposed extensions shown will satisfy this requirement. NR 811.09(1)(h)2.a.a. The location of the proposed water main within the street right-of-way or easement. NR 811.09(1)(h)2.c.c. Elevations at intersections and hydrants or a profile of the proposed water main, proposed or existing sanitary sewers, and storm sewers. NR 811.09(1)(h)2.g.g. Profile views including the ground surface, the proposed water main, the proposed sanitary or storm sewer, and rock depths when approval of a common trench is being requested in areas of high bedrock. NR 811.09(1)(h)3.3. ‘Worksheet submittal.’ Complete information as requested on any required worksheet shall be provided. The forms shall be completed for all water main projects including revisions to existing projects, upgrading of existing mains and resubmittals of projects previously approved by the department. NR 811.09(1)(i)1.1. ‘Location plan.’ The plan shall show the location of the proposed facility in relation to existing facilities. NR 811.09(1)(i)2.2. ‘Detailed plans.’ Plans shall show contour lines at the site and complete construction details. Overflow elevations for existing and proposed facilities shall be noted. NR 811.09(2)(2) Specifications. Complete, detailed material and construction specifications shall be supplied for all phases of the proposed project. Specifications shall contain a program for keeping existing waterworks facilities in operation during construction of additional facilities so as to minimize interruptions of service. Specifications shall be included for controlling erosion on the construction site as a result of construction activity as specified in subch. V of ch. NR 151. NR 811.09 NoteNote: Department approved Construction Site Erosion and Sediment Control Technical Standards can be found on the department’s internet web site.
NR 811.09(3)(3) Engineering report. An engineering report shall be submitted with all reviewable projects with the exception of water main extensions. The engineering report, required by s. NR 108.04 (2) (a), shall contain the controlling assumptions made and the factors used in determining the functional design of the proposed waterworks improvements as a whole and of each of the component parts or units. Where applicable, the report shall make reference to available regional, metropolitan, county or local water supply or water quality management plans and shall clearly indicate whether the proposed project is in conformance with the plans. NR 811.09 NoteNote: It is recommended that the report also include an energy efficiency analysis.
NR 811.09(4)(4) Engineering report requirements. The engineering report required under sub. (3) shall, in all cases, indicate the basis of design and shall include the following specific data, if applicable: NR 811.09(4)(a)(a) Description. A brief description of the project and the need for improvements. NR 811.09(4)(b)(b) Location. A description of the geographic location of the project, including reference to maps or exhibits and the location of existing facilities. NR 811.09(4)(c)(c) Topography. A brief description of the topography of the general area and its relation to the area involved in the project. NR 811.09(4)(d)(d) Population. Past census data and estimated future projection to the design year for the area involved in the project. NR 811.09(4)(e)(e) Design period. The design period being used for sizing major system components, based on the population projection. NR 811.09(4)(f)(f) Investigations. The results of any investigations, such as soil borings, test wells, pilot tests, water quality data, and fire flow tests. NR 811.09(4)(g)(g) Flooding. Any areas of the project which are located within the floodway or floodplain as defined in ch. NR 116 shall conform to the requirements of that chapter. NR 811.09(4)(h)(h) Wetlands. Any areas of the project which are to be located within a wetland, pass through a wetland or may impact a wetland shall be identified. NR 811.09 NoteNote: Copies of the Wisconsin wetland inventory maps are available for inspection at the office of the department of natural resources and may be purchased through the department’s internet web site. The department of natural resources is in the process of placing the wetland inventory maps on the department’s internet web site.
NR 811.09(4)(i)(i) Recommendations. After discussion of alternatives, the recommendations for improvements shall be listed and a statement of the reasons for selection of the recommended alternative shall be provided. A discussion of estimated capital costs and estimated annual operation and maintenance costs shall be included. NR 811.09(4)(j)(j) Specific information. The report shall, in addition, include specific information relevant to the type of project. The specific information required for each type of project is as follows: NR 811.09(4)(j)1.1. ‘Groundwater sources — Well site investigation reports.’ A copy of a well site investigation report shall be submitted for department review and approval prior to the department approving the construction of a permanent well as required in sub. (1) (b) 2., or where there is reasonable certainty that the location of any test well will be the location of the permanent well. If no test well is to be constructed, site approval may be obtained simultaneously with department approval of plans for the final well. The investigation shall include a field survey of the well site and the surrounding area. The investigation shall consist, at a minimum, of a map and report indicating: NR 811.09(4)(j)1.a.a. The well location by quarter quarter section, township, range, county, latitude, and longitude. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.f.f. The potential contamination sources within 1/2 mile of the well location summarized in a table or list including distance and direction from the well site and also shown on a map surrounding the well site. The table or list shall include an assessment of the potential for the contamination sources to impact a well constructed on the site and shall include information obtained by checking the department’s database of contaminated properties, established in accordance with ss. 292.12 (3), 292.31 (1), and 292.57, Stats., and the department of safety and professional services Storage Tank Database. NR 811.09 NoteNote: The department’s database of contaminated properties, established in accordance with ss. 292.12 (3), 292.31 (1), and 292.57, Stats., can be found on the department’s Bureau for Remediation and Redevelopment internet web site. The Bureau for Remediation and Redevelopment Tracking System (BRRTS) is an on-line database that provides information on areas of known contaminated soil or groundwater and tracks the status of the cleanup actions. RR Sites Map is the program’s geographic information system that provides a map-based system of contaminated properties in Wisconsin. Information that appears on the RR program’s database and GIS applications can also be obtained by contacting the regional drinking water staff person responsible for the water system. The department can be contacted to obtain a copy of A Guide For Conducting Potential Contaminant Source Inventories For Wellhead Protection. The department of safety and professional services Storage Tank Database Information can be found on the department of safety and professional services internet web site. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.g.g. The specific geologic formation or formations from which water will be pumped or withdrawn. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.h.h. The test or final well construction details, or both, including the descending order and depths of the specific geologic formations to be penetrated. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.i.i. The proposed test or final well pumping capacity in gallons per minute, or both, as applicable. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.j.j. The direction of groundwater flow in the specific geologic formation or formations from which water will be pumped or withdrawn. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.k.k. The zone of influence of the proposed well consisting of the distance to one foot of aquifer drawdown at the anticipated final pumping rate when pumpage of the well is assumed to be continuous without recharge for 30 days. The zone of influence shall be calculated using the Theis Method with or without computer modeling unless another method is approved by the department. The aquifer transmissivity (T) and storage (S) coefficients used shall be provided. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.L.L. The recharge area for the well. The recharge area shall be calculated using the Uniform Flow Equation or a computer generated groundwater model unless another method is approved by the department. NR 811.09 NoteNote: A copy of A Template For Preparing Wellhead Protection Plans For Municipal Wells, in which use of the Uniform Flow Equation is discussed, may be obtained from the department.
