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(b) Results of microbiological samples collected to satisfy requirements of subch. I shall be reported to the department and the water supplier within 24 hours of the time the results are obtained by the laboratory. When results are obtained on a weekend or holiday, the results shall be provided to the water supplier and the department as soon as practicable.
(c) Analytical results other than those under par. (b) obtained to satisfy requirements of this chapter shall be reported as required under subs. (1) and (2).
(d) The department may approve submission of compliance data required under this chapter in alternate formats on a case-by-case basis if the alternate format does not create a delay in determining compliance with any requirement in this chapter or have the potential for delaying response to a public health threat.
(5)Public notice reporting. The water supplier, within 10 days of completion of each public notification required under subch. VII, shall submit to the department a certification that it has fully complied with the public notification regulations. The water supplier shall include with this certification a representative copy of each type of notice distributed, published, posted, or made available to the persons served by the public water system or to the media, or both.
(6)Monthly operating reports — without filtration. A water supplier for a public water system that uses a groundwater source under the direct influence of surface water and does not provide filtration treatment shall report monthly to the department the information specified in this subsection.
(a) Source water quality information shall be reported to the department within 10 days after the end of each month the public water system serves water to the public. Information that shall be reported includes:
1. The cumulative number of months for which results are reported.
2. The number of fecal or total coliform samples, whichever are analyzed during the month, or if the water supplier monitors for both, only the number of fecal coliform samples, the dates of sample collection, and the dates when the turbidity level exceeded 1 NTU.
3. The number of samples during the month that had equal to or less than 20/100 ml fecal coliforms or equal to or less than 100/100 ml total coliforms, whichever are analyzed.
4. The cumulative number of fecal or total coliform samples, whichever are analyzed, during the previous 6 months the public water system served water to the public.
5. The cumulative number of samples that had equal to or less than 20/100 ml fecal coliforms or equal to or less than 100/100 ml total coliforms, whichever are analyzed, during the previous 6 months the public water system served water to the public.
6. The percentage of samples that had equal to or less than 20/100 ml fecal coliforms or equal to or less than 100/100 ml total coliforms, whichever are analyzed, during the previous 6 months the public water system served water to the public.
7. The maximum turbidity level measured during the month, the dates of occurrence for any measurements which exceeded 5 NTU, and the dates the occurrences were reported to the department.
8. For the first 12 months of record keeping, the dates and cumulative number of events during which the turbidity exceeded 5 NTU, and after one year of record keeping for turbidity measurements, the dates and cumulative number of events during which the turbidity exceeded 5 NTU in the previous 12 months the public water system served water to the public.
9. For the first 120 months of record keeping, the dates and cumulative number of events during which the turbidity exceeded 5 NTU, and after 10 years of record keeping for turbidity measurements, the dates and cumulative number of events during which the turbidity exceeded 5 NTU in the previous 120 months the public water system served water to the public.
(b) Disinfection information specified in s. NR 810.38 (1) shall be reported to the department within 10 days after the end of each month the public water system serves water to the public. Information that shall be reported includes:
1. For each day, the lowest measurement of residual disinfectant concentration in mg/l in water entering the distribution system.
2. The date and duration of each period when the residual disinfectant concentration in water entering the distribution system fell below 0.2 mg/l and when the department was notified of the occurrence.
3. The daily residual disinfectant concentrations (in mg/l) and disinfectant contact times (in minutes) used for calculating the CT values.
4. If chlorine is used, the daily measurements of pH of disinfected water following each point of chlorine disinfection.
5. The daily measurements of water temperature in ºC following each point of disinfection.
6. The daily CTcalc and CTcalc/CT99.9 values for each disinfectant measurement or sequence and the sum of all CTcalc/CT 99.9 values (S(CTcalc/ CT99.9)) before or at the first customer.
7. The daily determination of whether disinfection achieves adequate Giardia lamblia cyst and virus inactivation, i.e., whether (CTcalc/ CT99.9) is at least 1.0, or where disinfectants other than chlorine are used, other indicator conditions that the department determines are appropriate, are met.
8. The following information on the samples taken in the distribution system in conjunction with total coliform monitoring pursuant to s. NR 810.31:
a. Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is measured;
b. Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is not measured but heterotrophic bacteria plate count (HPC) is measured;
c. Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is measured but not detected and no HPC is measured;
d. Number of instances where no residual disinfectant concentration is detected and where HPC is > 500/ml;
e. Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is not measured and HPC is > 500/ml;
f. For the current and previous month the public water system serves water to the public, the value of “V” in the following formula:
V = c + d + e/a + b x 100
a = the value in this subd. 8. a.
b = the value in this subd. 8. b.
c = the value in this subd. 8. c.
d = the value in this subd. 8. d.
e = the value in this subd. 8. e.
g. If the department determines, based on site specific considerations, that a water supplier has no means for having a sample transported and analyzed for HPC by a certified laboratory within the requisite time and temperature conditions specified by s. NR 810.38 and that the public water system is providing adequate disinfection in the distribution system, the requirements of this subd. 8. a. to f. do not apply.
9. A water supplier need not report the data listed in subds. 1. and 3. to 6. if all data listed in par. (b) remain on file at the public water system and department determines that:
a. The water supplier has submitted to the department all the information required by subds. 1. to 8. for at least 12 months; and
b. The department has determined that the public water system is not required to provide filtration treatment.
(c) No later than 10 days after September 30, the end of each federal fiscal year, each water supplier shall provide to the department a report which summarizes the public water system’s compliance with all wellhead protection program requirements specified in s. NR 810.30 (2) (b).
(d) No later than 10 days after September 30, the end of each federal fiscal year, each water supplier shall provide to the department a report of the on-site inspection conducted during that year pursuant to s. NR 810.32 (2) (c), unless the on-site inspection was conducted by the department. If the inspection was conducted by the department, the department shall provide a copy of its report to the public water system.
1. Each water supplier, upon discovering that a waterborne disease outbreak potentially attributable to their public water system has occurred, shall report that occurrence to the department as soon as possible, but no later than by the end of the next business day.
2. If at any time the turbidity exceeds 5 NTU, the water supplier shall consult with the department as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the exceedance is known, in accordance with the public notification requirements under s. NR 809.952 (2) (c).
3. If at any time the disinfectant residual falls below 0.2 mg/l in the water entering the distribution system, the water supplier shall notify the department as soon as possible, but no later than by the end of the next business day. The water supplier also shall notify the department by the end of the next business day whether or not the residual was restored to at least 0.2 mg/l within 4 hours.
(7)Monthly operating reports — with filtration. A water supplier for a public water system that uses a surface water source or a groundwater source under the direct influence of surface water and provides filtration treatment shall report monthly to the department the information specified in this subsection.
(a) Turbidity measurements as required by s. NR 810.38 (2) (a) shall be reported within 10 days after the end of each month the public water system serves water to the public. Information that shall be reported includes:
1. The total number of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month and the highest daily turbidity measurement for each day.
2. The number and percentage of filtered water turbidity measurements taken during the month which are less than or equal to the turbidity limits specified in s. NR 810.29 for the filtration technology being used.
3. The date and value of any turbidity measurements taken during the month which exceed 1.0 NTU for public water systems using conventional or direct filtration, or which exceed the maximum level set in s. NR 810.29.
(b) Disinfection information specified in s. NR 810.38 shall be reported to the department within 10 days after the end of each month the public water system serves water to the public. Information that shall be reported includes:
1. For each day, the lowest measurement of residual disinfectant concentration in mg/l in water entering the distribution system.
2. The date and duration of each period when the residual disinfectant concentration in water entering the distribution system fell below 0.2 mg/l and when the department was notified of the occurrence.
3. The following information on the samples taken in the distribution system in conjunction with total coliform monitoring pursuant to s. NR 810.31:
a. Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is measured;
b. Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is not measured but heterotrophic bacteria plate count (HPC) is measured;
c. Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is measured but not detected and no HPC is measured;
d. Number of instances where no residual disinfectant concentration is detected and where HPC is > 500/ml;
e. Number of instances where the residual disinfectant concentration is not measured and HPC is > 500/ml;
f. For the current and previous month the public water system serves water to the public, the value of “V” in the following formula:
V = c + d + e/a + b x 100
a = the value in this subd. 3. a.
b = the value in this subd. 3. b.
c = the value in this subd. 3. c.
d = the value in this subd. 3. d.
e = the value in this subd. 3. e.
g. If the department determines, based on site specific considerations, that a water supplier has no means for having a sample transported and analyzed for HPC by a certified laboratory within the requisite time and temperature conditions specified by s. NR 810.38 and that the public water system is providing adequate disinfection in the distribution system, the requirements of this subd. 3. a. to f. do not apply.
4. A water supplier need not report the data listed in subd. 1. if all data listed in this paragraph remains on file at the public water system and the department determines that the water supplier has submitted all the information required by this paragraph for at least 12 months.
1. If during any 4 hour monitoring period the turbidity exceeds 0.3 NTU or at any time during the month, turbidity measurements indicate the 95th percentile turbidity level of 0.5 NTU will be exceeded for that month, the water supplier shall inform the department as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the next business day.