NR 811.09(4)(j)1.m.m. The results from any previous test wells including details of test well location and construction, water quality, pumping conditions including drawdown effects, if applicable, on other nearby wells or surface water bodies, geologic borings, and seismic, resistivity or other groundwater investigations. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.n.n. The anticipated annual volume of water to be withdrawn and the compatibility with the existing water supply facilities. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.q.q. The distance and direction from the proposed well to the nearest existing well serving another water utility. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.r.r. The distance and direction from the proposed well to the nearest neighboring private wells within 1,200 feet of the well site. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.t.t. The locations of alternate well sites for the proposed well and other information such as test pumping or modeling as requested by the department in order to conduct a review under ch. NR 820 to justify the proposed well location if the well will be pumped at a rate equal to or greater than 70 gallons per minute and the department determines that the proposed well will be located within a groundwater protection area as defined in s. 281.34 (1) (am), Stats., or that operation of the well could result in significant adverse impacts to springs as defined in s. 281.34 (1) (f), Stats. NR 811.09(4)(j)1.u.u. A summary evaluation of the site including advantages and disadvantages and the need for any possible water treatment. NR 811.09(4)(j)2.2. ‘Surface water sources.’ To assess the water available at the source, the engineering report shall include a survey and study of the source, including obtaining samples from a number of locations and depths in order to select the best intake site. Sampling shall be sufficient to adequately determine the water quality characteristics. The report shall summarize information on hydrological data, such as safe yield, maximum and minimum water levels or flows, the quality of raw water with special emphasis on results of testing programs, fluctuation in water quality, including seasonal variations and effects, the presence of befouling organisms, and existing and future potential sources of contamination. NR 811.09(4)(j)3.3. ‘Water treatment or chemical addition processes.’ The engineering report shall include a summary establishing the adequacy of the proposed processes for the treatment of the specific water under consideration. The report shall include any data from pilot or full scale plant studies and describe the method of disposal of any wastes and any possible effects on the environment. NR 811.09(4)(j)4.4. ‘Pumping facilities.’ The engineering report shall include a description of the area to be served and the basis for design, including maximum and minimum discharge heads and flows, pump operational controls, and provisions for emergency operation. NR 811.09(4)(j)5.5. ‘Water storage facilities.’ The engineering report shall include a description of the high to low static pressure range which the proposed facility will provide for existing and future service areas and the volume of domestic and fire storage required within the design period. The report shall explain how the proposed and existing facilities will meet these requirements. The report shall also relate the compatibility of the proposed facilities with existing facilities and any changes that will have to be made to the existing facilities. NR 811.09 HistoryHistory: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10; correction in (1) (a), (4) (j) 1. f. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 6., Stats., Register December 2011 No. 672; correction in (4) (j) 1. t. made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register February 2017 No. 734; CR 22-074: renum. (1) (h) 2. to (1) (h) (intro.) to h. and am. Register January 2024 No. 817, eff. 2-1-24. NR 811.10NR 811.10 Owner approval requirement. If an engineer or other agent submitting plans to the department is not an employee or otherwise retained by the owner of the water system, written acceptance of the final plans by the owner is required. A copy of the owner approval letter shall be included along with the submission of the plans to the department. NR 811.10 NoteNote: As an example, if an engineer is retained by a developer to design water main extensions which will be connected to a municipal system and eventually be owned by the municipality, the plans must be accepted in writing by the municipality prior to the submission of plans to the department.
NR 811.10 HistoryHistory: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10. NR 811.11NR 811.11 Resident project representative. A resident project representative shall be designated by the water supply owner or by the agent retained by the owner. The resident project representative shall be knowledgeable regarding the proposed construction, and be able to competently determine whether or not the improvements are being constructed in accordance with the department approved plans and specifications and the conditions of the approval. The project representative shall be present on the work site as needed to assure proper construction and installation of the improvements. Hiring a resident project representative does not negate the owner’s responsibility to assure proper construction and installation. NR 811.11 HistoryHistory: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10. NR 811.12(1)(1) General requirements. Any proposal which would result in a diversion from the Great Lakes basin requires department approval in accordance with s. 281.346, Stats. Wells shall be constructed in conformance with the following requirements:
Department of Natural Resources (NR)
Chs. NR 800- ; Environmental Protection – Water Supply
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