2. If at any time the disinfectant residual falls below 0.2 mg/l in the water entering the distribution system, the water supplier shall notify the department as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the next business day. The water supplier also shall notify the department by the end of the next business day whether or not the residual was restored to at least 0.2 mg/l within 4 hours.
(8)Records retention and reporting. Public water systems shall maintain the results of individual filter monitoring taken under s. NR 810.38 (2) for at least 3 years. Water suppliers shall report that they have conducted individual filter turbidity monitoring under s. NR 810.38 (2) (b) within 10 days after the end of each month the public water system serves water to the public. Water suppliers shall report individual filter turbidity measurement results taken under s. NR 810.38 (2) within 10 days after the end of each month the public water system serves water to the public only if measurements demonstrate one or more of the conditions in pars. (a) to (d). Water suppliers for public water systems that use lime softening may apply to the department for alternative exceedance levels for the levels specified in pars. (a) to (d) if they can demonstrate that higher turbidity levels in individual filters are due to lime carryover only and not due to degraded filter performance.
(a) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 1.0 NTU in 2 consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart, the water supplier shall report the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the dates on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the water supplier shall either produce a filter profile for the filter within 7 days of the exceedance, if the water supplier is not able to identify an obvious reason for the abnormal filter performance, and report that the profile has been produced or report the obvious reason for the exceedance.
(b) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 0.5 NTU in 2 consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at the end of the first 4 hours of continuous filter operation after the filter has been backwashed or otherwise taken offline, the water supplier shall report the filter number, the turbidity, and the dates on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the water supplier shall either produce a filter profile for the filter within 7 days of the exceedance, if the water supplier not able to identify an obvious reason for the abnormal filter performance, and report that the profile has been produced or report the obvious reason for the exceedance.
(c) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 1.0 NTU in 2 consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any time in each of 3 consecutive months, the water supplier shall report the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the dates on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the water supplier shall conduct a self-assessment of the filter within 14 days of the exceedance and report that the self-assessment was conducted. The self-assessment shall consist of at least the following components: assessment of filter performance; development of a filter profile; identification and prioritization of factors limiting filter performance; assessment of the applicability of corrections; and preparation of a filter self-assessment report.
(d) For any individual filter that has a measured turbidity level of greater than 2.0 NTU in 2 consecutive measurements taken 15 minutes apart at any time in each of 2 consecutive months, the water supplier shall report the filter number, the turbidity measurement, and the dates on which the exceedance occurred. In addition, the water supplier shall arrange for the conduct of a comprehensive performance evaluation by the department or a third party approved by the department no later than 30 days following the exceedance and have the evaluation completed and submitted to the department no later than 90 days following the exceedance.
(e) The following turbidity exceedances shall be reported as follows:
1. If at any time the turbidity exceeds 1 NTU on representative samples of filtered water in a public water system using conventional filtration treatment or direct filtration, the water supplier system shall inform the department as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the next business day.
2. If at any time the turbidity in representative samples of filtered water exceeds the maximum level set by the department under s. NR 810.29 (5) for filtration technologies other than conventional filtration treatment, direct filtration, slow sand filtration or diatomaceous earth filtration, the water supplier shall inform the department as soon as possible, but no later than the end of the next business day.
(9)Waterborne disease reporting. Each water supplier, upon discovering that a waterborne disease outbreak potentially attributable to the water supplier’s public water system has occurred, shall report that occurrence to the department as soon as possible, but no later than by the end of the next business day.
(9m)Seasonal system start-up procedure reporting. Before serving water to the public, the water supplier for a seasonal public water system must certify to the department that it has complied with the department-approved start-up procedure.
(10)Additional record reporting. Upon the request of the department, the water supplier shall submit to the department copies of any records required to be maintained under s. NR 809.82 or copies of any documents then in existence which the department is entitled to inspect under the authority of s. 281.97, Stats.
(11)Reporting format. The department may specify the format for reporting analytical results required under this chapter.
History: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10; correction in (8) (intro.) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register November 2010 No. 659; CR 15-049: am. (7) (c) 1., cr. (9m) Register March 2016 No. 723, eff. 4-1-16.
NR 809.82Record maintenance. Any water supplier of a public water system subject to the provisions of this chapter shall retain on the premises or at a convenient location near the premises the following records:
(1)Analytical result records. Records of microbiological analyses and turbidity analyses made pursuant to chs. NR 810 and 811 and this chapter shall be kept for not less than 5 years. Records of chemical analyses made pursuant to chs. NR 810 and 811 and this chapter shall be kept for not less than 10 years. Actual laboratory reports may be kept, or data may be transferred to tabular summaries, provided that all of the following information is included:
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.